9 Reasons Behind Untimely Bloody Discharge In Women

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The hormonal changes are constant for women. The hormone levels are changing every month and with each passing year. Eventually, with years of experience, women learn to deal with these constant changes that their bodies go through. Having said that, sometimes certain things can happen that can leave us struggling to find answers. Vaginal discharge can be one such thing. Bloody discharge is something that has become acceptable for women for three to five days every month. But, sometimes women can discover some bloody discharge out of the blue. It could surely set off a few alarms, but knowledge can help us deal with things better. The below list contains 9 reasons behind untimely bloody discharge.

1. Ovulation Discharge

Mid-cycle woos

Women can have bloody discharge in the middle of their cycles sometimes. Ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle which can sometimes trigger shedding of the old lining of the uterus. Although a small occurrence, it can cause bloody discharge sometimes. The monthly hormonal changes can cause this. It is not something serious. It can last for a few hours and stop on its own.

2. Menopause


The female hormones go through changes when women approach menopause. Menopause can occur anytime between 45 to 55 years of age. It marks the end of the reproductive years in a women’s life. But, when the period stops, it can cause bloody discharge due to the changing hormonal levels.

3. Pelvic Infections


Pelvic infections can be categorized into a broad category of pelvic inflammatory diseases (PID). This can infect the pelvic region namely the ovaries, the uterus and the Fallopian tubes. These infections are generally caused by various strains of bacteria. Sometimes, it can cause bloody discharge. This can be treated by medication.

4. Pregnancy

Light bleeding is a normal phenomenon in the early stages of pregnancy. When the fetus gets attached to the uterus, it can cause some light bleeding. It happens because of the implantation of the fetus. This can go on for a day or two, and generally stops after that. But, if you are pregnant and having consistent bleeding, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

5. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)

Sexually transmitted diseases can bring about some drastic changes in a women’s body pretty quickly. If you have recently had sex with a new partner and experiencing some bloody discharge, you should immediately see a doctor. Sexually transmitted diseases can mostly get transmitted through unprotected sex, but it can sometimes transmit through protected sex as well. Bloody discharge can be a symptom of a sexually transmitted disease like gonorrhea. So, it is better to consult a doctor if you have noticed some amount of bloody discharge after changing partners.

6. Contraceptives Pills And Devices

Contraceptive pills can alter your cycle and hormones. So, sometimes if contraceptives pills are taken too late in the cycle, it can cause uterine lining shedding along with some bloody discharge. Intrauterine devices (IUD) can sometimes be rejected by the body. This can often cause some irritation of the wall along with with some bloody discharge.

7. Residual Blood

Our bodies have been programmed to get rid of all unwanted residue. And, our uteri are no different. Sometimes, our uteri can discard old lining or blood which can come out as a bloody discharge. This is not a reason to worry, as this is simply indicative of the daily wear and tear procedure of the body.

8. Ovarian Cysts

Most women at some point in their lives develop an ovarian cyst. This goes unnoticed by most women frequently. It can often be painless and asymptomatic. The only way to discover this is by having regular pelvic examinations. There are a few symptoms like vomiting, feeling bloated, pain during or after sex and painful bowel movement. In some cases, reddish discharge can be seen. For most part, the ovarian cysts don’t need any special treatment as it can go away on its own. But, sometimes a cyst might warrant special attention and treatment.

9. Cervical Cancer

Brownish discharge can be experienced by women suffering from cervical cancer. This needs immediate medical attention.

Look after yourself and seek help if you experience something unusual and completely out of the blue.