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Its About The Brain, Not The Butt

Its About The Brain, Not The Butt

You should exercise mainly for the health benefits rather than for being skinny or chasing a dress size. Your minds forces you to quit when your workout regimen becomes a punishment. Exercise helps you in neurogenesis, boosting natural 'feel good' hormones, creativity, reducing stress and in establishing new connections between brain cells.
Which Pelvic Exercises Should I Do Pre And Post Pregnancy?

Which Pelvic Exercises Should I Do Pre And Post Pregnancy?

Pelvic floor muscles weaken due to age, childbirth, pregnancy, heavy lifting and obesity. Lie down or sit comfortably with knees faced slightly apart. Squeeze back muscles inward as if trying to stop from passing wind. Do the same in the front as if trying to stop from urinating. Hold squeeze for 1 or 10 secs, breathing normally. Release and repeat 5-10 times at one go.
Exercises for a strong core

The Only 6 Best Exercises For A Strong Core

'Plank' helps build abdominal muscles and strengthens the core. The 'Bicycles' routine works the abs and oblique muscles. The 'Superman Hold' strengthens the lower back and the glutes. 'Glute Bridges' activates the glutes and lower back muscles. 'Flutter Kicks' targets the lower abs. 'Side Plank' targets the oblique muscles and strengthens the core.
Are Exercises Sufficient To Get Those Killer Flat Abs?

Are Exercises Sufficient To Get Those Killer Flat Abs?

No, factors like genetics, percentage of body fat, dietary choices, stress and lack of sleep also are responsible. You must consume high fiber foods, do regular posture building exercises like planks and back extensions. You must also indulge in a de-stress routine like meditation or a hobby and practice yoga asanas like Uthkatasana and Naukasana.

3 Essential Tips For Quick Recovery From Exercise Soreness

Include good nutrition and supplements to your diet. Omega 3's, magnesium, calcium, protein and Vit C help muscles recover. Keep exercising, don't give up. Your muscles with get used to the tension and soreness will reduce over time. Stretch, both before and after your workout it will increase blood flow and reduce any pain or stiffness.

Prevent Premature Ejaculation With Pelvic Muscles

Do kegel exercises on a regular basis as the stronger the pelvic muscles, the better the chance of controlling your ejaculation. Strengthen your pelvic muscles and bring them under your control. During intercourse, being able to contract your pelvic muscles 10 times will help you reign in the urge to ejaculate sooner than you want.

The Right Nutritional Diet If You Are Exercising

Energy production, preventing injury/illness and muscle recovery are aspects your diet needs to cover for you when you exercise. For energy consume high fiber carbs like oats and barley. Eating vegetables of all colors and foods high in antioxidants can keep injury at bay and for muscle recovery consume healthy proteins like beans, pulses, tofu and nuts.

How To Build Core Abs Like A Ballet Dancer?

Lying on your back, hold a stability ball between your hands and extend the arms straight up to the ceiling. As you exhale, stretch the arms overhead as far as possible without arching the mid-back. Then place heels on the stability ball, relaxing the legs. Gently press the ball away and back towards you while maintaining intra-abdominal pressure.
Weightlifting Can Build Both Your Muscles And Brain

Weightlifting Can Build Both Your Muscles And Brain

Strength training and weightlifting helps improve an memory, slows the onset of dementia, and strengthens the heart - increasing blood flow to the brain and improving cognitive function. In younger adults, even 20-min training can boost long term memory. Even in older adults, a brief workout improves memory due to release of stress hormone norepinephrine.

5 Simple Muscle Building Workout Routines For Beginners

5X5 Program: Do 5 sets and 5 repetitions. Facial Stretch Training: Builds physical integrity and prevent physical shocks. German Volume Program: Similar to 5X5 but with a strict diet. Split Training: Concentrates on upper and lower body individually. Complete Workout: Gradual yet effective, includes a schedule for every muscle in the body.
Quick 5 Mins Fix For Your Aching Back

Quick 5 Min Fixes For Your Aching Back

Stand straight and try touching your toes without bending your knees. Failure to do so means your back flexibility is poor and prone to injury. To improve flexibility, practice crocodile breathing, repeated flexion and quadruped knee lifts. These mild exercises will help flex core and lower back muscles. Practice daily till you can touch your toes without warmup.

Role Of Nitric Oxide In Building Strong Muscles

Nitric Oxide (NO) improves blood flow to engaged muscles, which in turn improves nutrient circulation, oxygen transport and reduces blood pressure. This improvement in blood flow automatically enhances performance and lets you push your muscle's limits. It also helps clear lactic acid build up that occurs at the joints, which improves endurance.
Connecting Your Brain And Gluteal Muscles

Connecting Your Brain And Gluteal Muscles

Gluteal muscles are what support and define our body' core strength, located around the hip and butt. Conventional movement doesn't require these muscles much and hence we hardly access them. Accessing these muscles requires a strong neurological connection and conscious effort to integrate these muscles with the ones you use often.
Best Exercises for glutes

Exercises To Restore And Strengthen Gluteal Muscles

Heel Press: Lay on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor in one line with the hips, knees, and ankles. Now press your heel to the floor and concentrate on the strength of the contraction at the buttocks. If you feel the calves working too much, lift the toes up and press only the heels to the floor. This will help restore strength to your gluteal muscles.
6 Exercises To Reverse The Effects Of A Desk Job

6 Exercises To Reverse The Effects Of A Desk Job

A desk job can lower metabolism, weaken muscles, affect your organs and lower the heart’s capacity to pump. Leg swings (forward and sideways), squats, football drills, windmill, hamstring and hip stretches are exercises that will help flex muscles, improve heart rate, loosen the glutes, hamstring and hips. Walking more and using the stairs can also help.