3 Tips To Remember When Fasting Pre-Workout

Ever since the early to mid-90’s, working out in a fasted state has been a commonly used method to help boost the rate of fat burning that can take place and help some people get better results.

But before you go off and decide to workout in a fasted state, there are some important things to know. You need to prepare yourself properly for this or you will end up just burning muscle tissue in the process, thus creating an environment for lowered metabolism. All of this will add up to not getting the progress you were hoping for.


 3 Things to Remember When Fasting Pre-Workout

Don’t Attempt Intense Exercises

The very first “must-know” tip about working out fasted is to attempt anything that is considered an intense exercise. Intense exercises require glucose as a fuel source and if you have not consumed any glucose that day (in the form of carbohydrates or even converted protein), you aren’t going to be able to maintain the intensity that you need or want. Make sure that you keep any fasted training to moderate intensity exercises at best.

Stop if You Feel Dizzy

Next, if you find that you are starting to feel dizzy during your workout, make sure you stop. Feeling dizzy shouldn’t happen. Back off until you are feeling better, or in some cases, you may need to end the session and get something to eat. In this case, you’ll want to get a small serving of simple sugars as this is what will help to bring your blood glucose levels back up to a healthier range.


Avoid Long Workout Sessions

Finally, make sure that you aren’t going to attempt incredibly long workouts either, even if they are moderate paced sessions.  Your workouts should only last around 30-45 minutes when fasted. Anything longer than that and you simply need more fuel.

So keep these fasted workout tips in mind. If you are going to do fasted training, it’s best to stick to moderate intensity cardio training only. This can help you utilize fat as a fuel source and get you in fat burning mode for the rest of the day. Keep in mind that exercising in a fasted state isn’t for everyone. In some cases, you are best off just eating beforehand and forgoing fasted training.


While there can be some benefits to exercising fasted, you can successfully lose weight even without doing this.
