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Reasons Why You Can’t Sleep At Night

7 Reasons Why You Can’t Sleep At Night

If you can’t seem to sleep, look at your everyday habits. Frequent napping, getting up late, or drinking too much caffeine will keep you up. Alcohol might be a “nightcap”, but it also interrupts the internal body clock. Hunger is another common reason, so eat a small snack and avoid large meals. If your room is too hot, use a fan or open the windows.

How To Feel Better After A Night Of Overindulgence (Overeating or Drinking In Excess)

Often we attend a party in the weekend and end up eating or drinking too much. Be it a birthday, an anniversary, or a...
How To Lose Weight When You Aren't Getting Enough Sleep

6 Effective Weight Loss Tips For The Sleep Deprived

The most important step to losing weight is to make sure you’re getting enough sleep. When you don’t get at least 7 hours of...

Guided Meditation Through Stories For Toddlers Struggling To Sleep

Parenting is a hard task that requires constant and unflinching patience. Being parents to toddlers is one of the biggest challenges that parents can...

Want To Sleep Better? Split Up Your Sleep Routine

Before electricity, humans didn’t sleep in one big chunk. Biphasic sleeping, or two phases of sleep, started when the sun set. After the “first sleep,” a waking period of 1 or 2 hours allowed time for de-stressing activities like prayer and meditation. The “second sleep” ended when the sun came up. This style of sleeping reduces stress levels and promotes better rest, as the body follows the natural light. Creativity and thinking can thrive with this habit.

6 Ways To Lose Weight After 50

When you're over 50, decreased muscle mass and metabolic rate lead to weight gain. To lose weight, make a few changes to your lifestyle. Take up weight training to build muscle mass and burn more calories. Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Cut out added and artificial sugars and get enough sleep each night. Get tested for hormone imbalances, insulin resistance, or thyroid issues. Live a stress-free life and indulge in joint-friendly exercises.

Why Sleeping On Tummy Could Prove To Be Fatal For Babies?

Your baby's journey from your tummy to your arms is complete. Bringing your little one home makes your heart swell with joy. If this is...
Cutting sugar out of your diet can be hard, but not impossible.

4 Important Initial Steps You Can Take To Quit Sugar

Most of us have no idea that we consume extremely high amounts of sugar, and most of us also don't see the big deal...

Right Position For Your Baby In The 8th Month Of Pregnancy

With a month to go before you could hold your little bundle of joy in your arms, the last but one month of the...
Midnight snacking can be due to sleep deprivation and disorders

Put A Stop To Sugar Cravings By Sleeping Better

Stayed up too late last night and need a sweetened drink or some sugary treats to get you through the day? Your sleeplessness could be the problem. When you're sleep-deprived, you tend to drag yourself around, skip physical activities, and rely on sugary pick-me-ups. Such habits don't fight sleeplessness and only contribute to you gaining more weight. Optimizing your sleep can help you cut down on your sugar cravings for good and help you stay in shape!
9 Dangerous Health Effects Of Lack Of Sleep

9 Dangerous Health Effects Of Lack Of Sleep

Many factors such as stress, lifestyle, and unhealthy diets can result in a lack of sleep. Proper sleep for at least 7-8 hours a day is absolutely critical for the body to perform at its best. Cardiac problems and low libido are caused due to lack of sleep. Lack of sleep has shown to cause a number of health conditions and in extreme cases, it can even lead to death.

Why Your Baby Cries Soon After You Put Them To Sleep

Putting your baby to sleep feels like a accomplishing a milestone. Suddenly, you remember having a number of errands to run and as soon...
Losing weight can improve many aspects of our health

The 8 Amazing Side Effects Of Weight Loss

Weight loss can not only make a person healthier and happier, it has been found to do a lot more. It boosts a person’s...

Why You Should Listen To Pink Noise During Bedtime

Pink noise is sound where the energy drops by half as the sound frequency doubles, so that each octave has equal power. We, humans, perceive sound in octaves, and since pink noise has equal power per octave, it sounds more balanced to us. Thus, For pink noise is very useful in drowning out annoying low-frequency noises and in slowing down and regulating your brain waves for undisturbed sleep.
Burning Calories By Increasing Your Body Metabolism

6 Tips To Boost Your Metabolism And Lose Weight

Everyone knows that if you’re looking to lose weight, you should burn more calories than you consume or consume lesser calories than you burn....