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DIC is a form of scurvy that can be prevented by taking nutrients

Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) Could Be Acute Scurvy

Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a condition that is characterized by problems due to both clotting and bleeding. The disease can develop over weeks...
health benefits of cardamom tea

9 Reasons Why Cardamom Tea Is Good For You

Cardamom tea is a popular beverage with a long list of health benefits. It is nutrient-rich and can protect you from heart diseases, cancer, constipation, and dental problems. Drinking cardamom tea can make your hair and skin look healthy while protecting your skin from infections. It can boost your immunity and also your metabolism that can help you lose weight. Avoid drinking cardamom tea if you are pregnant, breast feeding, or allergic to cardamom.
Here are some simple ways to reduce the level of triglycerides in your body

11 Ayurvedic Ways To Reduce Triglycerides

Triglycerides can be as harmful as bad cholesterol in the way that it could increase the risk for heart problems. Losing body weight is one of the main ways to keep levels under control. It is also recommended that one limits the intake of added sugar, simple carbohydrates, alcohol, trans fats, and saturated fats while increasing the intake of unsaturated fats, fiber, and natural supplements if they are appropriate.
Health Problems That Bananas Can Fix

5 Problems That Bananas Can Treat Better Than Drugs

Bananas can do more than give you energy. They’re high in potassium, a mineral that reduces high blood pressure. Eating more bananas and less salt may limit the need for antihypertensive medication. If you’re struggling with depression, enjoy bananas along with fruits and veggies. They can also manage insomnia, a common sleep disorder. Feeling constipated? Instead of laxatives or stool softeners, boost your fiber intake with bananas.
Medicinal mushrooms can help treat various modern problems

A Medicinal Mushroom For Every Health Problem

Medicinal mushrooms have been used in ancient Chinese medicine for centuries. However, they’re starting to gain popularity in the western world. Cordyceps is best when you’re feeling fatigued. If you need an immunity boost, Cordyceps will improve immune function of cells. Reishi is useful when you are feeling stressed, can’t sleep, or need to focus. Lion’s mane will also protect your brain from degenerative disease. To fight diabetes and heart disease, go for Maitake.

Atrial Fibrillation: Causes And Foods That Reduce The Risk

Atrial fibrillation, also known as AFib, is a medical condition affecting millions of people worldwide. It causes the two upper chambers of the heart beat irregularly out of sync with the two lower chambers of the heart causing improper pumping of blood. Many cardiac and non-cardiac medical conditions can cause AFib. A sedentary lifestyle, improper diet, and other factors may cause AFib. A heart-healthy diet can help prevent AFib.
Cold water fish are beneficial for your health

The Many Benefits Of Cold Water Fish

Cold water fish such as salmon, tuna and sardines are rich in omega 3 fats. These healthy fats provide benefits such as nerve cell protection, eye health maintenance, a reduction in the risk for heart disease and arrhythmia as well as overall maintenance of good health. Fish like sardines and salmon are also extremely rich in micro minerals, this making them ideal candidates in a health meal. Always opt for fish that is not contaminated by mercury residues.
These foods can make your heart happy and healthy.

8 Foods That Are Healthy For Your Heart

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, and the numbers have been increasing steadily over the last few years....

5 Reasons Why Narcissism Is Bad For Health

Narcissists have a heightened sense of ego. They lack empathy and constantly concerned about proving themselves superior to others. Scientists have reported that such individuals have higher levels of adrenaline and cortisol in them which leads to several health complications. These include depression, addiction, hypertension, diabetes and even insomnia.
Chest pain could be caused by different reasons in athletes

How Does Exercising Cause Chest Pain In Teen Athletes?

Chest pain is scary, but it isn’t always caused by a heart attack. Non-heart related conditions can affect both teen athletes and adults. Chest wall pain, or costochondritis, happens after trauma or strenuous activity. Asthma is another common reason. In teens, respiratory infections like bronchitis or pneumonia may cause chest pain. Strains can stretch or tear tendons, while GERD causes painful heartburn. Before starting an intense exercise program, consult your doctor.
A Reminder As To Why We Must Stop Overlooking The Negatives Of Fast Food

9 Detrimental Effects Of Fast Food On Your Body

The fast food industry has become so closely associated with our lifestyle that its benefits in terms of low costs, easy availability and fast...
Red meat has a number of harmful effects.

6 Reasons Why Red Meat Really Is Bad For You

Red meat is said to increase the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease. It is also said to increase the spread of E.coli and shorten lifespan. The only way to reduce risk is to reduce intake of red meat. One must also pay attention to the quality of the meat and method of cooking.
Ways Poor Dental Care Can Affect Your Health

5 Ways Poor Oral Hygiene Can Affect Your Health

Poor oral hygiene can have physical, psychological, and social consequences. Gum diseases can increase the risk of heart diseases and diabetic complications. Teeth loss due to poor oral health can affect your cognition and also lead to dementia or Alzheimer's disease. During pregnancy, it is important to maintain your oral health to prevent preterm birth, miscarriage, and complications in pregnancy. Also, your susceptibility to respiratory infections increases with periodontal diseases.
Common cold ingredients can cause side-effects.

Here’s What Common Cold Medicine Ingredients Do To Your Body!

Over-the-counter drugs for a common cold are unsafe is taken in excess. Some of the ingredients, such as dextromethorphan and diphenhydramine, contained in common cold medicines could cause serious side-effects and harm the body. If you are taking prescribed drugs for other medical conditions, or are pregnant, it is best to consult a doctor before taking common cold medicines.
Everything You Need To Know About Atrial Flutter

All You Need To Know About Atrial Flutter

Atrial flutter occurs when the heart beats faster than usual. Palpitations, fast pulse rate, breathlessness, chest pain, and dizziness are common symptoms. Valsalva maneuver, deep breathing, cold water baths, vigorous exercises, and eating heart-healthy foods can treat heart palpitations. Keep your heart healthy by avoiding caffeinated foods/drinks, alcohol, and too much sugar.