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10 Telltale Signs There’s Cancer Growing In Your Body

Cancer is one dreaded illness that is everyone’s worst nightmare. And early detection is extremely vital for successful treatment of most cancers. Let us...

Understanding Alopecia: More Than Just Hair Loss

Alopecia affects millions of people around the world. Despite this, there is very little education on the matter. And although lot of us still...

25 Quotes From Buddha That Will Change Your Life!

Words are a powerful thing. The lessons from Buddha can inspire you to understand and tackle all of life's problems. If you are feeling stressed, low in life, or maybe lost, these quotes from Buddha can help you. It can also help those trying to overcome anger problems or just looking to connect with their spirituality.

PCOS Detox: 8 Lifestyle And Diet Changes You Need To Make Now

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects 1 in 10 women of childbearing age. In this condition, women produce an excess amount of testosterone than required. Any...

Experiencing A Burnout? Here’s How You Can Tell

You must have felt it at some point in your life. Maybe it was that impossible deadline or the fact that you haven't had...
Tips to care for skin in the summer.

9 Tips To Take Care Of Your Skin In The Summer

Stay hydrated, protect your skin with a sunscreen and dark clothing, and avoid excessive sun exposure to keep skin healthy in the summer. Have lycopene-rich foods. Avoid heavy makeup and use blotting paper to tackle oily skin. Buttermilk and aloe vera can help tackle a suntan while a cool compress can fight a heat rash.
Bipolar disorder is a debilitating condition that affects millions of people.

7 Questions Psychiatrists Ask To Diagnose Bipolar Disorder

While mental illnesses like depression and anxiety are well known and understood fairly well, other illnesses like schizophrenia and obsessive compulsive disorder don't receive the...
Tips to cure insomnia

10 Tips To Beat Insomnia: Sleep Better, Live Better!

Insomnia can cause fatigue, irritability, and loss of concentration. To beat it, practice healthy sleep habits consistently. You can also try sleep restriction, light therapy, and relaxation therapy. Meanwhile, drinking chamomile tea, valerian tea, or nutmeg and milk can help. So can aromatherapy with lavender or vetiver oil and acupressure.

6 Reasons Why You Should Quit Drinking Alcohol

Quitting alcohol consumption is the best favor you can do to yourself. It makes you fitter, gives you the impetus to work out, and helps you sleep better and wake up fresh. Overall health improves significantly when you quit drinking. No alcohol automatically means no snack, no binge eating, and no weight gain. Your appetite will improve significantly. You will also be able to focus and perform better every day.

Tips To Help You Stay Healthy When You Fly

Air travel can take a toll on your health. But, certain tips can make things easier. Stay hydrated throughout the flight to avoid dehydration. Move around and stretch often to prevent deep vein thrombosis. Carry your own food to avoid intestinal and respiratory infections. Wear a mask to avoid contracting infections. Swallow regularly to ease ear pain. Listen to music to release any stress caused by the travel.

4 Ways To Deal With Technology Anxiety

Our dependence on technology might lead to lowered attention span, lack of patience, avoidance of face-to-face interaction, and fear of missing out. These symptoms are in line with those of anxiety. Turn off your phone at night to avoid checking it too often. Meet people instead of texting them to hone your social skills. Don't measure your self-worth based on likes and comments. Turn off your notifications to fight the fear of missing out.
Reasons why babies sleep so much.

5 Reasons Babies Sleep So Much And Why You Should Let Them!

Your baby may need between 11–17 hours of sleep a day and getting enough sleep is extremely important for their growth and development. Sleep helps with physical growth, neurosensory development, and brain development. It also helps babies learn better and may impact their temperament.
Does alcohol make you fat.

Is Alcohol Making You Fat? Things To Consider Before You Drink Up!

Drinking occasionally isn’t likely to make you fat, but heavy drinking could cause weight gain and obesity. It could cause fat accumulation in your liver and abdominal area, and pump in empty calories. Some drinks have sugar and calories comparable to candy bars or chips – indulging in these could cause fat and weight gain!
Himalayan salt lamps have no proven health benefits.

Health Benefits Of Himalayan Salt Lamp: Fact Or Fad?

Himalayan salt lamps are claimed to do everything from easing anxiety and asthma to soothing eczema. But none of this is backed by research. Even if the negative ions salt lamps supposedly release have a beneficial effect on depression, the amount emitted is too small to matter. Similarly, while salt may help improve eczema symptoms, salt lamps may not have any effect.

How To Make Waxing Less Painful

Waxing is, arguably, one of the most painful hair removal procedures out there. Certain hacks can make this experience less painful. Avoid waxing during menstruation since you're very sensitive to pain then. Opt for sugaring over conventional waxing. Exfoliate and moisturize a day before waxing. Listen to music or try pain-relieving pills and creams to lower the intensity of pain. Wax regularly to build a tolerance to pain. Avoid caffeine since it lowers pain threshold.