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Tag: Heart Health

tips to take care of your eye health

6 Simple Tips For Better Eye Health

The eyes are the clear indicators of our lifestyle choices and sleep patterns. Not getting enough rest and being overstrained can weaken your eyes, cause dark circles and even loss of vision. Health modifications like eating right, sleeping well, using smartphones and computers mindfully can improve the health of your eyes. Keep diabetes and high BP under control and don't forget to uses protective shades when you step out in the sun.

What Does Arrhythmia During Sleep Or Exercise Mean?

Arrhythmia is a condition where the heart beat is abnormal and often fluctuates. It may occur even while you are asleep or exercising. Many factors play a role in causing arrhythmia, which affects the efficient blood flow throughout the body. People with sleep-related breathing disorders may also suffer from arrhythmia. Hence, it is important to know what arrhythmia that occurs during sleep or exercise means.

6 Effective Ways Of Self-Care

We are blessed with lots of things in our lives that we need to take care of and cherish. Our health is one such...
causes of heart palpitations

10 Surprising Reasons Why Your Heart Skipped A Beat

The unpleasant sensation of one's own heartbeat can occur due to a rise in adrenaline levels. Conditions like stress, low blood pressure, certain drugs, strenuous exercise, excessive caffeine, and nicotine can all contribute to palpitations. Although they are usually harmless, they could indicate the presence of an overactive thyroid or full-fledged heart disease in some individuals.

6 Ways Cutting Down On Red Meat Could Be Great For You

Red meat, which is a hot favorite among many meat eaters, includes meat from livestock and is a popular choice among those who follow a paleo diet. Reducing the intake of red meat is highly beneficial for health as it lowers the risk of high cholesterol, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’s and improves your energy levels greatly.
What’s Best For Health – Cow, Buffalo, Or Goat Milk?

What’s Best For Health: Cow, Buffalo, Or Goat Milk?

Cow, buffalo, and goat milk have their own unique health benefits. While all three aid in growth and development, buffalo milk may help strengthen bones better than cow and goat milk due to its calcium content. Cow and goat milk can reduce inflammation. Buffalo milk can treat anemia due to its iron content, while goat milk may be good for lactose intolerant individuals as it contains fewer milk sugars.
Heartburn And Heart Attack: What's The Difference?

Heartburn And Heart Attack: What’s The Difference?

A burning chest pain along with a sour taste in the mouth points toward heartburn while chest pain accompanied by shortness of breath, sweating and dizziness suggests a heart attack. Antacids can help cure heartburns but are unlikely to cure a heart attack. When it comes to chest pain, it is essential to seek immediate medical attention rather than ignoring the symptoms, or waiting for things to get worse.

How High Or Low Potassium Levels Cause Cardiac Arrest

Are you experiencing frequent episodes of chest pain and discomfort, heart palpitations, or an irregular heart rate? You could be looking at the signs of a sudden cardiac arrest. This can happen because of an abnormal heart rhythm, which is caused due to either high or low potassium levels in your bloodstream. Consequently, it is vital that you maintain the ideal potassium level in your blood for a healthy heart.

5 Reasons To Practice Heat Therapy

As a form of heat therapy, saunas can transform your fitness routine. It helps muscle recovery after exercise. The heat also preserves muscle mass, increases growth hormone, and reduces oxidative stress. It even relieves pain, so don’t have to worry about soreness after working out. The combination of exercise and heat is also amazing for heart health. Regularly using a sauna will also improve high blood pressure and blood flow, making it a must of a heart healthy lifestyl
health risks of eating pork

4 Health Risks Associated With Eating Pork

Pork is a popular food in many parts of the world. While processed pork meat can be convenient and tasty, it can lead to cancer. Also, the saturated fat it contains can lead to obesity and increase the risk of heart diseases and stroke. Pigs carry hepatitis E virus which affects your liver. Eating raw or undercooked meat of pigs can cause Trichinosis, which can also lead to death.

Your First Period Decides How Long You’ll Live

If your first period was at age 12 or older, you’re more likely to live past 90. Later periods also point to a reduced risk of heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States. The chances for smoking will also be lower, giving you even more protection from heart disease and cancer. Despite the age of your first period, you can still increase longevity. Aim to improve heart health, quit smoking, and reduce stress.

5 Reasons Why Yerba Mate Should Be Your Go-To Drink

Yerba mate is a traditional South American tea with strong antioxidative properties that prevent cancer. Studies have shown that it may also regulate hormone-induced cancers. Yerba mate also protects the liver and heart. Specifically, it can reduce blood cholesterol, a key factor in heart disease prevention. It contains compounds including caffeine that improve brain function, memory, and thinking. Are you trying to lose weight? Drinking yerba mate will increase fat oxidation.
Heart Palpitations

The Connection Between Vitamin B12 Deficiency And Heart Palpitations

Any sudden fluttering in the heart can give you a reason to worry. It can be a common experience for many. But not all...
Practicing yoga improves the health of your heart

6 Yoga Asanas For A Healthy Heart

Contrary to popular belief, your age does not determine the health of your heart. Even people in their 20s fall prey to heart attacks...
Why Is Right-Sided Heart Failure Different?

Right-Sided Heart Failure: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

The right side of the heart is not designed to work as hard as the left. If the load on the right ventricle is huge because of a failing left side or high pulmonary hypertension, right-sided heart failure develops. The symptoms experienced are breathlessness, severe swelling all over the body and fatigue. It's best to seek medical attention as soon as possible before the condition becomes life-threatening.