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cannot escape the influence of toxins

8 Warning Signs That Indicate Your Body Needs A Detox Immediately

The unfortunate truth about living in the city today is that you just cannot escape the number of toxins. The food you eat and...
health benefits of cardamom tea

9 Reasons Why Cardamom Tea Is Good For You

Cardamom tea is a popular beverage with a long list of health benefits. It is nutrient-rich and can protect you from heart diseases, cancer, constipation, and dental problems. Drinking cardamom tea can make your hair and skin look healthy while protecting your skin from infections. It can boost your immunity and also your metabolism that can help you lose weight. Avoid drinking cardamom tea if you are pregnant, breast feeding, or allergic to cardamom.
Health benefits of using hot sauce

6 Benefits Of Adding Hot Sauce To Your Meals

Hot sauce is made with chilli peppers and spices that give it the spicy flavor. It contains vitamin C and capsaicin that help you lose weight, reduce inflammation, prevent diabetes and enhance your mood. Having red sauce regularly can benefit your heart health, improve your immunity, clear your sinus, and lower bad cholesterol. Capsaicin in hot sauce can also help you fight cancer by killing the cancer cells.

9 Foods To Include In Your Diet To Treat A Cough

Garlic can kill bacteria in the throat reduce cough. A hot ginger tea with honey can help remove mucus from the respiratory system. For children, 2.5 ml of honey before bedtime can ease their coughing. Black pepper can reduce congestion and clear mucus. Other foods you can include in your diet are chamomile tea, dark chocolate, pineapples, lemon, and chicken soup.
can damage esophagus lining

Home Remedies For Dry Cough With Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease and it is a condition in which the liquid content of the stomach backs up, or...

7 Things To Know About Aloe Water

Aloe water is made by extracting the gel from Aloe plants and juicing them up. They can further be diluted with water and taste can be improved with a sweetener. Aloe water and aloe juice has several benefits, ranging from slowing down ageing and treating mouth ulcers to protecting the body from oxidative stress. Moreover, aloe water can also be used to control blood sugar, treat asthma and even prevent a candida infection.
Chest pain could be caused by different reasons in athletes

How Does Exercising Cause Chest Pain In Teen Athletes?

Chest pain is scary, but it isn’t always caused by a heart attack. Non-heart related conditions can affect both teen athletes and adults. Chest wall pain, or costochondritis, happens after trauma or strenuous activity. Asthma is another common reason. In teens, respiratory infections like bronchitis or pneumonia may cause chest pain. Strains can stretch or tear tendons, while GERD causes painful heartburn. Before starting an intense exercise program, consult your doctor.
The raspy voice after jogging could be due to some medical problem

4 Reasons Why You Have A Raspy Voice After Jogging

Jogging is a common exercise that most people around the world enjoy. In some people, jogging can cause them to develop a raspy voice or even experience constriction in the throat. Silent acid reflux can cause stomach acids to rupture the throat, especially if you jog after a heavy meal. Poor airflow through the nose can mean that you breathe more through the mouth, leading to a dry and sore throat. Exercise induced bronchoconstriction might also occur when you breathe heavily in cold air.
Asthma can be triggered anywhere and anytime with these things

7 Asthma Triggers And How To Avoid Them

To properly manage asthma, stay away from common triggers. Avoid secondhand smoke by never letting people smoke in your home or car. Dust mites can be controlled by washing bedding, blankets, and stuffed animals every week. Promote good air circulation at home to prevent mold. If you are allergic to pets, keep them out of the bedroom. Chemical irritants can cause a flare-up, so use natural or homemade products. When possible, move away from wood smoke and outdoor air pollution.
Ways Poor Dental Care Can Affect Your Health

5 Ways Poor Oral Hygiene Can Affect Your Health

Poor oral hygiene can have physical, psychological, and social consequences. Gum diseases can increase the risk of heart diseases and diabetic complications. Teeth loss due to poor oral health can affect your cognition and also lead to dementia or Alzheimer's disease. During pregnancy, it is important to maintain your oral health to prevent preterm birth, miscarriage, and complications in pregnancy. Also, your susceptibility to respiratory infections increases with periodontal diseases.
Common cold ingredients can cause side-effects.

Here’s What Common Cold Medicine Ingredients Do To Your Body!

Over-the-counter drugs for a common cold are unsafe is taken in excess. Some of the ingredients, such as dextromethorphan and diphenhydramine, contained in common cold medicines could cause serious side-effects and harm the body. If you are taking prescribed drugs for other medical conditions, or are pregnant, it is best to consult a doctor before taking common cold medicines.

Everything You Need To Know About Strep Throat

When was the last time you got a sore throat? Was it accompanied by any other symptoms? Most of us dismiss a sore throat...
The health of our lungs can be promoted with simple measures at home.

5 Ways To Keep Your Lungs Healthy And Strong

Our lungs keep us breathing, and we often tend to ignore our lung health. Most of the time, we are ignorant of how to...

5 Gargling Home Remedies For A Sore Throat

A sore throat is common among all age groups and is the result of a bacterial or viral infection or an allergy. While it doesn't stay for too long, it can be quite bothersome while eating and drinking. Get rid of your sore throat by gargling with home remedies like salt water, apple cider vinegar, and licorice root. Gargling with a baking soda and salt water mixture or ginger, lemon, and honey in water works quite well too.
Don't Eat These Foods If You Have A Cough

7 Foods To Avoid When You Have A Cough

Most of us ignore coughs, but to do so can be very harmful. A short spell of coughing if neglected, can often turn into...