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Cancers Caused By Secondhand Smoke And Their Symptoms

Cancers caused by secondhand smoking

Secondhand smoking is when you inhale the smoke produced by a smoker (mainstream smoke) or by the lighted end of a tobacco product like cigar, pipe, and hookah (sidestream smoke). Every year, secondhand smoking causes 34,000 deaths from heart disease and 7,300 deaths from lung cancer in the US. About 7,000 chemicals have been identified in this smoke and at least 250 of them are known to be harmful.

Secondhand smoke has a range of carcinogens and hence, increases the chances of non-smokers developing cancer by 20–30 percent. Out of the 250 harmful chemicals identified, 50 of them are carcinogens. Exposure to these at home, office, or any other public place manifolds the risk of different getting cancers, amongst which lung cancer is the most prevalent one.


Mentioned below is the list of cancers which has been linked to the secondhand smoke and their respective symptoms.

Cancers Caused By Secondhand Smoke And Their Symptoms

1. Lung Cancer


While cough, congestion, and decreased function of lungs are the minor side effects of secondhand smoking, lung cancer is a life threating one.1 It is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in one or both lungs, which after rapid division form tumors, affecting the overall performance of the lungs.

The symptoms of the same are:


2. Breast Cancer

Studies show that constant exposure of women to passive smoking either at home or at workplace increases their risk of developing a breast cancer. This is because breast tissues are more sensitive to the carcinogens produced in secondhand smoke prior to first pregnancy.2 Post-menopausal women, however, did not show any elevated risks.


The symptoms of breast cancer are:

3. Throat Cancer


Classified as pharyngeal and laryngeal cancers, throat cancer is a rare one and secondhand smoke is one of the causes. Men are more likely to be affected by it. The symptoms include:

4. Bladder Cancer


Research indicates that secondhand cigarette smoke may contribute to bladder carcinogens. And, these carcinogens are likely to affect women more than men. The reason being, men outnumber women in the active smoking.3 The symptoms of bladder cancer are:

In adults, secondhand smoking is also linked to rectal, stomach, and brain cancer. The effect, however, is not as profound like in other organs. In children, secondhand smoking increases the risk of leukemia, lymphoma, liver cancer, and brain tumors.


Public smoking, has, therefore, been banned in most of the countries. Adhering to the rules saves not just yours but also others’ lives!


1 on Smoking, Office. “Respiratory Effects in Adults from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke.” (2006).
2 Betts, Kellyn S. “Secondhand suspicions: breast cancer and passive smoking.” Environmental health perspectives 115, no. 3 (2007): A136.
3 Alberg, Anthony J., Anthony Kouzis, Jeanine M. Genkinger, Lisa Gallicchio, Alyce E. Burke, Sandra C. Hoffman, Marie Diener-West, Kathy J. Helzlsouer, and George W. Comstock. “A prospective cohort study of bladder cancer risk in relation to active cigarette smoking and household exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke.” American journal of epidemiology 165, no. 6 (2007): 660-666.
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