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5 Better Nutrition Pit Stops For The Office

Stuck at the office? Don’t let work needs trump your body’s nutritional needs. We know staying healthy at work is so much easier said than done so here are some doable better nutrition simplified pit stop at the office ideas that are Ashley Koff Approved (AKA)!!

You head into the week focused and determined to stick to your health plan. However, as soon as you walk into the office the temptations are endless. There’s the vending machine, treats in the company break-room and the food trucks around the office.


Better nutrition better be great tasting and convenient so it can require some planning. But we’ve taken the guesswork out of it. So all you need to do is shop and carry or order online to be delivered to your office (set up monthly repeat even). If you have healthy options readily available, you don’t have to rely so much on willpower to make the right decisions.

So without further ado, here are 5 simple snacks you can keep at work to make sure you’re staying healthy during the workweek.


1. Pulses

From dried chickpeas to hummus to bean dip and bean chip, pulses give you protein, fiber and carbs – your hummus and bean dip have the fat added, your chips can be paired with guacamole and chickpeas pair great with nuts so you get your healthy fats and then, obvy, these all go great with cut up organic veggies.


Hummus dippers pack a serious punch of flavor and are simple to prepare by adding a few tablespoons of your favorite hummus to a portable container with some sliced veggies. Voila! You have a snack that brings on the taste as well as some serious sustenance.


These dippers are a vegan and vegetarian friendly option, and on top of being high in protein and fiber, chickpeas also have some serious street cred in the health department. With benefits like lowering cholesterol, balancing blood sugar levels, and even reducing the risk of cancer, this snack is a must have for any office eater.

2. Bars And Bites

The key here is nutrient balance and whole food, ideally organic, ingredients. We love  bars and snack packs which deliver on great taste and the benefits of delicious plant protein, essential fats (omegas), and don’t overdo the added sugar.


Bonus Benefit

Since these little bars are storable, feel free to keep a stash of them in your office drawer. The next time hunger strikes you will be prepared, armed with these secret snack weapons. Take that hunger!

3. Kale Chips

What has more vitamin C than an Orange? More calcium than a container of milk? And more than 100% of your daily vitamin A requirements? You guessed it – Kale.


So it should come as no surprise that this nutrient dense leaf made the countdown. It’s pretty much the hottest vegetable on the scene. But if your appetite immediately went out the door at the mention of this super food then this next snack suggestion is about to change your life.

While typical preparations of Kale can be chewy and tough to get down, Kale chips are a completely different story. They’re crunchy, salty and an all around delectable addition to your daily routine.


Eat them with hummus, guacamole, salsa or even by themselves. There are both store bought and homemade varieties, so feel free to experiment with whatever works best for you!

If you’re going the store bought route, these delicious, flavor filled snacks come in multiple varieties and are certified organic, vegan, paleo and gluten free. So they’re a perfect addition to literally any diet under the sun!


With an abundance of flavors like ranch, chipotle, cheese, dijon mustard and even chocolate, if you can think it, you can make into a kale chip! They provide fiber and not to mention, they get you one step closer to that recommended 9 servings of veggies per day.

4. Apple Slices And Peanut Butter

Not only are apple slices and peanut butter the perfect blend of sweet and salty flavors but it’s a pairing that racks in nutrients galore. Since the ultimate goal is to satisfy both your hunger cravings while keeping your diet on track, this snack makes for the perfect pairing!

Apples offer a whopping 4.4 grams of fiber while peanut butter provides the protein power, coming in at 8 grams for every 2 tablespoons. Either way you slice it, this delicious combination will satisfy your hunger and will keep your mind running all day!

Make sure your apple slices are organic as apples top the Dirty Dozen list for highest produce pesticide residue. Don’t love apples? Grab a slice of organic whole grain bread! Organic for great nutrients and delicious taste.

To keep this snack easy and mobile, for a busy life on the go, we recommend organic peanut butter packets. Not only is this stuff delicious and completely organic, but it’s also portable. Perfect for that mid morning punch of protein in between presentations!

Bonus Tip

Make it a sandwich! Place the apple slices on the outside and the peanut butter on the inside until you’re ready to eat. This will keep the peanut butter contained and will cut down on any post snacking clean up.

5. Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are not just a tasty treat for Halloween, they’re the healthy snack that your work day is missing! These little guys offer major amounts of magnesium and protein and just ¼ cup of these seeds deliver over a third of your daily dose of immunity boosting Zinc.

Because this snack is so easily made, you can create as many variations as your heart desires by just changing up the seasoning. To make them, simply take the seeds out of the pumpkin and clean off the residue, pop them onto a baking tray, season them and place them in the oven for 30 minutes.

Couldn’t be easy enough! For a safe, tasty bet try flavors like garlic, paprika and lemon. You can even sweeten them with flavors like brown sugar or cinnamon, if you’re one to have a sweet tooth.

Don’t have time to make your own? No problem! Try picking up a bag of sprouted pumpkin seeds from your local grocery store or healthy snack vendor. These versatile little bites are easily stored and can be kept for months, so they’re a natural addition to your desk stash of healthy snacks for the office.

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