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Tag: Women’s Health

Belly Fat In Women: A Result Of Aging And More

Often women tend to get a fatter belly as they age. Belly fat is a common occurrence in today’s world, but it is an...

Baby Born From Embryo Frozen 25 Years Ago

Yes, you read it right! A baby has been born from an embryo frozen for nearly 25 years. It is the longest known frozen...

Can Baking Soda Get Rid Of A Foul Vaginal Odor?

Vaginal odor can be an embarrassing problem for women. It is something that women find hard to discuss even with their gynecologists. Having a...

Why Does Your Baby Fall Asleep While Breastfeeding?

Babies typically tend to fall asleep at the breast when they’re satiated. Sometimes, this can also happen when your baby has not latched on properly. If you experience pain during nursing, that’s another sign of an improper latch. Babies who were born with a low birth weight may also be sleepier during feedings. As long as your baby is steadily gaining weight and passing stool and urine normally, there's no reason to worry.

4 Reasons Why Women Should Never Ditch Their Girlfriends For Guys

All women have been friends with many women who ditched them the moment they got boyfriends. Losing out on friendships over guys happens to...

Why Do Asthma Symptoms Worsen Before Your Period?

If you’ve been suffering from asthma, then you might notice your symptoms become aggravated around the time you get your period. The symptoms of...

7 Poop Facts Every Woman Should Know

Pooping habits can be different for each person, but there are certain facts you must know about pooping. If you are worried about your...

7 Essential Habits For Optimal Vaginal Health

To keep your vagina healthy, practice certain habits to maintain microbial balance and acidity. Treat infections early and regularly visit the gynecologist for routine Pap smears and pelvic exams. The vagina also cleans itself, so avoid douching, a practice that kills good bacteria. Using petroleum jelly and oil as lube will disrupt the acidity, too. Practice good hygiene and switch out tampons and pads regularly. To let the area breathe, wear loose and dry clothing.

8 Things That Have An Influence On Our Brains

The brain might be responsible for our physical and psychological health, but research states that certain factors in life influence certain parts of the brain. Sports improve information processing, concentration, and memory. Attentive reading and painting improve cognition. Excessive sugar consumption causes cognitive decline and depression. Falling in love improves social cognition. Pregnancy shrinks grey matter, which develops maternal instincts. Stress and dehydration impair memory.

What Does A Cottage-Cheese-Like Discharge From The Vagina Mean?

If you’re a woman, then you know that your vagina is going to secrete all sorts of discharge. Discharge can be regulated by the...

7 Ways To Make Your Pregnant Partner Feel Confident

An expectant mom goes through a lot of struggles during pregnancy. Sometimes, she might be overwhelmed with discomforts associated with pregnancy. Morning sickness, aches,...

7 Things That Women Secretly Wish Men Knew About Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be a confusing experience for men, especially when their partners get pregnant for the first time. They are figuring out just as...

7 Things To Share With Your Gynecologist Without Being Embarrassed

Gynecologists are an important part of all women's lives. As women are riding up the success ladder, the stress is increasing in their lives....

The Best Vegan Mexican Food: Facts And Secrets

If you haven’t believed the fact yet, it’s time to toy with the idea yourself: vegan Mexican food exists. True that Mexican cuisine can...

Handy Makeup Rules For Women Over 40

As you age, the products you have used in the past might no longer be working. Do not panic yet. It’s not as if...