Not Drinking Enough Water? This Is What Happens!

Water keeps the body hydrated. Pregnant or not, drinking water is very important. A pregnant or a breastfeeding woman’s water requirement goes way higher than the usual. Water helps increase the amniotic fluid, increase the production of breast milk, and to support the increase in blood plasma volume.

Drinking sufficient amount of water will meet the demands of your changing pregnant body. Effects of dehydration can take a toll on pregnant women in many ways. Being pregnant and dehydrated – you would never want to be in that situation!


Below are some things which might affect your pregnant body if you are not well-hydrated.

7 Side Effects Of Not Drinking Water

1. You Get Dehydrated

Dehydration anyone? Yes, it is totally related to insufficient intake of water. When you are dehydrated, especially during pregnancy, it leads to fatigue, dizziness, confusion, dryness in the mouth, and severe headache. You might even end up having gestational diabetes due to lack of fluids. Water is natural and it helps in re-hydration without adding calories or sugar. Pregnant women should intake an extra 300 ml a day and 700 ml during breastfeeding. Fluids can include soups, stews, yogurt, and juices.


2. Increases Your Body Temperature

How would you rate your daily fluid intake? If you are not too proud about it, now is the time you consider doing something about it! Pregnancy is when you feel intense heat which starts at the chest and goes way up to your face. The basal body temperature normally increases during pregnancy. To prevent your body from overheating, drink lots of water. It cools both externally and internally. Lightheaded feeling, heat cramps, dizziness, quickened pulse, weariness, and feeling too hot are some of the symptoms. In some severe cases, it leads to even heat stroke.

3. You Suffer From Digestion Issues

Not having regular bowel movements? All you need is water. Drink plenty of water to stay away from constipation and digestive problems. When you are not drinking enough water, it leads to constipation which in turn builds up the toxins in the body. Water intake constantly eliminates the toxins from your body and allows your digestive organs to work properly. It also filters out the waste efficiently. Irritable bowel syndrome, abdominal pain, and reduced appetite are some of the side effects of not drinking sufficient water.


4. Leads To Chemical Imbalance

The electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals which are required for the effective function of the body would get affected if the fluid intake is insufficient. A chemical imbalance can cause serious problems like low blood volume, kidney failure, and even loss of consciousness.

5. Risk Of Preterm Contractions

Dehydration can bring on contractions that can cause preterm labor. Pregnancy cramps could be prevented by drinking enough water and being well-hydrated in the first place. The pregnant body needs to increase blood flow to your baby, increase amniotic fluid, and the blood volume. If none these are working right, you fall into the risk of dehydration and pregnancy cramps.


6. Decreases Amniotic Fluid

Although there are many potential causes for developing low amniotic fluid, maternal dehydration can be the most common. Amniotic fluid is the support system for your baby. Low amniotic fluid, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, could lead to birth defects in the baby or in some severe cases, even miscarriage. If you are in the last trimester, low amniotic fluid could cause preterm labor or labor complications which might lead to emergency cesarean delivery.

7. Reduces Breast Milk Production

Planning on breastfeeding your baby? Go on, guzzle up lots of water. You probably know that your body needs sufficient amount of water to make breast milk. Severe dehydration can result in poor milk production. Pregnant women should make sure to have frequent small drinks, particularly, after delivery. Try to keep a glass of water next to you always when you sit down to feed your baby. Reduce caffeinated and alcoholic drinks during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
