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Yoga poses to tone and strengthen abs.

8 Yoga Poses For Abs: Moves To Strengthen And Tone Your Core

Yoga can help build a strong core, which translates to stronger and well-defined abs, more flexibility and endurance, and improved posture. Poses to try include downward facing dog, plank, extended triangle, warrior, and boat poses. The bridge, dolphin, and locust poses also work wonders.

The Best Stretches For Your Psoas Muscle

Stretching your psoas muscle and easing tightness in the region doesn’t take a lot of time or equipment. Just grab a mat and try the supine and kneeling hip flexor stretches and yoga asanas like the virabhadrasana I and anjaneyasana, or try the standing pendulum swing and you should feel the difference!

A Foolproof Workout Routine For Muscle Growth In Men

To build muscle, you need to follow a diligent resistance or strength training routine, including exercises with and without weights. Try exercises like the dumbbell bench press, deadlifts, and kettlebell swing. Add in squats, lunges, push-ups, or the bicycle maneuver. Follow a regular routine and that muscular well-toned body will soon be yours.
How to get rid of butt acne

9 Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Butt Acne

An inflammation of your hair follicles may lead to butt acne. Wear loose cotton clothes, keep the area clean, and drain pimples with a warm compress to ease the infection. Apply lime juice, diluted eucalyptus oil, or tea tree oil to the area. Turmeric or garlic paste can also help.
Natural remedies for runner's knee includes rest, ice packs, and proper exercise.

6 Natural Remedies For Runner’s Knee (Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome)

Runner's knee or patellofemoral pain syndrome is a condition that causes pain under your kneecaps. Resting your knees by avoiding activities such as squatting or kneeling can help you ease the pain. You can also apply ice or drink ginger tea for pain relief. Physical therapy, the use of knee braces, and using supportive shoe inserts (orthosis) may also help.

7 Reasons Your Period Might Be Irregular

Early, delayed, or absent. Does your period take you by surprise every month? With this comes the fear of pregnancy, if you are sexually...

6 Exercises That Reveal How Fit You Really Are

Certain exercises take years to master as they require you to develop strength, control, and flexibility of your body. These moves demand high fitness...

Improve Your Athletic Performance With A Bit Of Coffee

Caffeine may improve mental and physical performance if used appropriately as an alternative to the commercial products like shakes and protein powders. Although coffee is the most popular caffeine-containing beverage, its effect on athletic performance is debatable due to varying caffeine content. Moderate caffeine intake (up to 400 mg) may benefit performance by reducing pain and exhaustion and improving alertness.

Bird Dog Exercise Basics And Benefits: Strengthen Your Spine And Core Muscles

The bird dog exercise helps strengthen core muscles and stabilize the spine, particularly the lumbar region that supports most of the body. It also improves posture control, aligns the spine, reduces lower back pain, and strengthens the shoulder muscles. It can be performed by most healthy individuals while several challenging variations can help athletes and active sportspeople.

9 Tips To Get The Fitness Motivation You’ve Been Looking For

When you tell yourself that you are too lazy to go for a workout, it is the mind that is deciding what you do. The mind has complete control over you. That is why you should change your thoughts to eventually change your lifestyle. Always keep your goal in mind, treat your health as part of your priority, and always think about consequences.
(As you age, your metabolism slows down

Why Does Your Metabolism Slow Down As You Age?

Metabolism is the sum of all the chemical reactions that take place in your body to keep you alive and functioning. These reactions utilize...

6 Early Signs Of MS You Should Not Ignore

Multiple Sclerosis can start off quite innocently; long bouts of tiredness, forgetting birthdays you always remembered and blurred vision. The early symptoms of Multiple...

4 Brilliant Reasons To Include Fermented Beets In Your Diet

Fermentation of beets intensifies its content of carotenoids, minerals, and vitamins. Scientific studies have revealed that eating beets in moderation can lower hypertension due to its high inorganic nitrate content. Dietary fiber in it improves digestion and makes you feel full for longer. Being high in vitamins B and C makes it one of the best immune-boosting foods.
There are many common health issues that you can fix with healthy eating habits.

Amazing Food Fixes For Common Health Problems

Good, healthy food is the key to healthy living. In fact, there is nothing in the world that food cannot fix completely. Be it...

5 Reasons Why Your Knee Is Clicking And How To Fix It

Knee clicking happens when gas bubbles in the joints pop. This isn’t a major concern, but sometimes, it might be from overuse and tissue buildup. Runner’s knee may shift the kneecap out of place and cause clicking, while arthritis roughens up the joints and leads to friction. If you tear the meniscus, the cartilage might move into the joint. Injuring the ACL will also cause a pop. For strong knees, work the quads, hamstrings, and IT band in the knee.