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Effective Ways To Treat Dandruff With Olive Oil

Olive oil can be used alone or with a combination of other natural ingredients to treat eliminate dandruff.

Dandruff is a common problem faced by men and women alike, all around the world today. Dandruff is caused due to the accumulation of dead skin cells in the scalp. The formation of a mild fungus called Malassezia or Pityrosporum lead to the accumulation of the dead skin cells that form an itchy, scaly layer, and this layer flakes off resulting in dandruff. Dandruff can also be the result of climate change, pollution, hormonal imbalance, constipation, hair styling products, poor hygiene, etc.

Although the market offers attractive products to get rid of dandruff, these products might harm your hair and scalp in the long run. Olive oil is a nature’s gift to treat dandruff effectively. Olive oil not only helps in moisturizing the scalp and cleansing it, but also repairs damaged hair, strengthens the roots, stimulates blood flow, and softens the hair. This wonder oil can also be used alone or with a combination of natural ingredients to treat dandruff effectively.


Warm Olive Oil

You can use warm olive oil to prevent the formation of dandruff, and it will moisturize the scalp and promote healthy growth of the hair.


If you are suffering from chronic dandruff, wait for a couple of days and repeat the process again for a week. You will be happy to see your scalp clearing the dandruff.

Olive Oil With Curd And Aloe Vera


Aloe vera contains pectin, a naturally occurring substance that helps in the breakdown of dead skin cells and in the generation of new cells. Curd soothes inflammation and reduces itching.

Apple Cider Vinegar And Olive Oil


Apple cider vinegar is rich in acetic and malic acids that help in killing bacteria and fungus, resulting in the elimination of dandruff. It also maintains the scalp’s pH level preventing the formation of dandruff.

Black Pepper And Olive Oil


Black pepper contains selenium and zinc, which are important elements to fight dandruff and maintain a healthy scalp.

Fenugreek Seeds And Olive Oil


Fenugreek seeds are very helpful in reducing dandruff and controlling hair fall, making the hair stronger and shiny. When used with olive oil, fenugreek seeds can eliminate dandruff from the scalp effectively.

Basil And Olive Oil


Basil is widely known for its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Using basil with olive oil can help reduce dandruff and promote a healthy scalp.

Turmeric And Olive Oil

The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric help in removing dandruff from the scalp effectively. Turmeric is also known to contain antioxidants that strengthen the roots.

Lemon Juice And Olive Oil

Lemon juice contains vitamins and citric acid that helps in the effective removal of dandruff from the scalp.
Take 1 teaspoon each of fresh lemon or lime juice and olive oil.

These simple home remedies can effectively eliminate dandruff and keep your scalp clean and healthy. It is important to note that only extra virgin olive oil will give the best results as olive oil containing chemicals might harm the scalp and might not be a good idea to use it with other natural substances.

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