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8 Practical and Simple Ways To Spice Up Your Sex Life

These tips are practical and won't result in you or your partner suffering a cramp or pulled muscle. Simple moves like experimenting after sex can help remove inhibitions. Try playing around outdoors in the backyard to amp up the tension and excitement. Sexting, playing with ice cubes and including lube can really help take sex to the next level. Try replaying previous escapades with roleplay. Maybe even get out of the house for a while.
Lube is a great addition to the bedroom

7 Occasions When You Shouldn’t Be Afraid To Use Lube

Lube helps overcome several challenges in the bedroom such as chronic vaginal dryness or delayed physical arousal. It also allows for more experimentation. For example, oral sex can be fun for both participants with flavored lube. It can help prevent STIs and STDs from spreading. It also reduces the likelihood of condoms breaking. Lube during anal sex is a must for safety, ease, and comfort.
The symptoms of PMS can cause anxiety, or make already existing anxiety worse.

It Is Possible For Your Periods To Cause Anxiety

Anxiety is a feeling that all of us go through from time to time, especially in reaction to stressful events. While some anxiety is...
How Unreleased Negative Emotion Contributes To Cancer

How Suppressing Negative Emotion Increases Cancer Risk

Holding onto negative emotion increases the stress hormone cortisol. At high levels, immune function decreases, making it hard for the body to fight cancer. It also increases inflammation and messes with sleep, two factors of chronic disease. Plus, emotional suppression brings on unhealthy coping habits that raise cancer risk. To release negative feelings, practice deep breathing or go for a walk. You can also take up kickboxing.
Some self-care remedies that relieves anxiety

6 Self-Care Remedies To Reduce Anxiety

Whether you're at work or home, you can feel uneasy, worried, scared, or anxious. Your anxiety levels increases because of something as simple as being stuck in traffic or thinking about a family issue. If left untreated, you may find yourself feeling physically and emotionally drained among other such distressing and debilitating symptoms. Getting plenty of physical exercise and eating healthy are just a couple of self-care techniques that you can use to reduce your anxiety levels on your own.

5 Tricks To Handle Health-Related Anxieties

Rarely are people blessed with a healthy mind and body devoid of illnesses. Among the many conditions you might face, health-related anxiety might be one. Some of the best methods to prevent and treat such anxiety issues include facing your fears, identifying & managing threats to your personal domain, and early identification and treatment. You can also follow simple strategies to cope up with daily anxiety issues with mindfulness and breathing exercises and by seeking social support.

Managing Depression During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is supposed to be a time of happiness and joy in any woman's life. But with all those physical, hormonal, and emotional changes that come with being pregnant, your overall mood can get negatively affected. This can result in you having depression. In such a situation, you need to seek the help of a qualified health care provider immediately to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

5 Problems Caused Due To Inadequate Sleep

Sleep is an essential component of our daily routine, and yet most of us don't have a healthy sleeping habit or routine. However, getting adequate sleep helps us rejuvenate very effectively. Sleep can prevent obesity and major depressive disorder. It can also reduce the levels of stress hormones in the body. In children, adequate sleep helps them focus better on the task at hand. In general, lack of sleep is associated with anxiety disorders.
Toxic relationships can take a toll on your overall well being

5 Reasons Women Stay In Toxic Relationships

Toxic relationships can be hard to figure sometimes, we may not know we are in one until we are out of one. A toxic...
How To Say Goodbye To Belly Fat

6 Research-Backed Ways To Say Goodbye To Belly Fat For Good

A flat tummy isn’t just about the aesthetic appeal, it’s an important indicator of how healthy you’re going to be. While excess fat on...

7 Natural Ways Of Controlling Anxiety

Anxiety can happen to anyone and can take over the lives of the people who are battling it. It can range from a mild...

5 Ways To Face Fear And Rise Above It

Fear is as important and human as any other emotion. Many get crippled by anxiety that develops out of their worst fears. However, tweaking one's approach to it can make fear work for you instead. In order to face your fear and rise above it, you have to make acknowledge it. Running away from it is not a solution. Facing it mindfully can help you overcome it.
Ways To Prevent Stress And Anxiety From Affecting Gut Health

Ways To Prevent Stress And Anxiety From Affecting Gut Health

Erratic lifestyle, poor diet and lack of exercise have made us vulnerable to stress and anxiety. Almost every other person suffers from stress and anxiety, which has a huge negative impact on the quality of life, peace of mind, and cause many health conditions including strokes and heart attack. Stress and anxiety also have an adverse effect on our digestive system and wreak havoc with our gut health.

11 Things That People Do Because Of Their Social Anxiety

Socially anxious people tend to decline invites, ignore texts and phone calls. They may stay quiet in conversation or talk too much. They tend to be perfectionists. They may be late to most things. They tend to have low self-esteem and often need alone time to regain their energy. Once you understand their thinking and point of view, you can provide support.

7 Surprising Positive Traits Of People With Anxiety Disorders

People with anxiety tend to have high intelligence, stronger memory and are good at recognizing threats fast. They are seen to have high-quality friendships. This is possibly because of their ability to empathize with people. They are also good at recognizing emotions accurately. They are also perceived to be more faithful and trustworthy by others around them.