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Boy Or Girl? Get To Know From These Old Wives’ Tales

If you are pregnant and especially if it’s your first baby, the old wives’ tales about pregnancy would get you excited and make you...
Myths About Inflammatory Bowel Disease

7 Common Misconceptions And Myths About IBD

Several people believe inflammatory bowel disease is caused by a poor diet. This isn't true. People with IBD haven’t done anything to contribute to its development. Also, most people get mixed up with IBD and IBS, believing it’s the same thing. While the names and symptoms are very similar, it’s conceptually two different issues. IBD isn't caused by stress or psychological issues.
Lemon oil essentials have a variety of health benefits

5 Benefits Of Lemon Essential Oil You Need To Know About

As a flavoring for food and drinks, lemon’s tartness and sweet-sour zing make it a most sought-after ingredient. Lemon essential oil is obtained primarily from lemon peels, but it can also be made with the rest of the fruit. Lemon oil, when used in the right combination, is an excellent anti-bacterial, de-greasing, deodorizing and disinfecting agent. It can also relieve you of morning sickness, improve your mood, and tone your skin.

What Your Birth Month Says About Your Sex Life

Your sex life and preferences in bed can differ based on your birth month. While some people get comfortable easily, some find it difficult to have good sex unless they have an emotional connection with the other person. People born in May like to have sex only if there is an environment comfortable enough. August-borns have big egos, one wrong move can put you in trouble.

5 Reasons You Should Stop Drinking Bottled Water

By drinking bottled water, there's a high chance that you're exposing yourself to alarming levels of BPA and other toxins. These are responsible for causing a number of health hazards and diseases – from cancer and hormonal disruption to birth defects and toxin-accumulation in your body. Since we must go on drinking water anyway, it’s best to go for steel bottles or home filtration systems.

Ready To Lose Your Virginity? Here’s What To Expect

With so many myths about losing one's virginity doing the rounds, staying informed about sex and everything else that comes with it can be of great help, especially if it's your first time. Not only will this help alleviate some of your biggest unwarranted fears (especially about the pain and the bleeding), but can also help you relax so you can make the most of this moment.

6 Need To Know Benefits Of Prenatal Exercise

Prenatal exercise is very important for the mother to get into good shape right before she goes into labor and that will effectively prime her to face any complications that might occur during childbirth or pregnancy. Prenatal exercise also has tonnes of benefits such as reducing pregnancy complications, boosting your energy, improving sleep, reduce stress, reduce constipation, and reduce any sort of risk after childbirth. You should also be careful and not overdo it as this could cause other complications if you have not exercised before and start now when pregnant.

10 Tips For Working Moms To Make Each Day Productive

For working moms some days can be good and some days can be bad. The trick is to customize yourself in order to make everyday as productive as possible. This is more important for the high-performance moms. You can start off with things such as starting off the morning right, eating a solid breakfast, setting daily goals, being mindful, taking time off, being active, out of the comfort zone, meal prepping, reduction of obligations and making time for what matters.
Techniques for a pain-free childbirth

9 Traditional Techniques For A Pain-Free Childbirth

If you have any doubts about your childbirth and the pain it can cause, you can adopt some of the techniques used by traditional mothers to help them with childbirth. These techniques include energy-balancing treatments to reduce the pain, to shorten the length of the pain, to prevent breech delivery and some yoga exercises to help ease your pain at the time of childbirth

7 Steps For Moms To Create A Peaceful Morning Routine

Morning yoga practice is that sacred time when you nurture your body, mind, and spirit. Over years of practice, you likely go on to...

7 Times An Easy Pregnancy Could Turn Into A Difficult Labor

If you have believed in the pregnancy superstitions and the folk wisdom from your older relatives, it’s time to you ignore. Beliefs like carrying...

Labor: Stage-By-Stage Guide To Childbirth

All things perfectly planned – nursery, baby car seat, stroller, hospital bag, birthing classes – now all that you have to do is just...

Pregnancy And Sleep Changes During Three Trimesters

The surge of the hormone progesterone in a pregnant woman’s body is the reason for drowsiness, lethargy, and overwhelming fatigue. It is normal in...
Bloody discahrge

9 Reasons Behind Untimely Bloody Discharge In Women

The hormonal changes are constant for women. The hormone levels are changing every month and with each passing year. Eventually, with years of experience,...

10 Essential Lube Facts All Women Need To Know

While it’s not an absolute necessity, having some lube handy can fulfill a wide range of sexual needs. Being better informed about the product and all its variations can help you make a good choice. For instance, not many people know that silicone-based lube will ruin sex toys, and that all natural, oil-based lubes are not always skin-friendly. You can use lube to make sex a lot better.