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Tag: Digestive Health

5 Common Signs Of GERD To Watch Out For

You may choose to ignore symptoms like heartburn, indigestion, and chronic cough. But did you know that these can be your body’s warning signals for GERD? Occurring on their own or along with chest pain or difficulty in swallowing commonly veers toward a GERD diagnosis. So watch out for these symptoms and seek help at the right time as an untreated disease can lead to many other complications, including cancer.
symptoms of malabsorption

Symptoms Of Malabsorption To Watch Out For

Weight loss and malnutrition might seem like the obvious signs of malabsorption, your body’s inability to absorb certain nutrients or properly digest certain types of foods. But did you know that even jaundice and diabetes may develop from certain malabsorption syndromes? Gas, bloating, greasy stools, abdominal pain, and diarrhea are all common symptoms of malabsorption. With underlying causes ranging from lactose intolerance and celiac disease to pancreatic infections, liver disease, crohn's disease and even HIV or AIDS you need to be alert to the symptoms so you can get medical help in time.

8 Annoying Things Moms Have To Deal With After A C-Section

A C-section birth is more than going through the process of receiving an anesthesia, incision, stitches, and recovery from the surgery. What follows after...
(Finding the guts to do what you love is not difficult at all)

How To Muster Up The Courage To Do The Things You Love

Activities like backpacking across Europe, climbing Mount Everest, cliff jumping, and skydiving sound like very fun things to do. And many adrenaline junkies may be able...
Benefits Of Curcumin For Anti-Inflammatory Disorders

Benefits Of Curcumin For Inflammatory Disorders

Curcumin is an active compound found in turmeric which also gives it its yellow-orange color. Although it has a wide range of benefits. Curcumin's anti-inflammatory properties make it useful in treating cancer, AIDS, arthritis, skin problems, and even diabetes. It can also prevent and treat inflammatory bowel disease or IBD and neurodegenerative diseases by reducing inflammation.
Probiotics are a must in your daily diet for a balanced gut

This Is How Probiotics Make You Feel Great Inside Out

Probiotics restore the gut’s balance, helping the gut-brain axis thrive. This benefits the central nervous system and improves sadness, anxiety, and depression. Gut balance also keeps you regular, so you won’t have to stress about the next bathroom trip. Even your immunity will flourish and keep sickness at bay. To avoid feeling “hangry”, balance the gut for appetite control. This will also reduce acne and skin problems by fighting inflammation.
What spicy food does to your body.

Pros And Cons Of Eating Spicy Food For Your Body

Spicy food lovers have reason to rejoice as there are several health benefits that spicy food can offer. It not only fights coughs and colds but also promotes weight loss and boosts your metabolism. It also acts as an aphrodisiac! However, eating excessive amounts of spicy food might not be healthy, as it could cause diarrhea and cause allergic reactions.
can strengthen your immune syste

6 Home Remedies For Allergies That Actually Work

Living with allergies is like walking in a field full of landmines. While some triggers are obvious, you never are too sure what may...

6 Signs You Might Be Fostering A Stomach Ulcer

A peptic ulcer is one of the most painful, invisible conditions you can suffer from. It is caused due to excessive use of painkillers, because of a bacterium, or even due to stress. The most important sign of an ulcer is a gnawing pain in the stomach that radiates out. Other symptoms include poor digestion, gas, nausea and a severe loss of appetite. Treatment for ulcers is based on their cause. An untreated ulcer can be very dangerous.

7 Ways To Get Your Metabolism Up And Running

The number that shows up on the weighing scale ultimately comes down to how fast your metabolism is. When we eat food, our metabolism...
Drinking coffee every morning is a ritual, but not on an empty stomach

6 Reasons To Stop Drinking Coffee On An Empty Stomach

Find yourself making a dash to your coffee maker as soon as you wake up in the morning? As refreshing as your favorite cup of Joe is, taking it on an empty stomach can lead to a whole host of serious health issues. From gastrointestinal and nutritional problems to anxiety and depression issues, your craving for that jolt of caffeine before you eat anything first can end up costing you dearly.
Sweet potatoes can sweeten your diabetic diet

5 Hidden Reasons Why Sweet Potatoes Are Good For Diabetics

You are probably unable to eat anything sweet due to your insulin levels. If you're a diabetic, sweet potatoes can be your best bet for a food choice as they're high in fiber and have a low glycemic index. Besides helping you control your blood sugar levels, sweet potatoes are known to boost your digestion, are good for your heart, and can even bring down your risk of cancer.

Facial Fascia Treatment For Younger-Looking Skin

When skin ages, it loses its firmness, becomes translucent and dull, and gets dark spots. It also loses the ability to repair itself as quickly as it used to. Cosmetic procedures like botox, trichloroacetic acid peel, sclerotherapy, and radio frequency skin tightening promise younger looking skin but don't last long. They also might have side effects. New research has shown that fascia, which is the tissue that shapes skin, could be manipulated for firmer skin.

Manage Irritable Bowel Syndrome With A Little Bit Of Turmeric

Naturally managing IBS can be done with turmeric. The active compound curcumin reduces muscle contractions, a major reason behind pain. Curcumin also regulates colon motility so the stool won’t move too fast or slow. Many IBS patients also have food allergies, but curcumin improves the immune response. Is IBS stressing you out? Curcumin enhances mood and limits symptoms by increasing serotonin in the brain and gut. It even reduces the stress hormone cortisol.

6 Signs Your Gut Flora Is Completely Imbalanced

Millions of tiny microorganisms live in your gut can influence everything from your immunity to your state of mind. There are both good and...