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3 Benefits Of Light Roast Over Dark Roast Coffee

When coffee beans are roasted, they become brown and bitter. However, the process destroys chlorogenic acid, coffee’s major antioxidant. Since light roasts are heated less, they’re the healthier option. In the body, chlorogenic acid decreases cancer risk by fighting free radicals. It also reduces blood glucose and total cholesterol, giving you protection from type 2 diabetes and heart disease. But excess caffeine might lead to insomnia, restlessness, and stomach upset.

13 Home Remedies For Relieving Heartburn Fast

Heartburn is a common symptom created by acid reflux, a condition where some of the stomach contents (including stomach acid) are forced back up...

7 Side Effects Of Drinking Carbonated Water

Carbonated water causes burping, bloating, and gas. In the mouth, it’ll destroy dental enamel and increase your risk for cavities. If you have a mouth sore, carbonated water slows down the healing. Additional side effects include fast heart rate, hunger, and acid reflux. It might even contribute to gastroesophageal reflux disease. Despite these side effects, carbonated water is great for treating an upset stomach.

Tips For Limiting The Consumption Of Acidic Foods

For effective functioning, your body should maintain a proper balance between acidity and alkalinity. This pH balance is significant and foods we eat have...

Is It Okay To Skip Brushing Your Teeth At Night?

A few species of oral bacteria can work against your oral health by producing acids. These acids leach minerals out from your tooth enamel. The most important step in oral hygiene is to brush your teeth about half an hour after dinner every day. This will protect your teeth from plaque buildup and consequential caries and gum disease.
Different stages of a woman aging

Hyaluronic Acid: A Potential Anti-Aging Secret For Skin And Joints

Most of us spend a lot on anti-aging products and do not realize their harmful effects on our skin. We not only affect our...
Effective Therapeutic Benefits Of Baking Soda Solution

5 Effective Therapeutic Benefits Of Baking Soda Solution

Baking soda is widely used for baking and cleaning purposes. However, oral ingestion of baking soda solution has various therapeutic benefits. Due to its alkaline nature, it treats heartburn and indigestion, relieves symptoms of UTI, cures gout, and wards off cold and flu. It also prevents the spreading of cancer by controlling metastasis.

13 Health Benefits And Medicinal Uses Of Black Caraway

Caraway has been used the world over for centuries because of its curative properties. It is extensively used in many traditional medicines to heal and treat various diseases and disorders. Caraway is an important ingredient in many different culinary preparations and is well-known for its fragrant odor and distinct flavor. It has the power to inhibit cancer cell growth, reduce cholesterol, treat skin conditions, and improve overall health.

5 Crucial Things For New Moms That Doctors Don’t Mention

Your doctor is your direct source of reliable information about your pregnancy and well-being. He keeps you updated on how your baby is doing...

6 Harmful Effects Of High Fructose Corn Syrup

High-fructose corn syrup might make products taste good, but it is of no use to your health. It provides absolutely no nutritional value; a load of calories; accumulates fat in the body; increases the risk of obesity, causes diabetes, cancer, heart disease, gout, and other disorders; and overburdens the liver. It gives you a lot more fructose than your body can digest and manage.
Sleep Problems That Science Can Help You Fix

9 Sleep Problems And How Science Can Help You Fix Them

Relieve shoulder, neck, and back pain due to incorrect sleeping postures by sleeping on your back. Sleep soundly at night by keeping your gadgets away in a room with a temperature of 20–22 degrees C. Bring down snoring and be rid of acid reflux by sleeping on your left side.

5 Ways Baking Soda Helps You Lose Weight

Baking soda, the white powder or sodium bicarbonate can do wonders for those looking to lose weight. Baking soda can help you improve your workout performance, burn fat more efficiently, remove toxins from the body, improve digestion, combat acid reflux, and boost cardiovascular health.

5 Health Factors To Consider Before You Mix Certain Fruits Together

Fruits are a uniquely compact source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. They are synonymous with good health and glowing skin. They are also a...
different types of saturated fats

Types Of Saturated Fats And Why They Are All Not Bad

Saturated fats are solid at room temperature unlike unsaturated fats. Chemically, saturated fatty acids can have carbon atoms ranging from 6-20 in number. Based on the number of carbon atoms, they are further classified as short-chain, medium-chain and long-chain fatty acids. Medium-chain fatty acids have been scientifically proven to be good for the heart and for overall health in general.

Is Feta Cheese Good Or Bad For You?

If you love cheese, then feta may be on your list of favorites. Its soft texture and salty, tangy taste make it almost irresistible....