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Dietary Changes To Supplement An Autism Treatment

If your child has been diagnosed with autism, the condition can last for a few years or be lifelong. While medication is a must...

Suffering From Chronic Pain? Stay Away From These 7 Foods

Many of us suffer from chronic pain and fibromyalgia is the most common form of chronic pain. Fibromyalgia is a condition that is characterized...

6 Foods You Should Avoid To Prevent Psoriasis Flare-Ups

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that results in the production of plaques of thickened, scaling skin. It is a non-contagious condition and the...

Switch Off Cravings In Your Brain By Eating These Foods

Nuts are the best food to beat a craving. Walnuts, specifically, are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids which may improve blood lipids and other cardiovascular risks owing to the antioxidant capacity and make you feel quite satiated. Slow-releasing carbohydrate-rich foods such as brown rice, quinoa, oats, whole grains, legumes, fresh fruit and vegetables, and beverages like plain tea or coffee and herbal teas are good alternatives for people with nut and gluten allergies.
6 Reasons To Include Tapioca In Your Diet Today

6 Reasons To Include Tapioca In Your Diet Today

Tapioca is a decent source of dietary fiber which is useful for healthy metabolism and regulating your blood sugar levels. Because it has a low glycemic index, it can be included in a diabetic's diet. Tapioca is free of gluten and can be consumed by people with celiac disease. Being high in carbohydrates, tapioca gives you plenty of energy while the presence of trace elements contribute to maintaining good health.
Do You Really Need To Cut Out Gluten?

Will Cutting Out Gluten From Your Diet Improve Your Health?

In the quest for better health, glowing skin and easier weight loss, wellness experts have been discovering new ‘superfoods’ from different corners of the...

5 Foods That Harm Your Gut Bacteria And Immunity

The gut flora is responsible for how healthy you are as the gut influences your immune system. What you eat can have a remarkable effect on the balance of gut bacteria. Harmful food habits include wheat/gluten, irresponsible use of antibiotics, alcohol addiction, chemicals sprayed on produce, and carrageenan. These foods can upset the bacteria balance, kill the good bacteria, and make you weaker.

7 Trigger Foods That Are Most Likely To Sabotage Your Diet

Trigger foods are foods which push you to eat more than you normally would. Have you ever eaten just one chip and then put...

6 Tips To Recover Your Body From Gluten Damage

B vitamins like vitamin B6, folate, and vitamin B12 are important for celiacs to fight infections and fatigue. Including iron-rich foods can help fight anemia. Celiacs are more prone to vitamin D deficiencies, so adding salmons, sardines, shrimp, and cod can help. Getting enough calcium and carnitine and cooking vegetables lightly are other ways you can recover from gluten damage.

What You Should And Shouldn’t Eat If You’re Dealing With Anxiety

Anxiety can be mild of severe, based on the intensity of the symptoms you are facing. To overcome anxiety, it is important to keep a check on your diet, and consume food that is known to help reduce anxiety. Some of these foods are asparagus, spinach, fatty fish, and cashews. However, remember to stay away from alcohol, caffeine, processed food, and gluten.
(want to lose a few pounds

12 Diet Hacks To Ramp Up Your Summer Fat Loss Now

Summer is the best time to get rid of those love handles and muffin tops, especially if you want to show off the new...
Almond milk can be consumed by vegans and those who are lactose intolerant

How To Have Almond Milk For Breakfast, Lunch, And Dinner

If you are lactose intolerant or if you're becoming a vegan, but do not want to lose out on the many health benefits dairy...
Myths About Inflammatory Bowel Disease

7 Common Misconceptions And Myths About IBD

Several people believe inflammatory bowel disease is caused by a poor diet. This isn't true. People with IBD haven’t done anything to contribute to its development. Also, most people get mixed up with IBD and IBS, believing it’s the same thing. While the names and symptoms are very similar, it’s conceptually two different issues. IBD isn't caused by stress or psychological issues.
things that can change the appearance of your face

4 Things That Are Changing The Appearance Of Your Face

The products you consume can affect your skin. Keep a watch on what you eat and how much. To keep your skin young, glowing, and free of acne, regulate your intake of sugar and gluten. Wine contains alcohol that dehydrates your skin, making it look dry and flaky. Drinking excess milk can lead to fluid retention that causes puffiness on your face.
5 Foods You Should Avoid If You Love Your Skin

5 Foods You Should Avoid If You Love Your Skin

You are what you eat and your skin will speak volumes about it. If your diet mainly consists of processed foods, gluten grains, dairy and produce that's not organic, your skin won't be in good shape. researchers have found a close association between allergic and inflammatory skin conditions and the diet followed. Even excessive alcohol intake can leave skin dehydrated and malnourished.