
Ann Elizabeth Thomas


9 Ways To Make Dating Easier If You’re A Woman Over 50

Dating in your 50s can be intimidating but there are ways to make it easier on yourself. Firstly, learn to be comfortable in your own skin. Try to get involved in different kinds of activities to be able to meet new people. Also, make sure that you know what you want from the dating life. Being clear on your expectations makes it easier for you and your partner. Know that true fulfillment can only come from living the life the way you want to live it. So don't be afraid to get out there.

Try This Apple Cider Vinegar And Honey Drink To Detox And Help Digestion

This drink made with apple cider vinegar and honey combines the health benefits of both ingredients. Raw honey and apple cider vinegar are to be used since the pasteurized versions do not contain the same nutrients. These substances contain probiotics which promote a healthy gut. They also contain substances that help the breakdown of food in the stomach. They even contain cancer-fighting properties which can help maintain colon health.

11 Clever Ways To Use Baking Soda In Your Garden

Baking has several uses including keeping the soil at the ideal pH level. It also helps to kill weeds like crabgrass and those weeds that sprout up between the cracks in concrete. It can help reduce odor in compost pits, kill cabbage worms, slugs, and snails, and make the soil a better environment for flowering plants that require alkaline soil. You can use it as a makeshift indicator for checking pH levels to help keep your soil at the ideal level.

7 Weight Loss Quick Fixes That Are Not Worth Your Time

Liquid diets, detoxes, supplements and crash diets do more harm than good. In most cases, there is not enough research to back their effectiveness. They are impractical to keep up in the long run. They lead to more weight gain and can have harmful effects on the body if done without medical supervision. The healthiest way to lose weight won't give you immediate results but it keeps your body truly fit and healthy.

8 Surefire Signs That You’re Someone’s Rebound

Rebounds can cause a lot of emotional hurt to the person involved. These are some ways to tell if you are in a rebound relationship. The person you're dating has recently broken up. They may be eager to act like you both are in a long term relationship. They may alternatively, emphasize how this isn't a serious thing. They may post about you both on social media to make sure their ex sees how happy they are.

7 Human Foods That Are Toxic and Potentially Fatal for Pets

Foods such as coffee, chocolate, onions, garlic, leeks and macadamia nuts may be safe for human consumption but they can be harmful to our pets. Some common symptoms of poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, and lethargy. If you notice any unusual symptoms in your pet or you suspect they may have ingested any of these foods, take them to the vet immediately.

How To Grow an Avocado Tree From The Pit

Avocado saplings can be grown from the seed, however, they are not likely to bear fruit. One must suspend the pit in a glass of water with the bottom slightly submerged. A few weeks later, the seed will start to sprout roots and shoots. Once it has reached a level of maturity, this seedling can be a potted indoor house plant or transferred outside to mature into a fully grown tree.

HIIT Workouts To Try When Your Routine Gets Boring

High-intensity interval training revolves around intense exercise for short bursts followed by periods of rest. They can vary based on overall length, the length of the intervals and the parts of the body targeted for exercise. However, one must exercise caution. Regular high-intensity activity can strain and deteriorate the joints. Using improper form can also lead to injury

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