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The Art Of Breathing For Better Living

The Art Of Breathing For Better Living

The essence of Yoga itself lies in the way one breathes. Learn to breathe correctly and fully to achieve its healing, soothing and relaxing benefits. The art of breathing will lead to the correct art of living. Breathing is the most subconscious yet the most important activity in one’s life. One can survive for a month without solid food, a week without fluids or sleep but hardly a few minutes without oxygen. Correct breathing is an important part of yoga practice.

Turn Spring Cleaning Into Spring Training

You can actually burn some calories and deal with the household chores. Just walking back and forth your home and organizing can contribute to your cleaning workout. Vacuuming is a high energy chore that can be compared to brisk walking. Achieve maximum results by cleaning for at least 20 minutes, because this is the required time for the body to start burning fat. When it comes to workouts, nothing can compare to car washing. It will keep you moving for at least an hour and will really work your arms. 
Easy Exercises To Look Your Best This Mother’s Day

Easy Exercises To Look Your Best This Mother’s Day

Instead of giving you a lot of facts and scientific studies, I decided to go one step further and give you the real uncut raw video of simple but effective exercises that will completely resolve all your problems areas. Like the annoying Bat Wings that flap under your arms, the muffin top that pokes out and hang over your jeans, the thunder thighs that keep you from wearing cute skinny jeans, the saggy droopy booty or the bra-strap fat that bunches up and rolls over.

3 Tips To Remember When Fasting Pre-Workout

Ever since the early to mid-90's, working out in a fasted state has been a commonly used method to help boost the rate of...
Back Pain Relief

Long-Term Back Pain Relief – My Fight Against Never-Ending Back Pain

I was fighting against “irreversible” back pain due to arthritis. However, it was not actually the arthritis or disc causing the pain, there were other imbalances around it causing the pain where. Hence, I changed the work-out strategy, developed the core strength, started eating clean anti-inflamatory diet, also started doing corrective circuits, and more. Today, my back is no longer in constant pain. It is not 100% gone, but my days of pain are now limited to a few hours of pain a few days a month.

3 Easy Relaxed Breathing Exercises

Breathing is a powerful trigger to relaxation. These 3 simple breathing exercises will help you relax better. Belly Breathing: Lay down, place one palm on your chest, the other on your waistline. Slowly inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Counting Breaths: Lay down, inhale through the nose, hold your breath for 6 or more seconds and exhale from the mouth. Qigong exercises: Sit straight, bring palms towards chin as you inhale and push them towards the ground when you exhale.

4 Bad Habits That Disrupt Your Workout Routine

Sticking to a workout routine, can be extremely difficult. You might feel excited now, but at some point you might lose the spark. Maybe the lack of immediate results discouraged you or you find it difficult to keep up with the exercises. 4 Bad Habits that disrupt our fitness routine: being a serial exerciser, failing to plan, overtraining or undertraining and lack of focus.

5 Easy Rituals For A Good Night’s Sleep

Bedtime Rituals: Stick to a fixed bed time, even on the weekends; Turn off all electronics; Wind down- light some incense, a scented candle, or take a warm aromatherapy bath; Dim the lights especially in your bedroom; Keep your bedroom cool, dark, quiet, and well ventilated; Eat light- Avoid heavy meals in the evening; Breathe and relax- relax all the muscles in your body.

3 Ab Exercises That Are Ineffective

Firstly, make sure your diet is in check to achieve your six pack ab goal. A few ab exercises that are ineffective are front crunches: they utilize very little core activation, the straight leg sit-up: it brings the hip flexors more into play than anything, which is of no good to your abs, the side bend: it could also actually increase the thickness of the waist.
Svadhishthana Chakra Sacral Chakra Unlocking The Secrets

Svadhishthana Chakra /Sacral Chakra: Unlocking The Secrets

Svadhisthana chakra begins to develop between ages 2 and 4. The aspects of this chakra are: procreation, family and fantasy. The earth element of Muladhara chakra dissolves into the water element, thus showing it connection to the previous chakra. This chakra deals with emotions, sexuality, intimacy, reproduction, pleasure and personal relationships.

Customize Your Workout According To Your Body Type

First, understand your body type also called somatotype. There are three basics somatotypes; mesomorph, ectomorph, and endomorph. If you're a mesamorph with a strong frame you can experiment and challenge your body with variety of exercises, ectomorphs must train heavier and keep cardio to minimum and endomorphs must embrace cardio.

9 Tips To Stay Motivated Towards Your Goals

With more than 8 weeks into 2015, the time has come when most people would have already bailed on their resolutions. Today I’m here...
Natural And Herbal remedies For the Treatment Of ADHD

Natural And Herbal Remedies For The Treatment Of ADHD

I would like to discuss the advantages of additional holistic alternatives to medication therapy for a child or adult dealing with ADHD. I think...

The 5 Best Ab Workouts

Are you still doing dozens of crunches in the hopes of getting flat, washboard abs?Traditional crunches are old news, so let's take your ab routine to the next level with the following 5 Best Ab Exercises. The most effective ab exercises strengthen your core on the whole; which helps prevent dreaded back pain, increases your agility.
Best Tips for Natural Breast Lift

Best Tips For Natural Breast Lift

To lift your breasts: Firstly find your right bra size, exercises can prevent your breasts from sagging, so practice regularly, practice a minimum of 10 push-ups a day, weight lifting can be a great way to build your pectoral muscles, Aloe Vera gel contains skin tightening properties, consume essential nutrients like vitamins, calcium and minerals and try swimming.