
Ann Elizabeth Thomas


5 Health Benefits Of Ginseng For Men

As men get older, erectile dysfunction and memory loss become more common. However, ginseng doubles as a natural treatment that doesn’t have negative side effects. It can also be used to control blood glucose and reduce the risk for type 2 diabetes. Even men who already have diabetes may experience better glucose management. Taking ginseng also cuts the chances of cancer and metabolic syndrome, two conditions that often affect men

8 Warning Signs That You Have Low Self-Esteem

People with low self-esteem give in to arguments easily, apologize often, and get easily depressed, especially when criticized. While buying new things gives them a false sense of empowerment, they find it tough to leave abusive relationships or even voice their opinion. Men with low self-esteem might also become overcritical of their partners. Kids with self-esteem cower away from challenges and are oversensitive.

4 Stages Of A Tooth Cavity

The first stage of a cavity begins when you eat. The bacteria in your mouth turns food into acids, which turn into a sticky substance called plaque. Next, the acids damage your tooth’s enamel. You can stop it if you regularly brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste. If not, erosion continues to the dentin tissue and creates a hole in your tooth. By the time it reaches the nerves, you’ll have extreme pain and need a root canal.

Which Is Better: Walking Or Running?

Walking and running are both amazing for your health. However, comparatively, running burns up to two and a half times more calories. You’ll lose more pounds and have better weight management. Running also does a better job at improving your BMI and waist circumference and reducing your appetite, all of which decrease your risk for type 2 diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. However, walking might be more suitable if you want a low-intensity workout or want to take it slow.

Home Remedies To Treat A Cactus Sting

After cleaning a cactus sting, it is best to use a natural remedy to prevent infection. Aloe vera, argan oil, coconut oil, and honey are excellent for wound healing. You can also use them as carriers for antibacterial essential oils like tea tree and lavender. These treatments can kill bacteria and heal the skin. Promote tissue growth by applying green tea, which has a wound-healing substance called epigallocatechin-3-gallate. To apply, use a cotton ball or make soothing green tea ice cubes.

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