7 Side Effects Of Drinking Carbonated Water

Carbonated water looks harmless. It’s just water with bubbles, after all. What harm can it do?

The truth is that it can have serious health issues. The fizziness comes from a colorless gas called carbon dioxide. In the body, carbon dioxide poses several dangers.


Other names for carbonated water include seltzer, soda water, club soda, sparkling water, and carbonated mineral water. Whatever you call it, this bubbly drink comes with these seven side effects.

1. Burping

 Drinking carbonated water causes burping


Burping or belching is the most common side effect. It’s also the most obvious!

While burping is totally normal, carbonated water makes it worse. The bubbles add extra air to your stomach. As the air accumulates, it comes back out in the form of a burp.1


2. Gas And Bloating

Drinking carbonated water leads to gas and bloating

If the air doesn’t leave through your mouth, it’ll have to come out the other way. This means you’ll have gas – lots of it.2


Sometimes, the gas can build up and lead to bloating. It might also accumulate in the top left portion of the colon, causing pain that seems to come from the heart.3 Either way, these effects of carbonated water will feel uncomfortable and embarrassing.

[Read: Side Effects of Soft Drinks]


3. Tooth Decay

Drinking carbonated water leads to tooth decay

When you drink carbonated water, carbon dioxide turns into acid, that weakens the dental enamel. This makes your teeth prone to cavities. And if you drink too much? That dental enamel can be permanently destroyed.


It doesn’t even matter if the carbonated water is “sugar-free”. You need to watch out for those acids.4

4. Poor Oral Wound Healing

Drinking carbonated water slows down wound healing


Beyond your choppers, carbonated water will irritate your mouth. This can be bad news if you already have a cut or sore. Carbonation not only delays proper healing but also has pro-inflammatory effects on the mucosal membrane.5

5. Acid Reflux

Drinking carbonated water causes acid reflux

If you’re prone to acid reflux, avoid carbonated water. The carbonation can significantly weaken the lower esophageal sphincter. This side effect will spark a backflow of acid, leading to burning and discomfort.

Acid reflux might even turn into gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. No wonder researchers think that carbonated drinks contribute to the development of GERD.6

6. Increased Food Consumption

Drinking carbonated water increases food consumption

You might think that carbonated water makes you full. But this isn’t true!

Carbon dioxide gas actually increases ghrelin. This “hunger hormone” stimulates the hunger response and makes you hungry. It’s even thought to play a part in obesity.7

If you’re trying to lose weight, avoid these health risks by ditching carbonated water.

7. Increased Heart Rate

Drinking carbonated water increases heart rate

Drinking carbonated water also affects your heart. Compared to normal water, carbonation can speed up your heart rate in just five minutes. Researchers think that this is caused by a sensory reaction to the acids.

On the other hand, non-carbonated water actually slows down heart rate, making it the healthier choice.8

A Silver Lining

Despite these health risks, carbonated water has a few benefits.

For elders that have problems swallowing, carbonated water can improve it. Afterward, swallowing normal water becomes easier, emphasizing the lasting effect of carbonation.9

After vomiting, a little bubbly will relax your stomach. It’s also useful for treating constipation and tummy troubles.10

In moderation, carbonated water can be part of a healthy diet. Don’t overdo it if you want to avoid these negative side effects. Otherwise, regular non-carbonated water is always the best choice.
