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Prevention And Management Of Diabetes Through Ayurveda

According to the National Diabetes Statistics Report, 2014, more than 29 million people in the United States have diabetes and one in four people...
home remedies to treat impetigo

13 Effective Home Remedies To Treat Impetigo Naturally

Though highly infectious, impetigo isn't a serious skin condition. It could take anywhere between a few days to a few weeks for the blisters to clear up. There are a few remedies you could do at home to reduce the symptoms faster. Grapefruit seed extract, coconut oil, garlic, apple cider vinegar, aloe vera, manuka honey, and turmeric can be used on adults and children as well.

Ayurvedic Hacks For The Holiday Season

The holiday season does not have to be full of hangovers, overeating, and a long marathon of social get-togethers. Though a holiday is supposed...

Apple Cider Vinegar- A Natural Remedy For Sinus

Apple cider vinegar is a magic potion with multitudinous health and skin benefits. This thousand-year-old concoction can cure, heal and restore good health. The...

5 Holistic Remedies To Ease Anxiety Naturally

If you’re dealing with anxiety, turn to natural herbs. Lavender and rosemary are a great start. Their essential oils have a lovely aroma that can improve depression and mood. You can also take ginseng – an ancient Chinese remedy. Valerian and lemon balm will treat both insomnia and anxiety. To use natural cures, make a tea or buy a live plant. Capsules are also convenient. However, always check with your doctor before taking a new herb.

Heal With Ayurvedic Color Therapy Using Solar Energy

Chromotherapy or color therapy is based on the principle that different colors can influence the chakras of the human body positively or negatively. Studies have proven that each color has a specific property can be tapped to restore imbalanced chakras and thereby diseases. Solar energy is the best way to activate chakra healing using colors. Solarized water is a popularly used technique in color therapy.

10 Ayurvedic Habits You Must Adopt To Help You Thrive

Ayurveda advocates practicing healthy living in all aspects of life. Whether it's eating right or having a morning routine or meditating daily, Ayurveda ensures that our bodies and minds are attuned to healthy routines daily to ward away illnesses of any kind. Anyone who practices these simple tips can see her life changes positively in all aspects.

Health Warning Signs That Show Your Chakras Are Imbalanced

Your body consists of 7 energy centers called chakras. These chakras are located throughout your body and if the energy of any of the...
home remedies for strep throat

7 Simple Home Remedies For Strep Throat

A strep throat, caused by group A Streptococcus bacteria, can sometimes lead to complications that affect your heart and kidneys. That's why you need to see a doctor and take prescribed medication if you have this condition. Some simple home remedies can, however, ease your symptoms. Use a humidifier, gargle with salt water, and suck on ice for relief. Honey, turmeric, ginger, and date vinegar are other natural remedies you can try.
Baking Soda and Honey: Remedy That Destroys Even the Most Severe Disease

Baking Soda And Honey: A Miracle Remedy For Cancer

Due to the expensive treatment options, about one-quarter of the cancer patients do not opt for treatment. In such cases, natural remedies come as a savior. Baking soda and honey mixture has shown positive results in treating cancer. This is due to the anti-mutagenic, apoptosis inducing, and anti-inflammatory property of honey, and the alkalinity of baking soda.
oods to balance the 7 chakras

Foods That Balance And Heal The 7 Chakras

There are 7 chakras in the body which need to be balanced to avoid an illness. These 7 chakras are present in different parts of the body and need to be aligned to be calm and relaxed. Food plays a major role in balancing and healing the chakras. When your body is nourished, all the chakras are balanced. Each chakra has a specific food like vegetables, grains, milk, eggs, and fruits, that can benefit that particular chakra.
Easy Home Remedies To Remove Moles

5 Easy Home Remedies To Remove Moles

Are the moles on your skin affecting the way you look and feel about yourself? Sunlight, teenage, or pregnancy may lead to clustered melanocytes (cells responsible for skin color), thus causing moles on skin. Apple cider vinegar, baking soda and castor oil, garlic, banana peel, and aloe vera gel are the natural ways that you can opt for to remove such non-cancerous lesions on your skin.
Yoga Poses For Balancing Pitta Dosha

7 Yoga Poses For Balancing Pitta Dosha

If you're a Pitta dominant person, do cooling yoga moves. This will reduce irritability and let you surrender. Start with the sphinx pose – a move that'll stretch out your back and chest. Do the wide-angled seated pose for a deep, calming stretch. Playful poses like lion pose and happy baby will make it hard to be irritated. End with cooling poses such as child's pose, corpse pose, and reclining bound angle pose.

Ayurveda Suggests What Plates To Dine With To Improve Your Health

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine that was developed over 5000 years ago. Unlike Allopathy, Ayurveda's focus is on maintaining a balance...
Natural Remedies For Excessive Facial Sweating

7 Natural Remedies For Excessive Facial Sweating

If your face sweats too much, brush on arrowroot powder or corn starch. These lightweight ingredients will dry sweat right up. To help your body cool down, apply diluted peppermint oil and drink lots of fluids. Water and cucumber juice are great options. You can also apply a cold compress made of ice cubes or a cool wash cloth. Heading outside? Keep your face cool with a wide-brimmed hat or umbrella.