
Anusha Bhat


4 Breakfast Combinations For Better Skin

What you eat for breakfast plays a role in your skin health. For a glowing, wrinkle-free skin, go for breakfast combinations that are rich in vitamins and minerals. Some good options are oatmeal with banana, kiwi-blueberry smoothie, sweet-potato-pecan pancake, and mushroom omelette. Here's how you can make them and add a glow to your face!

Health Benefits Of Your Favorite Foods

Popular foods like potato, berries, oats, and chocolate are not only delicious but also healthy! Most of them are loaded with antioxidants, which promote your heart and brain health. Although not strictly considered foods, oregano and green tea are other popular yet healthy options to include in your diet. However, remember to enjoy them in moderation as eating too much could cause more harm than good.

7 Effective Workouts To Lose Your Holiday Weight

It's believed that an average American puts on close to 5 pounds or more over the holiday season. To lose all that holiday weight, there are a few simple, yet effective exercises you can perform. Burpees, walk-out push-ups, lunges, toe-taps, step-ups, mountain climbers, and sprints are some of the exercises you can go for. Alternatively, you could also consider swimming or skipping rope. Doing these exercises for about 20 minutes every day can help you shed your holiday weight.

6 Do’s And Don’ts To Avoid Holiday Depression

Now that the holiday season is upon us, it's important that we prevent holiday or seasonal depression. Avoiding the family drama, not setting unrealistic expectations, and pampering yourself are some ways to keep the gloom away. It's essential that you don't have too much on your plate, so it's okay to say "no" to people. Also, if you're single during this time of the year, don't feel bitter about it and don't dread the mistletoe!

7 Ways To Reduce Your Risk Of Cancer

To prevent cancer, eat antioxidant-rich food like berries, whole grains, and leafy vegetables. Avoid smoking and drinking excessively as they could contribute to the growth of cancer cells. Additionally, analyze your family history and if you're at risk, get screened for cancer. Also, exercise regularly and maintain a healthy BMI. Furthermore, check your body regularly for any abnormal skin discoloration or moles, as they could be a sign of cancer.

6 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of A Fever

A fever is your body's defense mechanism against an infection. If your temperature is higher than 99°F or 37.2°C, you might be having a fever. To break a fever, get enough rest and don't go out of the house. Drink at least 2 liters of fluids to keep yourself hydrated and eat blank probiotic-rich food like yogurt and fermented cabbage. To bring down your body temperature, take a warm bath, keep a wet cloth on your forehead, wear wet socks to bed, and wear light clothes.

7 Lesser-Known Facts About HIV/AIDS

The HIV affects the immune system of humans, thus putting the affected individuals at an increased risk of developed other illnesses like tuberculosis and hepatitis. Not everybody with HIV knows they have it, especially in less developed countries. Although there is no effective cure for HIV, there are treatments that can help manage the condition and prevent the spread of the disease.

Why You Need To Start Using Buttermilk On Your Skin And Hair

Buttermilk is a probiotic that can improve your skin and hair health. Apply buttermilk on your skin to moisturize and soften the skin, treat symptoms of eczema, manage sunburns, reduce acne breakouts, and heal wounds. Buttermilk can also be applied to your scalp to strengthen hair, promote hair growth, and fight dandruff.

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