
Aardhra Krishna


Why Do Our Dogs Eat Poop And How Can We Stop Them?

Poop-eating is a very common behavior in dogs. Researchers claim that a dog eats feces when its diet is lacking some essential nutrition or if it's being raised with inadequate attention and playtime. Coprophagia can be seen among many members of the animal kingdom other than dogs. However, it's best to break the habit at an early stage itself with positive reinforcement, care, and dietary modifications.

Sculpt Your Booty With This 5-Minute Butt-Exercise Routine

A beautiful booty is one that is well-rounded, toned and curvaceous.Rather than resorting to treatments like butt-fillers and implants that have a lot of risks associated, choose to exercise. This 5-minute butt exercise routine consists of squats and lunges that will help you strengthen and tone your glutes.

10 Interesting Body Reactions That Are Defense Mechanisms

The immune system is constantly alert to protect the body from harm. Researchers have found that there is a specific reason why we do certain things involuntarily. We blink to protect our eyes, we hiccup to expel trapped air, we get goosebumps in order regulate body heat. Many a time, these body reactions can be distressing like high temperature during fever but they are all for the sake of our health.

The Right Food Choices For Healing The Chakras

When anyone of the 7 chakras goes out of balance, illness of the body and mind sets in. Eating root vegetables for the root chakra can help you feel more grounded and release blockages. Similarly, each chakra has a specific color associated with it. Having foods in a specific color can also help unblock and heal certain chakras.

5 Daily Habits That Are Harmful To Brain Functioning

There's no doubt that a healthy human brain is indeed an organ of brilliance. However, many of us don't pay enough attention to its well-being. Every day habits like following an unhealthy diet with a sedentary lifestyle can take a huge toll on the way the brain functions. Researchers have also found out that neurodegenerative diseases are more prone to occur in individuals who are stressed and don't sleep well too.

6 Reasons To Include Citrus Fruits In Your Diet

Grapefruit, limes, lemons are some of the popular members of the citrus family. Studies have found that citrus fruits should be included daily in our diet as it can positively influence almost all bodily processes. It can boost immunity, reduce the risk of cancer, aid in weight loss, relieve constipation, prevent the formation of kidney stones as well as boost the health of both brain and heart.

Do We Really Need 8 Hours Of Sleep?

Sleeping for eight hours was developed as a norm when our work schedules started to occupy a large portion of our daily lives. Millions of people don't catch up on 8 hours of sleep at one go. Scientists claim that it's alright to follow a polyphasic sleep pattern as long as you follow one pattern every day.

Types Of Saturated Fats And Why They Are All Not Bad

Saturated fats are solid at room temperature unlike unsaturated fats. Chemically, saturated fatty acids can have carbon atoms ranging from 6-20 in number. Based on the number of carbon atoms, they are further classified as short-chain, medium-chain and long-chain fatty acids. Medium-chain fatty acids have been scientifically proven to be good for the heart and for overall health in general.

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