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Natural Ways To Melt That Stubborn Cellulite

Do you feel self-conscious wearing a bathing suit or shorts? Are you always trying to cover up your lumpy, dimpled skin? Cellulite can be...

7 Day Full-Body Workout (Each Under 30 Minutes!)

Perform 10 min cardio, 2 circuits of each workout, and end with stretches. Day 1: 15 bridges, 15 side leg lifts, 30 sec plank. Day 2: 15 side kicks, 15 chair push ups, 15 kettlebell deadlifts. Day 3: 15 chest openers, 15 inner thigh leg lifts, 15 kettlebell deadlifts. Day 5: 20 bridges, 20 side leg lifts, 45 sec plank. Day 6: 20 side kicks, 20 chair push ups, 20 kettlebell deadlifts. Take a deserved rest on days 4 and 7.

CLA (Fatty Acid) Helps Lose Weight And Build Lean Muscle

Desire a perfect body with no belly fat and lean muscle mass? This can be a reality with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) that gives you both. CLA directs the body to burn deep visceral abdominal fat for energy while stimulating muscle growth. It serves as an immunity booster, an anti-cancer agent, a diabetes controller, and a bone intensifier. Supplement with 1g CLA after meals.

15 Easy Warm-Up Exercises Anyone Can Do

Hold static stretches for 10-20 secs only at the end of a workout, not when your muscles are cold at the start. Don’t exhaust your core. Warm up your entire body. Mountain climbers, lateral steps, high knee pulls, crab walks, jumping jacks, shadow boxing, arm circles, butt kickers, walking – will help get your heart pumping and your blood flowing for an injury-free workout.

10 Signs You Need More Protein In Your Diet

Protein deficiency can slow down muscle recovery, increase insulin, and a weaken immunity. Lack of sufficient protein can cause muscle soreness even 3-4 days after a workout, leave you fatigued, cause loss of lean muscle and hair, increase hunger and sugar cravings, and make it difficult to concentrate. Consume 0.8 gms protein per kg of your body weight every day.

Pull Ups For Beginners: How To Do Your First Pull Up Then Do More

You may have difficulty doing pull ups if you are too heavy, have weak arm or back muscles, or if you're using the wrong bar. Building up each muscle individually before attempting a pull up may take a long time and may not even help. Instead, master pulling variations to work on all your muscles at once! Try door knob towel pull ins, horizontal pull ups, and grip exercises.

The Best Exercises And Stretches For Flexible And Strong Hamstrings

Your hamstrings include 3 muscles that run along the back of your thighs, from the pelvis to the top of your lower legs. If you...

The Ultimate Lunges Guide: Lunges Without Weights

Lunges activate the hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes, calves, lower back and abdominal muscles, and improve balance and coordination. Stand with feet a few inches apart. Step forward with one foot, then bend the front knee until it’s at a 90 degree angle. Pull the front foot back to complete one rep. Advanced variations include walking, reverse, step-up, slider, and backpack lunges.

Tips For Recovery After Prostate Cancer Surgery

Pelvic floor muscle training hastens the recovery of urinary control and erectile function. To avoid potential side effects of radical prostatectomy, commit to a program of Kegel pelvic floor exercises both before and after the prostate surgery. Pelvic floor muscle training program must be designed around muscle education, biofeedback, progressive intensity and resistance.
Your Blood Type Can Influence Your Hearth Health

Your Blood Type Can Influence Your Heart Health

A and AB types tend to have high cholesterol levels, and are more prone to blood clot formation and arterial inflammation. In O and B types, a low-fat, high-carb diet can lead to increase in triglyceride levels, blood sugar, blood pressure and abdominal fat. For a healthy heart, A types need gentle exercise, B and AB types need moderate exercise and O types need high intensity exercise.

Everything You Need To Know About Strengthening Your Hamstrings

Strong hamstrings improve your overall strength, flexibility, balance and boost athletic performance. Reverse Hyper is a great beginner exercise for someone with weak hamstrings. Exercises like split squats, Russian leg curl and single leg deadlift can quickly improve hamstring strength. Sliding leg curls strengthen both knee flexion and hip extensions at the same time.

Everything You Need To Know About Stretching Your Hamstrings

Sitting for long hours shortens hamstring muscles. This along with weak abdominal muscles causes an anterior pelvic tilt which further stiffens the hamstrings. Warm up and hold short stretches repeatedly to increase hamstring flexibility. Stretch interconnected calf and hip muscles. Practise standing, floor and foam exercises to increase your hamstring flexibility.
Say Bye To Belly Fat. Simple Tips To Get Started On Building Those Core Abs.

Simple Tips To Get Started On Building Those Core Abs

Most people don't realize that the core is not only about abs but something much deeper. In fact, if you build core stability (strengthening...
How To Go From Skinny To Muscular Without Weights

How To Go From Skinny To Muscular Without Weights?

Focus on strength training. Start slowly. Do each exercise until you can’t perform another rep. When you can do more than 15 reps, advance to harder exercise. Do different variations aimed at same muscle group to activate growth. Best exercises to build muscle and strength are pull ups, dive bomber push ups, dips, split squats. Eat carbs and protein rich meals.
Is It OK To Skip Breakfast?

Is It OK To Skip Breakfast?

Skipping breakfast does not cause muscle loss or regulate blood sugar levels or cause weight gain. Intermittent fasting is more effective than eating a calorie rich breakfast. Choose healthy options like eggs, avocado and sweet potato. Healthy breakfast eaters are leaner as breakfast keeps them active all day, helps burn more calories and improves concentration.