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Nutrients That Protect You From Heart Attacks

3 Nutrients That Could Save You From A Heart Attack

A heart attack occurs in an instant and changes your life forever. While heart attacks may seem very sudden, they’re anything but. Years of...
Magnesium Deficiency: Symptoms And Food Sources

Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms And Best Food Sources

In its early stages, magnesium deficiency causes nausea, fatigue, numbness, tingling, and muscle cramps. Abnormal heartbeat and behavior changes are also likely. These symptoms develop because magnesium controls nerve, muscle, and heart function. As deficiency progresses, the risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, and migraines increases. Foods rich in magnesium include nuts, spinach, avocado and soy products. With a doctor’s approval, you can also take supplements to boost your intake.
9 Dangerous Health Effects Of Lack Of Sleep

9 Dangerous Health Effects Of Lack Of Sleep

Many factors such as stress, lifestyle, and unhealthy diets can result in a lack of sleep. Proper sleep for at least 7-8 hours a day is absolutely critical for the body to perform at its best. Cardiac problems and low libido are caused due to lack of sleep. Lack of sleep has shown to cause a number of health conditions and in extreme cases, it can even lead to death.

8 Health Benefits Of Volunteering For You

Volunteering doesn't just help you feel good about doing good but can also impact your health. Researchers are discovering that volunteering can lower risk of depression, hypertension, and even mortality. Not surprisingly it can help give you a sense of purpose and boost your self-esteem. If you’re a senior, these results are amplified. By some accounts, even your cholesterol levels and BMI could improve!
Tips To Help You Move On And Find Yourself After An Unhealthy Relationship

Moving On After An Unhealthy Relationship – Remember These 6 Pointers

If you have ever been in an unhealthy relationship and have managed to pull yourself out of it - well done! This indicates that...
defeat cancer by detecting

12 Early Signs Of Cancer You Should Watch Out For

Firstly, the aim of this article is not to cause panic but to raise awareness and keep you alert to cancer symptoms. Many of...

6 Health Hazards Of Being Lonely

It isn't about being around people. Sometimes you can feel lonely even when you are surrounded by people. Loneliness is a disconnect you feel, within yourself from others around you. Being lonely is not healthy as it leads to depression and a lot of health issues. It becomes very difficult to handle both physically and mentally and needs to be tended to at the earliest. Loneliness can quickly turn into stress and affect everything from heart health to mental well-being.
Tinnitus can be aggravated by certain things

9 Things That Make Tinnitus Worse

If you have tinnitus, stay away from loud noises like road work or concerts. Always keep earplugs on hand! When using headphones, turn the volume down. Work to manage stress, poor sleep, jaw problems, and high or low blood pressure. Have a doctor properly remove earwax buildup. Some drugs make tinnitus worse, but switching medicine might help. For some, alcohol and caffeine intensifies tinnitus. Avoid them to keep the noise under control.

Dates For Preventing Heart Ailments And For Overall Health

Dates are highly nutritious fruits of the date palm tree. They are extremely delicious and contain many nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that are essential for overall health. Dates are considered as an excellent heart-healthy food because of its properties to lower blood pressure and prevent hypertension, stroke, and anemia. It is also essential to improve bone health and promotes better functioning of the nervous system.

3 Ways How Nature Can Heal Your Broken Heart

Nature has magical healing powers, which is what you need when you are nursing a broken heart. When in a depressed state of mind or feeling let down, take a small stroll in the garden or jog through the countryside. Watch your mood transform and feel your heart becoming lighter and happier. Colors of nature, a breath of fresh air, the sunshine, and the breeze are all that you need to feel positive and cheerful.

3 Ways How Exercise Can Control Your Blood Pressure

To reduce high blood pressure, focus on physical activity. It’ll increase nitric oxide, a compound that widens blood vessels. Exercise also promotes weight loss and stress, two possible factors for hypertension. Start slow and pace yourself to avoid injury. Make it fun by inviting a friend, and make it manageable by splitting up exercise throughout the day. It’s also a good idea to stay hydrated and listen to your body. If something hurts, stop and rest.

4 Common Types Of Chest Pain In Children And Adolescents

The most common type of chest pain in children and adolescents is the chest-wall pain and is further divided into conditions like costochondritis, Tietze syndrome, idiopathic chest-wall pain, slipping-rib syndrome, precordial catch, and xiphoid Pain. Respiratory conditions like asthma can cause chest pain which may be triggered by exercises. Gastric troubles in the stomach, stress, and anxiety can cause chest pain, too.
(health issues that every man needs)

10 Health Issues That Every Man Should Be Concerned About

When it comes to men's and women's health, the fact is that women outlive men, and that gap is widening. According to the Centers...
How to determine the best intensity for your workout.

How To Determine The Ideal Intensity For Your Workout

For our body to stay healthy and function well, it is essential for us to get some form of physical exercise. But, if your workout intensity is too low or too high, it might not do you any good. To gain maximum benefits from your workout session, it is important that you know what exercise intensity is best for you. The talk test, heart rate monitoring, and the Borg rating of perceived exertion are some of the ways in which you can measure your workout intensity.

Why Should Ganoderma Coffee Replace Your Regular Coffee?

For a nutritious morning boost, try Chinese Ganoderma coffee. This type of brew is infused with extracts from Ganoderma lucidum, a medicinal mushroom known as reishi. It can protect the brain and promote neuron growth, thereby helping to prevent neurodegenerative diseases. Its high antioxidant content may even fight cancers by boosting immunity and killing cancer cells. It will also protect the heart and lower blood sugar levels.