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Tag: Digestive Health

why to squat and poop

9 Reasons You Should Squat To Poop

Squatting isn’t the modern way to poop, but it's something that's second nature to people in some parts of the world for centuries. With your body positioned more ergonomically for bowel movement, you may be able to strain less, finish pooping faster, and empty bowels completely. You may even be able to prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, and a host of colorectal problems if you squat instead of sit.
Things that harm your gut bacteria

7 Things You Didn’t Know Are Harming Your Gut Bacteria

Gut bacteria is important for digestion, immunity and keeping bad bacteria under control. The balance of gut bacteria can be affected by alcohol, smoking, insufficient sleep and an improper diet. Taking antibiotics, stress, and lack of physical activity can affect the number of good bacteria, thus negatively impacting your health. Ensure that you life a healthy lifestyle to promote the growth of good bacteria.
6 Reasons Why Falsa Fruit Is Good For Your Health

6 Reasons Why Falsa Fruit Is Good For Your Health

Falsa fruit can protect the body from diseases like common cold due to vitamin C. It may treat rheumatism due to its anti-inflammatory properties. The presence of calcium and other minerals strengthen the bones. It can relieve digestive issues like diarrhea due to its dietary fiber. The presence of potassium in the fruit promotes a healthy heart. The fruit may reduce the risk of cancer.
5 Natural Ways To Heal The Leaky Gut Syndrome

5 Natural Ways To Heal The Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky gut syndrome is the collective name given to bloating, fogginess, fatigue, unexplained allergies, and sometimes, serious psychological conditions. The good news is that a leaky gut can be healed naturally by including enough probiotics in the diet, using as much of well-cooked protein as possible, getting adequate amounts of L-glutamine and fasting once a week to help the gut heal. It is important to be consistent with these methods so as to avoid a relapse.
You Can Follow Simple Ayurvedic Practices To Improve Your Digestion

5 Ways To Boost Your Digestion With Ayurveda

Ayurveda is the sister science of yoga and the world's oldest healing system. It stems from two roots words: ayush, which means "life," and...

6 Life-Threatening Effects Of Anorexia Nervosa You Should Know About

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder which compels people to compulsively eat less for the sake of losing weight. People affected by this condition...

5 Need To Know Health Benefits Of Green Gram

Green gram is a legume with many health benefits. It’s also very easy to cook! The high fiber and protein content will control hunger, making it easier to manage weight. Fiber is also useful for fighting constipation and high blood cholesterol. If you want to control and prevent diabetes, the fiber also regulates blood sugar. Eating green gram will also boost your intake of iron, a mineral needed for healthy red blood cells.

6 Amazing Ways How Bacteria Can Help You

The word "germs" can instill fear in you, but did you know that certain germs in your body are good for your health? The microbiota of the body plays a very important role in health, both physical and mental. Gut bacteria help improve digestion, ward off infections, and even fight cancer, just by being present. In women, bacteria keep the vaginal canal healthy and safe from being colonized by other harmful bacteria.

6 Reasons Why You Should Start Squats Today

Squats engage the core muscles and can help build the overall muscles in the body. They help you burn the calories by gaining muscles. Squats can improve digestion – by maintaining regular bowel movements – and posture. They may also help balance hormones in the body, especially testosterone and growth hormone. Squats are cost-effective because they can be performed anywhere and do not require you to go to the gym.

8 Key Health Benefits Of Asafoetida

Asafoetida is a common condiment used in Indian cuisine. Its unique chemical blend has many incredible medicinal usages. The health benefits associated with this...

7 Amazing Health Benefits Of Figs

Figs are a brightly colored fruit, originally grown in South Asian countries. They are now available in most parts of the world, usually in...

What Are The Health Benefits Of Mullein?

Mullein, or common mullein, is a traditional medicinal plant. It’s full of polyphenols with anti-oxidative activity. As an antiseptic, it can protect wounds and treat staph skin infections. It will also fight the flu thanks to its antiviral properties. Additional health benefits include relief from diarrhea, abdominal pain, and migraines. Mullein can be inhaled or smoked to soothe the respiratory tract and help asthma.

How To Cure Acne & Pimples Effectively From Inside

Acne and pimples are a nightmare for young women and men. If left untreated, they leave permanent scars on your face. In fact, they...
Eating a banana a day can be healthy

5 Health Benefits Of Bananas You Should Know About

Minions made the bananas cool, but their benefits will make you a fan in no time. Bananas are excellent foods to include as a snack in your daily diet as they help fight cravings and also relieve constipation. Bananas are also very nutritive and can provide several essential minerals. Even the peels are not far behind, as they can be effectively used to massage the skin and fight aging.
health benefits of nectarines

7 Ways Nectarines Can Benefit Your Health

Nectarines are similar to plums but do not have the velvety coat seen on plums. They contain vitamin A and C, fiber, and flavonoids that provide the wide range of health benefits. Nectarines can effectively reduce the risk of developing heart diseases, regulate your blood sugar, improve immunity, and also fight cancer. Its fiber content can help you lose weight, and also improve your digestion.