
Ann Elizabeth Thomas


How To Use Garlic As A Remedy For Back Pain

Garlic contains anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce pain. It also has antioxidants like selenium and thiacremonone which help fight free radicals that cause damage and inflammation. Garlic may also have hypotensive effects. This can counter the effect of over the counter painkillers that can cause a spike in blood pressure. Garlic can be consumed raw in minced form or infused with oil to make a topical application.

What Your Sleeping Position Says About Your Personality

These 6 sleeping positions are linked to certain personality traits. For example, the fetal position says that you may be a worrier, while the log position suggests that you may be sociable. The yearner is usually open but can be suspicious. The soldier is quiet and reserved. On the other hand, the freefaller is generally sociable but does not take criticism well. Lastly, the starfish is a great friend and listener.

9 Simple Ways To Strengthen Your Brain Daily

Your brain needs regular exercise just like the rest of your body. Challenge your mind with complex puzzles and brain teasers. Try your hand at something new like learning an instrument or a new language. Avoid brain damage that comes with excess alcohol. Instead, include foods with omega-3 fatty acids. Make sure you get enough sleep and meditate regularly to help clear your mind.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Garlic, And Honey: An All Round Remedy

This recipe combines garlic, honey and apple cider vinegar, all three of which have amazing properties. Garlic and honey, both have cancer-fighting elements. Garlic and apple cider vinegar can both help reduce cholesterol levels. The probiotic properties of raw honey and the acetic acid in the vinegar can help aid digestion. Blend all these ingredients together and consume two teaspoons of this mixture daily.

7 Ways To Prevent Heartworm Disease In Dogs

Heartworm is a disease caused by a parasitic worm and it is transmitted through mosquito bites. The easiest way to prevent heartworm is to prevent mosquito bites. Install netting in your house to prevent them entering. Use natural insect repelling herbs and their oils. Keep your dog's immune system healthy with a balanced diet and avoid being around stagnant water.

5 Amazing Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar For Dogs

Apple cider vinegar can prevent fleas, ticks and other insects from inhabiting your dog's coat A diluted bath of the vinegar can help soothe itchiness on the skin and the paws. It can even help clean ear infections caused by yeast. Those pet owners who feed their dogs a raw diet can count on apple cider vinegar to disinfect their food.

6 Colors To Paint Your Bedroom Walls To Help You Sleep Better

It is extremely important to get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation can lead to several issues like reduced concentration and can affect perception and judgment. It can even cause accidents. Changing the color of one's bedroom walls may help them sleep better. Colors such as blue and pale pink are proven to have calming effects on the body. Other great options include moss green, warm gray, coral, and beige

6 Ways A Growth Mindset Helps You Achieve Your Fitness Goals

There are two main types of mindsets that determine how people view themselves and fuel their behavior, They are, the fixed mindset and the growth mindset. People with a growth mindset are more likely to accept challenges and embrace change. They can be extremely optimistic and are not afraid to try new things. They are more process oriented and don't give up on a task easily.

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