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Little-Known Secrets Of Eating According To Your Body Type

Your body type provides information on your response to food intake and your hormonal characteristics. It helps determine the right macronutrient intake.
Best Time To Run

What Is the Best Time To Run? What Science Says

Late afternoon or early evening is the best time to run as your BP, core body temperature, levels of certain hormones, joint flexibility, energy, and lung function all peak around this time and enhance your performance. The body is not primed for a morning run, but if you have health issues like high BP or depression, morning runs help more. Having said that, if you're comfortable with whatever time you run, stick to it. Don't upset your body's rhythm by changing the time.

Your Post-Delivery Body: What Happens in the First 24 Hours After Giving Birth

Once your precious bundle is born, the toughest part of your pregnancy journey may indeed be over, but the process of childbirth continues for...

What Are The Health Benefits Of Myofascial Release?

Myofascial release is a safe and effective massage technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure to the trigger points to alleviate pain and restore movement and function within the joints and soft tissue. This therapy can be effective for a wide range of ailments including congenital vertebral abnormalities, fatigue, menstrual and pelvic pain, sports injuries.

Tips To Work Out At Home Without Using Weights

Substitute dumbbells with your body weight for free hand, muscle-focused exercises at home. Warm up and stretch before you start. Do triceps dips for arms; squats, lunges, and calf raises for legs and butt; flutter kicks and crunches for abs; and burpees, wall squats, planks, and innovative push-up variations for a full-body workout. Do 3 sets of each exercise 5 days a week.

Strength Training For Women: Pick Up Those Dumbbells

Resistance training builds muscle and increases BMR. Use 12, 15, and 20-lb dumbbells to do upper and lower body workouts on alternate days. Rest 1 or 2 days a week. Warm up before workouts, sleep well, stay hydrated, and adopt a high-protein, low-carb diet. Do fewer reps with heavier weights for growing in size or more reps with lighter weights for building lean muscle.

Exercise And Yoga For Enhanced Brain Health

Hitting the gym or practicing yoga not only helps you chase your fitness goals, but gives you an additional brain-boost, too! In addition to scaling...

3 Tips To Lose Fat, Boost Energy, And Improve Health

Beyond 30, we start losing muscle mass and accumulate more body fat. Fat loss becomes a challenge that can't be solved by just walking and counting calories. Rather, eat healthy fats and lean proteins to create a thermogenic effect, boost metabolism, and burn fat. Stop endless cardio and do strength training instead to build strength, preserve muscle tissues and hike resting metabolic rate.

How To Stop Losing Muscle As You Age?

Everyone (including the most active) loses muscle as they age. Just that the rate and severity of it varies - fitter people have delayed, milder sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss). A daily intake of 25-30 gm protein (whey protein is effective) and vit D supplements encourage muscle growth. Yoga, strength training, and aerobics delay the onset of muscle atrophy. Keep other lifestyle diseases like diabetes away.

Simple Yet Effective Ways To Kick The Butt For Good

If you are reading this, congratulations - you are making a conscious effort to move toward a healthier lifestyle (read to quit smoking!). It...

3 Benefits Of Walking Barefoot

Being barefoot, your body begins to return to its natural posture by giving the muscles, needed for correct posture, a workout. It helps in grounding or earthing your body (picking up beneficial electrical impulses from the earth) that corrects imbalances in your nervous system, hormones (cortisol), and immune system. Go barefoot 30-60 mins a day to correct your walk, gait, and posture.

10 Fun Exercises to Do with Your Baby

This simple workout will help you lose weight, tone muscles and have fun with your baby! Check out awesome ab workouts to tighten your...

What Are The Health Risks Associated With Being Underweight?

High metabolism, physical exertion, diseases, mental instability and genetics can be causes for your bony structure. Liver issues can also leave your body ineffective in absorbing nutrients from food. Weak bones that easily suffer fractures, infections due to weak immunity, malnutrition, stunted growth in children, anemia and infertility can be health issues from being underweight.

Ginger Root – Magical Herb For Tooth, Muscle And Joint Pain Relief

Ginger is an aromatic, pungent, and spicy herb that has an incredible healing power and is used to treat several ailments. The underground stem (rhizome)...

Combine Cardio And Core Exercises For Those Ripped Abs

Only building muscle without burning fat will leave you with flab over your abs. Tighten your core during all exercises. Incorporate a cardio twist into your core workout. Push-ups with pull throughs, jumping jack burpees, plank lateral tucks, mountain climbers, and pli’e squat chops will challenge your stamina, burn the fat, duplicate your strength, and leave you with sculpted Greek-God abs.