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Stuffy nose is caused by the inflammation of blood vessels in the sinuses

5 DIY Home Remedies For A Stuffy Or Blocked Nose

Don't you just hate it when your nose is congested? You feel suffocated and something as natural as breathing becomes a challenging task. You...

Replace Your Caffeine With Water For Good Health

Water is an elixir that is crucial for our survival. Water is the glue that holds our bodies together. The importance of water for...
the mystery behind dreams)

12 Common Dreams And Symbols And What They Mean

Humankind has been wondering about the mystery behind dreams since the beginning of time. Even to this day, why we dream is still one...

5 Surprising Hydration Zappers You Did Not Know About

Even though we have the customary 8 glasses a day, our body loses water in several hidden ways, which causes dehydration and fatigue. Simple cases of homeostatic stress, as well as intense work outs and alcohol consumption, can all make you dehydrated. Diabetes insipidus, a hormone deficiency condition, can also cause you to become severely thirsty and urinate more often, leading to water loss.
Ayurvedic Rituals For Vitality

7 Ayurvedic Rituals You Must Follow To Boost Your Vitality

Ayurvedic rituals follow a definite schedule which must be followed on a regular basis to boost your vitality. Waking up before sunrise, drinking warm water, exercising and meditating, cleansing your body all have their own benefits that will keep you going throughout the day. Additionally, eating food only when you are hungry can help you digest your food better and keep you healthy.

Things That Every Pup Parent Must Have

Getting a new pup home is a big decision. And one of the most rewarding ones you’ll ever make. But before you bring your...

5 Reasons You Should Stop Drinking Bottled Water

By drinking bottled water, there's a high chance that you're exposing yourself to alarming levels of BPA and other toxins. These are responsible for causing a number of health hazards and diseases – from cancer and hormonal disruption to birth defects and toxin-accumulation in your body. Since we must go on drinking water anyway, it’s best to go for steel bottles or home filtration systems.
Natural Remedies For Bad Breath In Dogs)

Home Remedies For Bad Breath In Dogs

As a pet-parent, we love the affection that our pooches shower on us. That tail wagging along with their whole body. Tons of doggie...
Hiit can be done in water too

5 Benefits Of Pool HIIT You Should Know About

Ever thought of using the pool as your personal gym? Try it to add some excitement to your routine and get rid of the weary and tired feeling that creeps into your mind when you think of doing the same workout in a gym. A high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout has the potential to knock off those extra pounds and it is actually easier to do in a pool. Water as the exercise medium improves heart health, improves rhythm, and is much safer for the body.

5 Surprising Things That Will Worsen Your Sunburn

Sunburns occur mostly in fair skinned people and can be quite painful and annoying. Melanin content in the skin protects it from the damage of the harmful UV rays of the sun. Since fair people have less melanin, they can easily get sunburned. Certain things that you do every day can worsen the condition. Hence, it is important to know what you must avoid to prevent aggravating sunburns.

What To Expect With Balneotherapy (Therapeutic Bathing)

If you’re struggling with rheumatoid arthritis, back pain, or even psoriasis, you may want to explore balneotherapy. A medicated or therapeutic water-based spa treatment, it allows you to relax, helps prevent illness, and maintain good health. Prepare to soak in waters full of therapeutic minerals or enhanced with essential oils, enzymes, seaweed, or even mud! And rest assured, it’s all good for you!

A Short Routine to End Nighttime Snacking

Eating well during the day is easy. Doing the same at night is hard! Those hours between dinner and sleep time rev up cravings. And...

4 Dangerous Plants You Should Never Keep In Your House

Plants can restore and nourish life. They also give food, shelter and breathable air to all organisms. Apart from these life-affirming functions, plants are...

5 Easy Ways To Drink More Water Throughout The Day

Water forms a major component of your body composition. You are required to drink an adequate quantity of water each day to keep yourself hydrated and fresh, maintain essential body functions, keep the blood pressure and sugar levels under check, keep your body temperature intact, and compensate for the water lost through sweating and urination. Drink as much flavored water as you can. Salads with fresh produce also contain a lot of water.

Not Drinking Enough Water? This Is What Happens!

Water keeps the body hydrated. Pregnant or not, drinking water is very important. A pregnant or a breastfeeding woman’s water requirement goes way higher...