
Ann Elizabeth Thomas


13 Clever Uses For Coconut Oil That You Should Know About

Coconut oil has several benefits and uses in the everyday household. It can be used as a mouthwash, lip balm, hair oil, baby oil, moisturizer, wood polish, insect repellent, and even stain remover. It has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which may help wounds heal faster. It also has antioxidant properties which can keep the liver and kidney healthy.

11 Clever Tips To Get In Shape That Lazy People Will Appreciate

These tips focus on adding little bits of activity throughout the day. Find at least 20 minutes to squeeze in a workout session. Take the stairs and park your car further away from the destination. Eliminate one unhealthy food from your diet. Try incorporating dance and music into your exercise. Use a long phone call as an opportunity to go for a walk. A little bit of activity every day is better than not being active at all.

4 Ways Your Phone Is Wrecking Your Workout

Research shows that using your phone during a workout can make lessen your postural balance. It can also ruin your form. Both of these situations can make you prone to injuries. Texting during a workout also makes you less likely to engage in vigorous or high-intensity exercise. You spend a larger portion of time in low-intensity exercise, making your workout less effective. Try to minimize your phone usage in the gym to prevent this from happening

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Help With Weight Loss?

Apple cider vinegar has been seen to have numerous benefits for the body in terms of weight loss. It can help keep blood sugar under control, regulate insulin and insulin sensitivity, reduce lipids in the body and improve fat absorption by the muscles and liver. When consuming, it is important to do so in diluted form and in moderation as it can cause tooth erosion and nausea

5 Yoga Poses To Help Boost Your Confidence

The practice of yoga has been shown to help depression, anxiety, and reduce stress. This way, the person can experience more confidence in themselves. Poses such as the mountain pose, the tree pose, the upward dog pose, and the warrior poses, help the body find balance and calm the mind. They also help improve posture, making one seem and feel more confident.

4 Things Your Music Taste Reveals About You

Music taste can tell you what a person’s cognitive style is. It can tell you whether that person is more empathetic or systematic in their thinking. Music taste can also tell you some of their personality traits and even how promiscuous they are. Some surveys have shown a correlation between certain genres and political viewpoints as well.

9 Simple Ways To Reduce Triglyceride Levels In Your Body

Triglycerides can be as harmful as bad cholesterol in the way that it could increase the risk for heart problems. Losing body weight is one of the main ways to keep levels under control. It is also recommended that one limits the intake of added sugar, simple carbohydrates, alcohol, trans fats, and saturated fats while increasing the intake of unsaturated fats, fiber, and natural supplements if they are appropriate.

5 Yoga Poses To Help Improve Brain Function

Yoga has been shown to increase cognitive function, decrease anxiety and stress and improve mood. The inverted poses allow for better blood circulation, better attentiveness and awareness. Other poses help the mind remain calm and relieve stress. Poses like sarvangasana, padmasana, paschimottasana, halasana, and tadasana help improve brain function. Meditation and breathing exercises/pranayama have been shown to increase and preserve gray matter in the brain.

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