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Amazing Ways How Your Clothes Affect Your Mood

Amazing Ways How Your Clothes Affect Your Mood

The clothes we wear has a huge impact on our mood. Certain clothes cheer us up and make us happy. Some clothes instill a sense of responsibility and power in us and help us focus better. Many studies have shown that some people also wear certain clothes to conceal their emotions. Dressing up well can help us overcome gloominess and lift up our spirit.

Rhodiola – The Ultimate Remedy For Stress

Stress has become a part and parcel of our modern lives. Hectic schedules, transient relationships and emotional upheavals can take a great toll on...
Gut health can directly affect your libido and sexual desires

How An Unhealthy Gut Reduces Your Sexual Desires

Your gut has a lot more influence in your life than in just digestion. The entire gastrointestinal system contains a huge number of bacteria and neurons that directly affect your emotional impulses. They also affect the production of serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter that makes you happy and excited. An unhealthy gut can also induce anxiety and depression, which directly affect your sexual performance. So, eat healthily, sleep well, and exercise to not lose interest in life.

How Your Body And Mood Changes During Ovulation

Ovulation is the time when our bodies are the most baby-ready. While your body goes through many fertility changes, these may also have a strong impact on our thoughts, behaviors, and moods. From unpredictable sleep patterns and tender nipples, to a sudden boost in self-esteem and the temptation to chat up that cute boy you've had your eye on.
Bipolar disorder is a debilitating condition that affects millions of people.

7 Questions Psychiatrists Ask To Diagnose Bipolar Disorder

While mental illnesses like depression and anxiety are well known and understood fairly well, other illnesses like schizophrenia and obsessive compulsive disorder don't receive the...

8 Reasons Why You Should Drink More Water

Water is nothing less than an incredible magic potion. It gives and restores life on our planet. The benefits of water for our bodies...
Couples that gym together stay together.

5 Reasons To Work Out Together As A Couple

Exercise comes with wonderful benefits for both your body and your mind. The known benefits are weight loss and a healthier body system, but...
Is Semen The New All- Natural Antidepressant For Women?

Is Semen The New All-Natural Antidepressant For Women?

Psychologists have found that a woman's happiness levels and sleep quality could be related to the quantity of semen going into her body during sex. Semen contains a range of mood-boosting and sleep-inducing hormones that enter a woman's blood through her vagina, thus alleviating her mood. However, since unprotected sex comes with its own risks, it is advisable to approach this topic with reasoning and caution.

How Diet Soda Affects Different Parts Of Your Body And Your Mood

Ditching regular sugar-sweetened soda is the first thing you do when you try to lose weight. And you start consuming diet soda, believing that...
10 Foods To Avoid Before Sex: The Mood Killers

10 Foods To Avoid Before Sex: The Mood Killers

Some foods act as anti-aphrodisiacs if consumed pre-lovemaking. These include gas-causing foods like French fries, broccoli, and canned foods. A number of foods lower sex drive and testosterone levels like hot dogs, peppermint, and tofu. The liquids aren’t left behind. Alcohol, tonic water, and energy drinks are best avoided before sex, too.
things your doctor doesn't know

6 Important Things Your Doctor Doesn’t Know

Important things like prostate health, sex life problems, and hormonal imbalances, are a few things that your doctor may not know. They may not diagnose the symptoms correctly, that leads to improper treatment, and thus affecting your health. A doctor may not be able to diagnose fibromyalgia as it shows many common symptoms and cannot be diagnosed by lab tests. The right amount of protein that is safe for you, can only be decided by a nutritionist. Always visit a specialist for effective treatment of your problems.
Health Benefits Of Eating Fava Beans

Want To Fight Depression? Check If Fava Beans Can Help

Depression is a serious mental disorder affecting over 300 million globally! When depressed you may use natural foods like fava beans to get relief. Fava beans rich nutritional properties can help uplift your mood, boost energy level, and improve your motor function.
Foods For Different Kinds Of Bad Moods

5 Foods For Different Kinds Of Bad Moods

Food has a big impact on your mood. If you're feeling stressed, eat dark chocolate to reduce the stress hormone cortisol. When you have PMS, eat peanut butter to calm mood swings and tension. Salmon will also help during times of anxiety, thanks to omega-3 fats. The same nutrients in walnuts can control your anger, too. Feeling sad? Eat spinach for folate – a nutrient that helps brain development.

8 Bad Habits You Can No Longer Get Away With In Your 40s

Entering your 40s can be a strange experience because you're definitely not getting any younger but mentally, you don't really consider yourself as an...
How Can Light Therapy Treat Your Depression

How Can Light Therapy Treat Your Depression?

Light therapy uses a box that gives off light. It's similar to outdoor light and 20 times stronger than indoor light. This therapy regulates the body's circadian rhythm or biological clock. You'll sleep and feel better! The circadian rhythm is located in the brain, after all. With more sleep, you'll feel happier and less fatigued. Possible risks include eye irritation, headaches, and dry skin. Yet, compared to anti-depressants, light therapy has little to no side effects.