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7 Health Benefits Of Raspberries You Should Know Of

Regular consumption of raspberries may prevent the loss of memory caused due to aging. In addition this, its antioxidant content may aid in lowering blood sugar levels, improving heart health, preventing cancer, and reducing the signs of aging. The low-calorie nature of raspberries make them a good diet snack.
Health benefits of arjuna herb.

11 Health Benefits Of Terminalia Arjuna: A Remedy At The Heart Of Your Health!

Arjuna has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties well worth tapping. It works as a heart tonic, improves aerobic endurance, and helps manage cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. It can help heal wounds faster and tackle fungal infections and diarrhea. It may also have a protective effect on your liver and kidneys.

25 Quotes From Buddha That Will Change Your Life!

Words are a powerful thing. The lessons from Buddha can inspire you to understand and tackle all of life's problems. If you are feeling stressed, low in life, or maybe lost, these quotes from Buddha can help you. It can also help those trying to overcome anger problems or just looking to connect with their spirituality.
Garlic can lower total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels.

Can Garlic Help Lower Your Cholesterol? What Studies Say

Garlic can potentially lower cholesterol, with some studies recording a 12% dip in total cholesterol while others peg this at 4–6%. However, the effect seems to be short-lived and not firmly established. Incorporate garlic into your meals as part of a holistic diet along with other antioxidants.
CoQ10 may reduce high blood pressure but should not be used to substitute conventional medicine.

Should You Take CoQ10 For High Blood Pressure?

Provitamin CoQ10 is taken as a supplement to bring down blood pressure, reduce heart problems, and slow the effects of aging. While many studies have shown its potential for lowering blood pressure by as much as 17 mm Hg for systolic and 10 mm Hg for diastolic blood pressure, further research and trials are needed to confirm its benefits.

Everything You Need To Know About An Alkaline Diet

Some people owe their weight loss to the alkaline diet. Some of them say their energy levels have shot up because of this diet....

What Is The Recommended Diet For A Person On Dialysis?

A balanced diet is essential during dialysis. Keep a strict tab on your fluid intake. Legumes, beans, and cottage cheese will provide safe protein. Eat oatmeal and oat bran to keep cholesterol levels low. Keep salt in check by cutting down on processed foods; use lemon zest, vinegar, mustard for flavoring. Choose foods low in potassium - apples, pears, berries, radish, asparagus, and zucchini.

5 Tips On How To Survive A Heart Attack

The classic symptoms of a heart attack are pain in the chest, arm, jaw and shoulder, and sweating. But women, diabetics, and the aged may exhibit symptoms like confusion, labored breathing, light-headedness or dizziness. As you wait for medical help, swallow an uncoated 325 mg aspirin or use natural blood thinners like parsley, pineapple, papaya, or garlic that avoid further clotting.
Red yeast rice can lower total and LDL cholesterol

Red Yeast Rice For Cholesterol: The Truth Behind The Natural Cure

Red yeast rice is an effective and well-tolerated alternative remedy for high cholesterol, especially for people who cannot tolerate statins. It can decrease your LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol without adversely impacting good HDL cholesterol levels in your body. But since the FDA deems monacolin K, the active ingredient in it, a pharmaceutical drug, red yeast rice sold in the US is mostly devoid of such potent cholesterol-lowering effect.

10 Common Stroke Symptoms Everyone Needs To Be Aware Of

Every 40 seconds, someone in the United States has a stroke. Every 4 minutes, a stroke-related death occurs.Stroke Facts. Centers for Disease Control and...

10 Ways Stress Can Adversely Affect Your Health

Whether it’s the short-term frustration of a missed airplane or the long-term frustration of a job or a major life event, stress can affect...

6 Incredible Ways Reishi Mushrooms Can Strengthen And Protect You

It is amazing that reishi mushrooms have started coming into the limelight only recently, even though they have been around since the last 2000...

The Effects Of Financial Stress On Your Heart And 6 Ways To Overcome Them

"Money, money, money. Must be funny. In a rich man’s world." Truer words haven’t been sung. ABBA definitely knew what they were talking about. Mortgages, credit card debts,...

9 Amazing Health Benefits Of Black Pepper Essential Oil

Spice up your health with black pepper essential oil. Its anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties make it beneficial for your health. Adding a few drops to your food can may lower cholesterol levels, topical application of the oil may ease muscle pain and fight infections, and inhalation may reduce withdrawal symptoms of cigarette smoking. When used the right way, black pepper essential oil is a great natural remedy for multiple ailments.

Activated Charcoal: Top 7 Benefits And What Science Says

It is surprising to know that something as black as charcoal can actually whiten your teeth. But, it's true. Besides making your teeth sparkle,...