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10 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Genital Itching

If you have genital discomforts, rinse the vaginal area with an apple cider vinegar and water solution. Applying a few drops of garlic oil in vitamin E oil to the affected area and later rinsing and drying can provide relief. Other remedies like yogurt, honey, and coconut oil can help reduce itching. A cold compress and a salt water bath can also help reduce the genital discomfort.

Open Up To Abundance And Bliss With Chakra Meditation

The 7 energy centers or chakras as they are commonly known as play a very significant role in developing our consciousness and psychic abilities. Chakra meditation helps to achieve balance in the 7 chakras through the methods of chanting, deep breathing, and visualization. It also helps us to achieve oneness with the universal energy leading to the development of clarity of thought, holistic love, and serenity.

10 Symptoms Of A Sluggish Thyroid And Its Natural Remedies

A sluggish or underactive thyroid is tough to diagnose and treat as its symptoms are quite vague and common to other health issues. The symptoms include depression, brain fog, carpal tunnel syndrome, high cholesterol, weight gain, indigestion, fatigue, and menstrual issues. To help with the treatment, avoid stress, gluten, and carbs and take probiotics, healthy fats, and iodine supplements. Most of all, live an active, healthy life and build up your immunity.
Garlic can be potent backpain remedy

How To Use Garlic As A Remedy For Back Pain

Garlic contains anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce pain. It also has antioxidants like selenium and thiacremonone which help fight free radicals that cause damage and inflammation. Garlic may also have hypotensive effects. This can counter the effect of over the counter painkillers that can cause a spike in blood pressure. Garlic can be consumed raw in minced form or infused with oil to make a topical application.

7 Natural Remedies For Treating Dark Under Eye Circles

You don't need fancy eye creams to treat dark circles. Eat lots of vitamin C – a nutrient that promotes collagen production. This will strengthen the skin and prevent shadowing. You can even use mashed avocados for a natural bleaching effect. To make dark circles less noticeable, try to reduce puffiness. Cucumber slices, cold tea bags, ice cubes, and frozen tea bags will do the trick. Extract of bladderwrack – a seaweed – has also been proven to treat discoloration.

The Ayurvedic Approach: 5 Steps To Being An Early Riser

Waking up early keeps you active and upbeat throughout the day. Following a few steps mentioned in Ayurveda helps you be one. It includes having an early dinner, setting up an evening ritual, setting an intention than an alarm, waking up before 6 in the morning and in an ayurvedic way.
home remedies to remove calluses on your feet

11 Home Remedies To Remove Calluses On The Feet

Painful calluses on the feet making you miserable? Soak your callus in warm water and file with a pumice stone to remove the hard skin. Moisturize the callused area regularly. Use pads to prevent friction and always wear comfortable shoes. Licorice, aloe vera, flaxseed oil, castor oil and vinegar, and calendula have emollient and moisturizing properties while salt is an excellent exfoliant. Rope in these natural remedies to fight calluses.
Soy beans and soy milk might not be as healthy as you think

Soy: Is It A Friend Or A Foe?

One of the most common foods in today's market is soy. Soy and soy products have not only gained a lot of popularity in...
yurveda face masks for instant glowing skin

DIY Ayurvedic Face Packs For Instant Glowing Skin

Ayurvedic face packs are free of chemicals and have least side effects. Papaya, Indian gooseberry, and avocados promote various skin benefits. They have anti-aging, anti-microbial, moisturizing, and skin-tightening properties. The combinations of each give instant glow and fairness to the skin.
This mixture can be used to treat many health conditions

Apple Cider Vinegar, Garlic, And Honey: An All Round Remedy

This recipe combines garlic, honey and apple cider vinegar, all three of which have amazing properties. Garlic and honey, both have cancer-fighting elements. Garlic and apple cider vinegar can both help reduce cholesterol levels. The probiotic properties of raw honey and the acetic acid in the vinegar can help aid digestion. Blend all these ingredients together and consume two teaspoons of this mixture daily.

5 Reasons Why An Aggravated Pitta Dosha Causes Hair And Health Problems

When you’re stressed, Pitta Dosha fires up. However, stress is the major cause of hair loss and graying. By learning the signs of aggravated Pitta, you can reduce both stress and hair problems. An imbalanced Pitta causes overheating, irritability, and insomnia. All of this increases stress, so try to cool down. If you have skin rashes or body odor, you might be tempted to use harsh products. Unfortunately, they’re full of toxins that cause hair problems, so do avoid them.
Apple cider vinegar can be great for dogs

5 Amazing Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar For Dogs

Apple cider vinegar can prevent fleas, ticks and other insects from inhabiting your dog's coat A diluted bath of the vinegar can help soothe itchiness on the skin and the paws. It can even help clean ear infections caused by yeast. Those pet owners who feed their dogs a raw diet can count on apple cider vinegar to disinfect their food.

Ayurveda And Its Personality Types

According to ayurveda, each body is made up of gunas and doshas. Gunas govern your mental personality and doshas govern your physiological functions. Any imbalance in your gunas or doshas may cause disease. While one of the gunas and doshas will be more dominant than the others, you can always balance them by living a healthy life.
ayurvedic benefits of drinking hot water

Why Ayurveda Recommends That You Drink Hot Water Daily?

Ayurveda uses hot water as an essential part of Ushnodaka therapy. Having hot water daily eliminates ama or accumulated toxins that cause diseases. This, in turn, boosts metabolism, improves digestion, relieves respiratory distress and also gives you great skin and hair. Different body types also require hot water differently

9 Reasons Ayurveda’s Approach To Health And Disease Is Distinctive

As medical science is progressing, doctors and scientists are realizing that western medicine's symptom-related treatment has its limitations. A disease cannot be isolated from...