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Tag: Anxiety

benefits of sensory deprivation tanks

Sensory Deprivation Tanks And Their Health Benefits

Isolation tanks or floatation therapy utilizes the large tanks filled with Epsom salt containing water that's temperature -regulated. Spending 2 hours in a sensory deprivation tank with no exposure to light or sound stimulates your parasympathetic nervous system. This relaxes your body and mind. It has also been scientifically proven to be effective in easing chronic pain.

Herbal Tinctures For Insomnia, Pain, And Anxiety

Tinctures are easy to make and effective home remedies for many health problems, including anxiety, stress, pain, and insomnia. Motherwort tincture can induce calmness and reduce anxiety. Arnica tincture can reduce pain and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. A herbal mixture made using dried yarrow flowers, dried catnip, chamomile flowers, dried mint leaves, and dried hops flowers can treat insomnia and help you sleep at night.

How Sugary Foods Can Cause Anxiety And Depression

For many years now, healthcare experts have been warning us about how a high-sugar diet can lead to weight gain, obesity, diabetes, and other health conditions. But, recent studies have revealed an alarming fact. A high-sugar diet can also cause anxiety and depression besides other mood disorders. Although sugary foods elevate our mood when we are down, these effects are temporary and over time, they cause mental health conditions.

Scared Of Long Labor? Use These 5 Tips To Get Through It

Long labor is a nightmare for all expectant moms. From physical problems to emotional issues, various factors can lead to long labor. Irrespective of...

4 Simple And Easy Ways Nature Heals Anxiety

Most of our anxiety issues stem from the fact that we are not supposed to live in an environment that constantly bombards us with information and choices. Yet, that is exactly how we live. Walking, gardening, and just being in a park are excellent ways to soak up what nature has to offer. This will reduce stress and anxiety and helps deal with work problems. It also gives us some much needed time away from the screen.

6 Crucial Steps To Deliver A Baby In Case Of An Emergency

Medical emergencies come uninvited and at the most unexpected times. While we try our best to avoid them, the situations aren't always in our...

4 Proven Techniques To Get Rid Of Change Related Anxiety

Change is the only constant in this transient world. But we often forget that in life. We sometimes become so used to the stability...

5 Small Ways To Make Moving On After A Bad Breakup A Little Easier

Moving on after a dreadful breakup can be quite a task. It always feels like you can never take a chance on love again....
Anxiety and stress can be handled easily with these methods

Try These 5 Unorthodox Ways To Handle Anxiety

There are many other methods that will help with anxiety and it is not just from yoga and meditation. There are many simple things like aromatherapy, listening to music, laughter, and positive emotions that can help you control your stress and improve wellbeing. You may be surprised to know that even a simple thing like getting up early can actually reduce the stress quotient in your life. Try out these ways and watch your anxiety vanish.

Feeling Anxious? Try These 2-Minute Remedies!

With the right approach, coping with anxiety can just take two minutes. Try deep belly breathing, an exercise that promotes calmness. You can also do pursed lips breathing for added benefits. The quieting response uses visualization, making it perfect for a messy mind. Combine breathing and meditation to do focused breathing, or place your attention on an item for object-focused meditation. Counting while meditating is another way to recharge and refocus.

4 Common Heart Attack Symptoms That Must Not Be Ignored

The incidence of heart attacks in on the rise in the United States because of an unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, and a stress-filled life. Heart attacks may sometimes occur without warning and obvious signs like severe chest pain. Instead, many people may experience other obscure symptoms, which must not be ignored. These symptoms may act as a warning and prompt us to seek immediate medical intervention.

6 Excellent Benefits Of Sound Therapy You Should Know About

From Mozart to Megadeath, music has the power to affect you in different ways. While some sounds are very appealing to the senses, others can be downright repulsive. Whether you're humming a familiar tune or playing your favorite music instrument, new research suggests that when used in a directed way, sounds and rhythms can help you reduce stress, create a sense of well-being, and promote holistic healing.

5 Behavioral Problems In Children That Reek Of Terrible Parenting

Children and their behaviors can reveal a lot about their parents. Parenting is the tool that parents use to shape their children. Hence, good...

Don’t Panic When You’re Panicking – Here’s The Lowdown On Panic Attacks

In the event of a panic attack, the last thing you should do is let the thought of the attack frighten you. Many people...

The Various Inevitable Stages Of Weight Loss

Weight loss is a journey that a person takes to reach a desired body destination. And like all journeys, this will also have some...