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5 Reasons Why Almond Flour Is Better Than Any Other Flour

Reasons Why Almond Flour Is Better Than Any Other Flour

In recent years, almond flour has stolen the spotlight. But what makes it so great? For some, it might just seem like another health trend. Yet, compared to other flours, almond flour comes out on top.

It’s all thanks to the benefits of almonds. These nuts are so healthy that they have medicinal properties. They’re nutritional powerhouses, making almond flour just as good.


In America, refined flours are widely used. They’re cheap and easy – so why not? Well, they’re not very healthy. To make refined flour, the bran and germ are removed from wheat. These parts are also the most nutritious.1

Almond flour holds on to the good stuff. To make it, almonds are blanched, boiled, ground, and sifted. But they aren’t stripped of nutrients!


If you’re not convinced, check out these five reasons why almond flour takes the cake.

5 Reasons To Replace Any Other Flour With Almond Flour

1. Promotes Weight Loss


Americans have an obesity problem. Over 36.5 percent of the population is obese, and the number just keeps rising.2 But almond flour can help.

Almonds control weight by increasing satiety. It’s all thanks to the high content of fiber, protein, and unsaturated fats. These nutrients will keep you full, so you’ll be less likely to overeat. The unsaturated fats also burn body fat at rest.3


Refined flour is a different story. Foods made with refined carbohydrates are linked to weight gain. Plus, they often have added sugars – a source of “empty calories.” It’s too easy to pack on the pounds.4

By using almond flour, you’ll stop weight gain and promote weight loss. It’s a win-win. After all, obesity is linked to problems like stroke, heart disease, and diabetes.5 Almond flour offers protection.


2. Reduces Heart Disease Risk

Every year, heart disease kills 610,000 Americans. It’s also responsible for 1 in every 4 deaths.6 And while there are multiple risk factors, almond flour fights them all.


Almonds can boost “good” HDL cholesterol and reduce “bad” LDL and total cholesterol. These nuts also contain magnesium and fiber – two nutrients that lower blood pressure.7 In turn, almond flour will keep heart disease at bay.

Meanwhile, refined flours increase total cholesterol and decrease “good” HDL cholesterol. They’re also linked to hypertension, high triglycerides, and poor endothelial function. Together, it’s a recipe for heart disease.8


3. Prevents Diabetes

Diabetes is another nationwide problem. About 29.1 million Americans have it! Roughly, 8.1 million are undiagnosed, but the rest have diagnosed type-1 or type-2. Another 86 million people are pre-diabetic.9

Almonds offer diabetic prevention and management. The magnesium and fiber work by controlling insulin sensitivity.10 The fiber is also slowly digested, so blood glucose doesn’t spike up after a meal.11 Plus, almonds are a low-glycemic food.

On the other hand, refined flours increase postprandial blood glucose. This will worsen complications for diabetics. As for non-diabetics? They’ll be that much closer to developing the disease.12

4. Provides Nutrients

Remember, refined flours are stripped of nutrients. There isn’t much left. However, almond flour has everything intact, making them the better choice.

Here’s a comparison of ¼ cup of refined all-purpose white flour versus almond flour.13 14

All-Purpose Flour: 0.8 g
Almond Flour: 3 g

All-Purpose Flour: 5 mg
Almond Flour: 60 mg

All-Purpose Flour: 22 mg
Almond Flour: 80 mg

All-Purpose Flour: 3.23 mg
Almond Flour: 6 mg

5. Contains No Gluten

Do you have a gluten intolerance, sensitivity, or allergy? You’ll need to avoid wheat, rye, and barley flour. These options contain gluten – a type of protein.15

Almond flour has zero gluten. It’s entirely nut-based, so you won’t have to worry! You can use it in place of refined flour for a major nutritional boost. Plus, serving a gluten-free crowd will be much easier.

As you can see, almond flour has a lot to brag about. It’s more expensive than refined flour, but it’s definitely worth it. Your health will thank you.


1 Yu, Lilei, and Anne-Laure Nanguet. “Comparison of antioxidant properties of refined and whole wheat flour and bread.” Antioxidants 2, no. 4 (2013): 370-383.
2, 5 Adults Obesity Facts. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
3, 7 Abazarfard, Zohreh, Mousa Salehi, and Sareh Keshavarzi. “The effect of almonds on anthropometric measurements and lipid profile in overweight and obese females in a weight reduction program: A randomized controlled clinical trial.” Journal of research in medical sciences: the official journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences 19, no. 5 (2014): 457.
4 Carbohydrates. MedlinePlus.
6 Heart Disease Facts. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
8, 12 Amin, Faridah, and Anwar H. Gilani. “Fiber-free white flour with fructose offers a better model of metabolic syndrome.” Lipids in health and disease 12, no. 1 (2013): 44.
9 National Diabetes Statistics Report, 2014. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
10 Guerrero‐Romero, Fernando, and Martha Rodríguez‐Morán. “Magnesium improves the beta‐cell function to compensate variation of insulin sensitivity: double‐blind, randomized clinical trial.” European journal of clinical investigation 41, no. 4 (2011): 405-410.
11 Fiber. Harvard T.H. Chan, School of Public Health.
13 Basic Report: 20481, Wheat flour, white, all-purpose, unenriched. United States Department of Agriculture.
14 Full Report (All Nutrients): 45058614, FINELY GROUND ALMOND MEAL/FLOUR, UPC: 039978013811. United States Department of Agriculture.
15 Gluten Sensitivity. MedlinePlus.
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