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How Diabetes Affects Your Mood And Relationships

Diabetes can cause drastic mood swings and disrupt the peace in your life. The fluctuating blood sugar levels can lead to unjustified anger and irrational behavior from your side. Take these simple steps to keep your levels in check and ensure a peaceful life for both yourself and others.
Celebrate Healthy Vision Month With These Simple Steps

Celebrate Healthy Vision Month With These Simple Steps

Celebrate Healthy Vision Month this May by keeping your eyes healthy using these simple steps: Take a dilated eye exam; Maintain a healthy lifestyle which includes diet of fresh and healthy foods rich in Vitamin A and beta carotene; Maintain healthy weight and quit smoking; know your family history of eye disorders; wear sunglasses when out in the sun.
Ayurveda Pain Relief For A Healthy Childhood

Ayurveda Pain Relief For A Healthy Childhood

Are you happy to give your child a dose of antibiotics or painkillers like Paracetamol or Ibuprofen every time he or she complains and shows some symptoms of being unwell? I am sure many of you wouldn't be happy to do it, just like me. It is important to understand your child's constitution (prakruti) as we are born with a unique combination of Vata, pitta, and kapha. Once you understand your child's mind-body type it will be easier for you to help your child. Feel free to contact me in case any query or doubt.
From Pharma To Dharma - Getting “Back To Nature”

From Pharma To Dharma – Getting Back To Nature

Make lifestyle choices that respect Nature's innate intelligence so that when imbalance occurs, it is quickly corrected and does not develop into a full-blown medical condition. Take the time to get back to nature by observing the imbalance and looking towards nature for a solution – a food or nutrient, a practice like yoga or meditation, an herb, or even a prayer.
Tricks To Change Your Child's Unhealthy Eating Habits

Tricks To Change Your Child’s Unhealthy Eating Habits

Kids have a lot of energy, and the best way to stabilize this high level is through healthy eating. Proper nutrition sharpens the mind of every child, and it also boosts their mood. Some tips to change your little ones eating habits are: curb bad and junk food gradually: limit portions and make them at home, create an example for them: following healthy eating habits yourself, make food look and taste fun and create a healthy eating schedule for them.
Children With Diabetes Honoring Mothers Who Stand By Them

Children With Diabetes: Honoring Mothers Who Stand By Them

I was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes back in 1977. I was six years old at the time. I remember and know from my practice that when things get out of control for a child with diabetes, mothers are the ones who have to pick up the pieces. They have to drop everything, put their fear into the background and take care of their child every time there’s a low blood sugar reaction. Each time the blood glucose meter or pump doesn’t work, Mom goes into action.

How Is Low Vitamin D Levels Linked To Depression?

Vitamin D regulates the manufacture of key brain chemicals like serotonin that are involved in the regulation of mood. Lower vitamin D3 levels predicted clinically significant depressive symptoms. In addition to vitamin D3, an insufficiency of the long chain omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) found in fish oils have also been linked to depression. Fish oils rich in EPA+ DHA provides powerful nutritional support for brain health and a positive mood. In depression, the recommended dosage is 3,000 mg EPA+DHA daily.
Side Effects Of Amla

Side Effects Of Amla And Who Must Not Consume It

Amla, also known as Amalaki or the Indian Gooseberry, is a nutrient-rich fruit, whose health benefits has been established and reaped for thousands of years. The countless medicinal properties of this fruit have given it a special place in Ayurveda. That being said, consuming Amla in excessive amounts can cause numerous side-effects like constipation, diarrhea and must not be used excessively by pregnant women and infants.
5 Ways Your Digestion Affects Your Relationship with Food

5 Ways Your Digestion Affects Your Relationship With Food

The balance of the rest of your body is highly influenced by your digestive function. 70% of your immune system is located in and around your gut– your digestive tract is the main barrier between the outside world and your blood stream. There are multiple organ systems that play an important role in your digestion including your liver, pancreas, gallbladder and your brain. Imbalances in your digestion can indicate imbalances in the function of those organs, which can mean imbalances in hormones, which can mean imbalances in other organs…it’s a holistic system that’s all closely connected.
Mindful Eating To Honor Our Mother Earth!

Mindful Eating To Honor Our Mother Earth!

We call Earth our “mother” as it has created and sustains human life and of trillions of organisms on this planet. The first step we can take, to honor and thank Mother Earth, is to start eating mindfully. As per Ayurveda, once you start eating local food as per your dosha and seasons, you become aware and balanced, aligning with nature and surroundings around you.
Mindset, Habit and Commitment For A Better Change

Mindset, Habit and Commitment For A Better Change

When you set an intention for what you desire in life and review it daily, you will begin creating and experiencing a transformation in...
Natural Remedies For Whooping Cough

Natural Remedies For Whooping Cough

Whooping cough (pertussis) is a highly contagious bacterial infection of the upper respiratory system—specifically, the area where the nasal passages meet the back of the throat...
Long Term Sickness: Patient And His Family [Part 1]

Long Term Sickness: The Patient And The Family [Part 1]

It’s been close to a decade since my father passed away. Initially suffering from Cervical Spondylitis, he later slipped and fell down in his...
Ear Infections and Antibiotics What Parents Should Know

Ear Infections and Antibiotics: What Parents Should Know?

Ask any parent about ear infections, and you will most likely hear one horror story after another. Ear infection, or Otitis Media, is the...
Breakfast Cereals

Breakfast Cereals: The Worst Breakfast For You & Your Child

"Millions of children are ingesting potentially unhealthy amounts" of vitamin A, niacin and zinc, and fortified cereals are the leading source, said a new...