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5 Yoga Poses For Slim Hips And Thighs

Child Pose: Relieves stress, not advised for pregnant women. Warrior Pose I: Strengthens back, shoulders and arm muscles, not recommended for heart disease patients. Warrior Pose II: Increases stamina, people with neck pain should avoid. Cobbler's Pose: Revitalizes abdominal region. Downward Dog Pose: Relieves depression and improves digestion.
Stretching Keeps Your Body Young And Healthy

Stretching Keeps Your Body Young And Healthy

Stretching helps muscles become flexible and ensures blood circulation so that your body doesn't become stiff. Children are able to mold into any position due to their muscle flexibility, but adults require more energy as their muscles are tight. So include stretches in your daily life to feel younger, healthier, ensure blood circulation and keep yourself flexible.

5 Diet Tips To Build Lean Muscle

Protein: Eggs and salmon are always good options. Carbs: Rice and beans are ideally, requirement is based on your volume. Fats: Mono-saturated fats are great for muscle, nuts are a good source. Glycemic Index: Make sure it doesn't spike, keep away processed sugars. Micro-nutrients: Eat nutrient vegetables, fruits and starchy foods.
Progressive Relaxation Technique For Managing Stress

Progressive Relaxation Technique For Managing Stress

Progressive muscle relaxation is a systematic technique for managing stress.Start by getting into a comfortable position. Close your eyes. Place the feet flat on the floor, legs uncrossed and your hands resting comfortably at your side or on your lap. Begin by noticing your breathing, noticing your abdomen rise and fall with each breath.
Back Pain Relief

Long-Term Back Pain Relief – My Fight Against Never-Ending Back Pain

I was fighting against “irreversible” back pain due to arthritis. However, it was not actually the arthritis or disc causing the pain, there were other imbalances around it causing the pain where. Hence, I changed the work-out strategy, developed the core strength, started eating clean anti-inflamatory diet, also started doing corrective circuits, and more. Today, my back is no longer in constant pain. It is not 100% gone, but my days of pain are now limited to a few hours of pain a few days a month.

Customize Your Workout According To Your Body Type

First, understand your body type also called somatotype. There are three basics somatotypes; mesomorph, ectomorph, and endomorph. If you're a mesamorph with a strong frame you can experiment and challenge your body with variety of exercises, ectomorphs must train heavier and keep cardio to minimum and endomorphs must embrace cardio.

The 5 Best Ab Workouts

Are you still doing dozens of crunches in the hopes of getting flat, washboard abs?Traditional crunches are old news, so let's take your ab routine to the next level with the following 5 Best Ab Exercises. The most effective ab exercises strengthen your core on the whole; which helps prevent dreaded back pain, increases your agility.
Epsom Salt Magnesium Supplement And Other Health Benefits

Epsom Salt: Magnesium Supplement & Other Health Benefits

Magnesium is the second most abundant element in human cells and fourth most important positively charged ion in the body. It helps the body...
Causes of Back Pain

6 Most Ignored Causes Of Back Pain

Instead of staying still, engage in movement or light physical activity when you experience back pain. Do not ignore chronic back pain issues like herniated disks and spinal stenosis. Fashion accessories like heels and heavy bags, desk jobs, weak back muscles are a few causes of back pain. Also, avoid stress and engage in a 10 minute walk or meditation daily.

How to Feel More Internally Powerful in Three Easy Steps!

Being a man and only 5 ft 8, I used to think that I had to be tall to feel powerful. Yet, history of mankind shows...
Building Explosive Strength & Muscle Through Plyometrics.

Building Explosive Strength & Muscle Through Plyometrics.

Back when I boxed I did several exercises that worked my body out hard and made me more effective in the ring. These same...
Are You Underweight? Natural Remedies Just For You.

Are You Underweight? Natural Remedies Just For You.

Being underweight means, you fall under the normal weight. A number of underweight people are fit and well; they simply have a slender constitution....

5 Little Known Ways To Get A Leg Workout At Home.

We have all been there at some point: snow blocking the roads, sick child at home that needs pampering, car is in the shop,...
The Insider’s Secrets to A Stronger Foundation and Core.

The Insider’s Secrets to A Stronger Foundation and Core.

  In almost every single sport, building a strong foundation is important to sustaining success. Once I grasped it in my younger days in the...
Best Superfoods For Those Dream Flat Abs.

Best Superfoods For Those Dream Flat Abs.

Having a fit and lean belly is not just merely crunches to get the job on its own. The key to have a trimmer...