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25 Quotes From Buddha That Will Change Your Life!

Words are a powerful thing. The lessons from Buddha can inspire you to understand and tackle all of life's problems. If you are feeling stressed, low in life, or maybe lost, these quotes from Buddha can help you. It can also help those trying to overcome anger problems or just looking to connect with their spirituality.

4 Ways To Deal With Technology Anxiety

Our dependence on technology might lead to lowered attention span, lack of patience, avoidance of face-to-face interaction, and fear of missing out. These symptoms are in line with those of anxiety. Turn off your phone at night to avoid checking it too often. Meet people instead of texting them to hone your social skills. Don't measure your self-worth based on likes and comments. Turn off your notifications to fight the fear of missing out.
nervous breakdown is a period of intense mental distress

6 Signs That A Nervous Breakdown Is On The Horizon

“Nervous breakdown” is a period when physical and emotional stress becomes too much for an individual to function in their everyday life. Along with being emotionally...

6 Surprising Habits That Are Inconspicuously Causing Anxiety In You

A big presentation or planning an event ought to make you anxious. But are you constantly worried about little things? If you are constantly...

3 Psychological Problems To Be Vigilant Of When You Have Cancer

“You have cancer.” These three words turn a person’s life upside down. Nothing can prepare us to deal with a condition like this. Cancer...

6 Hurdles That Can Stop You From Visiting A Physician

Visiting a physician can sometimes take a backseat in your life for many reasons. The urge to procrastinate can arise either from your own...

Learn These 5 Mantras In Life To Handle Fear, Self-Doubt, And Stress

Imagine living a life in which you hold the power over your fears, self-doubt, and stress. Everybody seeks that power, but only a few...
Benefits of diffusing essential oils.

9 Benefits Of Diffusing Essential Oils

Essential oils have moved on from being mere additions to fun DIY recipes to a vital part of most people's medicine cabinets. And, while they...

Why You Shouldn’t Panic About Postpartum Hair Loss

If there is one thing that you loved about pregnancy, it might be your hair. Most women will have lustrous and thick hair when they...

7 Natural Ways To Relieve Anxiety

Mild anxiety is normal considering the hustle of daily life, but anything more serious needs professional help. But, natural remedies add to conventional treatment. Herbal teas like chamomile, lemon balm, and green tea have calming effects. Regular exercise reduces stress and elevates mood. Herbal supplements and healthy, well-balanced meals relieve the symptoms of anxiety while tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine, worsen them. Regular meditation improves mood. Aromatherapy and warm baths relieve stress-induced anxiety.

5 Ways To Strengthen Oneself To Stand Up To Patriarchy

Women have been enduring a lot from past two years than they did in a long time. As some bullies are taking over the...

8 Ways To Eliminate Anxiety From Your Life

Living with anxiety is quite like living on the edge. Anything can set off an attack and make you spiral out of control. Different...

Why Does Anxiety Cause Flu-Like Symptoms?

Having good mental health is as important as having good physical health. Though many people do their best to maintain their physical health, they...

3 Reasons Why Moping Can Make Anxiety More Difficult To Manage

Anxiety can be a hard beast to tackle. One small step can make or break the framework of our sanity when we are fragile....

The Link Between Perpetual Irritability/Anger And Depression

While anger is a completely normal human emotion, reacting angrily to even the slightest of triggers can be a sign of depression. A perpetual state of anger can cause depression, though the reverse can also be true. Because this can get worse over time, it's best to find ways to curb not just one's anger but also the anxiety that often triggers the anger in the first place.