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Ideal Diet To Enhance Nourishing Power Of Breast Milk

Omega 3 rich diet (supplements or foods) enriches quality of breast milk, improving cognitive functions and protecting baby from infections. Milk from overweight mothers (pre-pregnancy BMI more than 25) has lower beneficial bacteria and higher numbers of potentially pathogenic bacterial strains, which can leave the baby more exposed to infections.

Healthy Eating Habits To Prevent Childhood Obesity

Don’t tell kids what to eat but be a good example and give them options to make right decisions. Stock up on Healthy Whole Foods, eliminating room for snacking on junk. Treat fruits as a meal and make veggies taste better. Let kids cook with you and cook healthy, they'll be excited to try out the food. Indulge in physical activity that you love and be a positive influence.
Awaken Your Senses Every Morning The Ayurveda Way

Awaken Your Senses Every Morning The Ayurveda Way

According to Ayurveda, Triphala taken the night before can assist in everyday metabolism. Splashing face and eyes with cool water, brushing with herbal toothpastes, using copper tongue cleaners, practicing Yoga or Pranayama and massaging self with warm sesame oil before a bath are beneficial morning routines.

Yoga For Kids: Manage Obesity And Improve Concentration

Yoga triggers kids to move, stay healthy and tackle obesity. It helps them control stress, stay relaxed and have a better approach to real life problems. Controlling breathing is a way in which they learn how to focus. It helps them improve their attention span. It helps children to stay relaxed, calm and patient through tough days.

Sensible Tips To Avoid A Heat Stroke This Summer

The excessive summer heat can have fatal consequences. Always wear sunscreen and sun reflective clothing while outdoors. Hydration is key. Drink 3-4 liters daily. Eat smaller meals more frequently throughout to keep up energy levels. Avoid protein. Ensure the safety of kids in cars. The inside of a car gets twice as hot and is unsafe for both young and old.

Vital Tips To Prevent Niggling Childhood Allergies

Prevent childhood allergies by eliminating processed food from your diet as they clog the digestive system and contribute to the cycle of allergies. Remove food offenders with known allergens including wheat, dairy and soy and flood the body with healing nutrients. Remove health harming chemicals from your home as well.

Safe And Esssential Yoga Practices During Pregnancy

Physical condition and mental make-up of mother, postpartum depression and stress related to not knowing pre and post pregnancy care are pregnancy associated challenges. Meditative and stress management asanas relieve anxiety and distress to a great extent. This can also prevent high blood sugar, acid reflux and sciatica during the pregnancy cycle.

When and How Should Kids Use Sunscreen?

Melanoma, the most deadly type of skin cancer can be seeded in childhood as kids spend a lot of time outdoors under the harsh sun, playing games or swimming. Minimize sun damage by applying a sunscreen of SPF 30 to exposed body. Reapply every 2-3 hrs and wear dark, dense clothing. Follow this for 2 weeks so that kids make it a habit.
Ayurvedic Perspective On Mindful Eating And Honoring Food

Ayurvedic Perspective On Mindful Eating And Honoring Food

According to Ayurveda, mindful eating is one of the best ways to honor your body. The entire act of eating is a sacred ritual and art in which you connect with a higher power in the food you eat, the person(s) who grew it, people who cooked the food and the act of cooking. Offering prayers and gratitude are a way to acknowledge the consciousness in food.
Autism In Children

Ayurveda Remedies To Treat Autism In Children

Panchakarma treatments like Snehana and Swedana are helpful/Trikatu, a combination of ginger, long pepper and black pepper can be used to stimulate the production of digestive enzymes and promote the absorption of essential nutrients/Herbs like Brahmi, Shatavari and ayurvedic medicines like Suvarna Prashan, Chaitanoday rasa are helpful.
Does Your Relationship Have These 3 Things [Quiz]

Does Your Relationship Have These 3 Things [Quiz]

The A.R.E scale has 3 parameters to measure emotional responsiveness for couples. A for Accessibility, R for Responsiveness, E for Engagement. The quiz is taken from the book ‘Hold Me Tight, Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love’ by Dr.Johnson and has been shortened. You can check your score on the A.R.E scale by answering 3 simple questions.
Does Your Relationship Have These 3 Things

Does Your Relationship Have These 3 Things?

Emotional responsiveness makes a relationship thrive and provides long-lasting love. A.R.E outlines what and how emotional responsiveness works. A means Accessibility which is being open, paying attention to each other. R means Responsiveness is being able to emotionally rely on your partner. E means Engagement which is knowing your partner values you.
Childhood Stress: Effects On Academic Performance

Childhood Stress: Effects On Academic Performance

Recent research suggests that stressed children are at a risk for cognitive damage. This can affect your child's academic performance and cause depression later in life. Stress hormones effectively undo the beneficial effects of enrichment and stunt brain development. High levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol, are toxic to the brain.
Get Rid Of Your Child's Sweet Cravings

How To Get Rid Of Your Child’s Sweet Cravings?

Postpone the introduction of sweets to young children. Sweet cravings may be a sign of dehydration, increase the amount of water your child drinks. Introduce more naturally sweet veggies and fruits. Being more active helps release feel-good endorphins. Eliminate fat-free and low-fat processed foods. Get more sleep, rest and relaxation.
Ayurveda Why It's Considered Sacred Medicine

Ayurveda: Why It’s Considered Sacred Medicine

Ayurveda deals with problems at a root level rather than just on the surface. It targets the inner pathways and creates a drift in energy levels according to the ailment. Ayurveda believes that you have the power of unlimited healing within you. Lets say you have high blood pressure; just close your eyes and embrace your inner self, you will feel the difference.