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Boost Your Immune System With Healthy Probiotics

Boost Your Immune System With Healthy Probiotics

You must've come across the popular saying "it all lies in the gut" at some point. Truth is, about 70-80% of your entire immune system resides within your gut. If you're in search of a defense mechanism against unwarranted inflammation in your gut, look no further than probiotics! Besides alleviating inflammation, probiotics like yogurt and soft cheese modulate your immune system and enhance your body's innate immunity too, thereby boosting your overall immune function.

7 Components To Help Master Your Body And Mind

Feeling fatigued, lot, and worse than you should? Wondering what's missing? Minerals that help you stay healthy probably are. Inflammation is causing those unexplained diseases and pains. Stress and lack of adequate sleep are throwing you off track. Breathing consciously can help a lot. Good, quality nutrition and maintaining gut health can also make you feel better. Making simple lifestyle changes can help you lead a wholesome life.
Undigested food, fecal matter, and other types of gunk may sit in your colon for a week or more and can lead to many health issues

How To Cleanse Your Intestines To Flush Out Toxins And Waste Products

When you make up your mind to start living a healthy life, the first thing you should do is cleanse your system, especially your...
Is It Possible For Leftover Feces To Cause Toxicity?

5 Things You Need To Know About Colon Cleansing

Mammals have well developed digestive systems that help them derive nutrients from consumed foods and discard the waste produced. The digestive process commences with...
Home Remedies With Tamarind Leaves

7 Amazing Ways To Use Tamarind Leaves For Your Health

The tamarind fruit has a distinct sweet-sour tanginess that makes it popular in South Asian cooking. However, much lesser known are its leaves which...

5 Foods That Harm Your Gut Bacteria And Immunity

The gut flora is responsible for how healthy you are as the gut influences your immune system. What you eat can have a remarkable effect on the balance of gut bacteria. Harmful food habits include wheat/gluten, irresponsible use of antibiotics, alcohol addiction, chemicals sprayed on produce, and carrageenan. These foods can upset the bacteria balance, kill the good bacteria, and make you weaker.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids

6 Critical Things You Need To Know About Omega-3 Fatty Acids

1. What Are Omega- 3 Fatty Acids? Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids that are essential for our bodies to perform several important functions....
The color or texture of your poop can tell you a lot about your health, and how you poop can also impact you:

You May Never Poop The Same Way Again After Reading This

Your bowel movements don't usually come up as a topic in your conversations, but they are extremely important. The color or texture of your poop...

12 Proven Natural Remedies You Can Swear By

If you’re somebody who doesn’t reach out for a pill to pop every time a minor ailment presents itself and believe in trying out...

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): A Common Endometriosis Misdiagnosis

Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is a relatively common disorder that affects the colon. It is termed a diagnosis of exclusion because a diagnosis...
Acupuncture might relieve constipation.

How Acupuncture Might Help With Constipation

Are you having less than 3 bowel movements in a week? Are your stools hard, small, dry, and difficult to pass? You could be suffering from constipation. Whether your constipation issue is an occasional occurrence or a chronic problem, there are a wide range of chemical, natural, and alternate techniques to treat it. New research indicates that you can get effective relief from severe constipation by opting for electroacupuncture, an alternative form of therapy.
10 Nutritional & Lifestyle Changes To Improve Mental Clarity

10 Nutritional & Lifestyle Changes To Improve Mental Clarity

To improve mental clarity, include sources rich in phosphatidylserine (PS) and oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) like fruits, vegetables, nuts, liver, kidneys etc. Vitamin D and magnesium-rich foods can elevate your mood. Sleep and exercise can reduce stress and anxiety, improving functions of the brain. Practicing mindfulness helps you focus on the present. Having proteins and avoiding sugar can also help improve mental health.
Cold water and warm water both have benefits.

Cold Water Vs. Hot Water: Which Should You Drink For Better Health?

For better digestion, skin care, and higher metabolism, warm water is best. In fact, it's also great for relieving congestion when you have a cough or cold. Cold water, on the other hand, is great for post-exercise rehydration because our bodies absorb cold water better when dehydrated. It's also the best in warmer weather to decrease body temperature and prevent water loss through sweating.

Apple Cider Vinegar: 7 Recipes For Digestion, Detox, And More

Apple cider vinegar contains acids and bacterial cultures that are good for gut health, immunity. It can help relieve digestive problems like diarrhea and gas. It can help relieve sinusitis as well. It's a good way to prevent UTI's as it maintains an acidic environment. It lowers cholesterol and glucose levels which can ultimately aid weight loss as well.

Effects And Benefits Of A Post-Cardio Cooldown

After a rigorous cardio workout, it is important to cooldown. A cooldown after an intense cardio exercise helps the heart rate to reduce gradually. Abruptly stopping a cardio exercise can cause the blood to collect in the body’s extremities. It may also cause nausea and may cause the person to faint. People with heart conditions must not exert themselves and should cooldown after a cardio workout.