
Aardhra Krishna


Why Take Garlic With Apple Cider Vinegar And Honey?

Millions suffer from chronic ailments like diabetes and obesity worldwide. Instead of putting oneself at risk of side effects of pill popping, it's best to adopt natural and safe home remedies to manage them. Garlic with apple cider vinegar and honey is one such powerful mixture that has been scientifically proven to be effective for individuals who want to lose weight, manage insulin resistance and lower serum cholesterol levels as well indigestion.

4 Stages Of Weight Loss Every Dieter Goes Through

More than being a physical journey, weight-loss is largely an emotional one. Initially, we feel super excited to lose weight and follow strict diets but a few weeks in, frustration sets in. Any dieter goes through 4 stages on a weight loss journey. Many give up in the second stage itself, but a lot of willpower can take you successfully through each stage and get you what you want.

6 Reasons Why Cottage Cheese Is Great For Your Health

Cottage cheese is a very versatile milk product that can be added to pancakes, smoothies, salads and much more. It has a mild flavor and is an excellent source of calcium, sodium, potassium and phosphorus. Studies have proven that it's an excellent low-fat dietary option for people with cardiovascular disease too.

7 Supplements You Need To Have If You Are Vegan

In recent times, healthy eating and various diet practices have gained a lot of recognition, the most popular amongst them being veganism. Researchers have found that vegans most likely need to take supplements of vitamin B12, D, iron, calcium, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, and even iodine to maintain optimal health. However, supplements should be taken in accordance with a doctor's prescription.

What Do Your Pee And Poo Timings Tell About Your Health?

Passing stools at least once in 3 days is considered to be normal, but ideally one should defecate at least 1-2 times a day. when it comes to passing urine, 6-8 times over a period of 24h is normal. However, millions worldwide are unaware of the fact that the appearance of stools and urine is an important indicator of health or disease.

5 Distressing Changes Your Vagina Undergoes As You Age

Aging affects the entire body and changes that the vagina undergoes are many. With increasing age, dehydration, prolapse, incontinence, narrowing of the vaginal canal, higher chances of infections and even atrophy are some of the changes that affect the vaginal tissues. Kegel exercises, a healthy diet, and active lifestyle can help you manage these changes better.

7 Ways To Increase Human Growth Hormone Naturally

Human growth hormone (HGH) is produced naturally in the pea-sized pituitary gland which is located at the base of the brain. As the name...

Nail Biting Not Just Gross But Bad For Health Too

Psychiatrists have identified pathological grooming behaviors like skin picking, hair pulling and nail biting as obsessive compulsive disorders. Many of us indulge in nail-biting when we are stressed out or just for fun. However, nail biting can pose various health risks to an individual. Recurrent fungal infections, transmission of pathogenic microbes and periungual warts are some of the major ways nail biting can affect your health.

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