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10 Tips To Get Through Summer Pregnancies

Being pregnant in summer is nothing warm. The hot temperatures only add on to the already naturally high body temperatures during pregnancy. Pregnant women...
The way you sleep can reveal things about you

What Your Sleeping Position Says About Your Personality

These 6 sleeping positions are linked to certain personality traits. For example, the fetal position says that you may be a worrier, while the log position suggests that you may be sociable. The yearner is usually open but can be suspicious. The soldier is quiet and reserved. On the other hand, the freefaller is generally sociable but does not take criticism well. Lastly, the starfish is a great friend and listener.

5 Crucial Things For New Moms That Doctors Don’t Mention

Your doctor is your direct source of reliable information about your pregnancy and well-being. He keeps you updated on how your baby is doing...
symptoms of second pregnancy

7 Signs To Expect With Your Second Pregnancy

Wondering whether a second pregnancy means different symptoms or more of the same? Some distinct things like a visible baby bump and baby movements may crop up earlier while others like morning sickness can strike or skip you like before. Second-time moms tend to experience more aches and pains earlier on. Fatigue and emotional ups and downs are going to be a part of this pregnancy too. But on the upside, most second-time moms are mentally better prepared for what is to come, so take heart!

5 Quick Ways To Cope With Heavy Sweating During Pregnancy

Sweating is a natural functioning through which our body regulates its temperature, depending upon the surrounding conditions. A warm weather can trigger the body...

7 Interesting Things Pregnant Women Do When Alone

When a pregnant woman is not worried, she turns weird. By weird, we mean the strange things that she loves to do when she...

15 Questions To Ask Before Your C-Section

The number of women opting for C-section is on the rise with each woman having her own reason. While most women who underwent a...

How Listening To Your Body During Labor Helps With The Birth

What does it mean when they say listen to your body? Do your instincts guide you through the labor or you need to pick...

8 Life Lessons Every Girl Can Learn From Her Mother

For every other little girl, their mother is the epitome of perfectness. When you are a kid your life revolves around your mom. You...

7 Things About Home Birth You Probably Didn’t Know

Home birth is a vaginal delivery where the moms deliver comfortably in the four walls of their own home, preferably in a birthing tub...

The Ultimate Guide To The 3rd Month Of Pregnancy

Congratulations on entering the third month of your pregnancy. You are approaching the end of the first phase or the first trimester. There is...

This Mom Was Diagnosed With Cancer When She Was Pregnant!

Cancer in pregnancy is too difficult to handle and emotionally drains you. Amy Parkinson was diagnosed cancer when she was six months pregnant. Amy Parkinson,...

7 Harmful Side Effects Of Baby Pacifiers

If a pacifier isn’t cleaned properly, it can become contaminated with bacteria or fungi. This can lead to oral infections and tooth decay. Using a pacifier before six months may also disrupt breastfeeding, making it hard to bond with your baby. It also poses a choking risk if it’s tied to the arm or neck. To avoid allergic reactions, use silicone pacifiers instead of latex. Stop pacifier use by age 3 to prevent dental problems and speech issues.

5 Ways Obesity Messes With Your Brain Functioning

More than 37% of adults in US are obese. Obesity adversely affects each vital organ in the human body. The way it affects the brain is often irreversible. Studies claim that obesity is can cause memory loss, sleep disorders, food addiction. In infants born to obese women poor neurodevelopmental growth has also been reported.
Ways To Raise An Allergy-Free Kid

5 Ways To Raise An Allergy-Free Kid

Your child’s allergies are usually inherited. Yet, there are things you can do to reduce her risk. Start by breastfeeding during infancy. Breastmilk contains nutrients and antibiotics that will build her immunity. Once she can eat solids, introduce common allergenic foods like nuts, eggs, dairy, and shellfish. The earlier, the better. You can also reduce airborne allergies by controlling dust mites and avoiding tobacco smoke. Early exposure to pets may prevent animal allergies, but check with your doctor first.