How Your Body And Mood Changes During Ovulation

Most of us think that ovulation is to do with painful cramps and frustrating breakouts. The fact is, a lot of strange things go on inside your body when that egg is released – things you’ve probably never even noticed.

This is the time when our bodies are the most baby-ready and those few tricks that Nature has up her sleeve come into play to ensure that happens. While most of these changes are associated with fertility, some of them directly translate to unexpected thoughts, moods, and behaviors.


Keeping yourself in the loop about your biological happenings can help you answer a lot of burning questions like why you get so many hot flashes, or why you feel like a balloon while you’re premenstrual syndrome-ing. Here are 5 unusual things that happen to your body when you’re ovulating.

4 Ways Your Body Changes During Ovulation

1. You Feel Happier About Yourself

The sudden influx of estrogen in your body during ovulation will leave you in the best of moods.


The sudden influx of estrogen in your body during ovulation will have your spirits soaring. One plausible explanation for this is that your good mood is just your body’s way of making sure you have enough sex so that you get pregnant. Also, ovulating women exhibiting more assertiveness, enthusiasm, and activity are also more likely to naturally appear more attractive to the opposite sex. This way, the mating process becomes easier.

Even your immune system gets a boost, leading to us feeling healthier. Research claims that ovulating women show an improvement in asthma symptoms and also show a drop in cholesterol levels.1 2


2. Your Sleep Becomes Unpredictable

If an ovulating woman is attracted to her partner, she’s most probably losing sleep because she’s feeling friskier than usual.

Find yourself tossing and turning in bed more often? It may not always be work stress-related! According to studies, ovulation may be responsible for stealing your sleep. Research says that women who were attracted to their partner are more likely to lose sleep when their bodies are in the most fertile state.3 This is because when a woman’s body is in its ovulation stage, it’s basically getting all geared up to have intercourse so it can start making some babies. So if an ovulating woman is attracted to her partner, she’s most probably losing all her sleep because she’s feeling friskier than usual.


Of course, if she isn’t, the opposite may hold true, where she may find no reason to not grab some extra hours of shut-eye.

3. Your Breasts Will Be Extra Sensitive

Ovulation stimulates the glands in your breasts, making your nipples feeling sore and extra sensitive.


Ever wondered why you flinch even when something (or even someone) nudges your precious ladies ever so lightly?

Ovulation is a very busy time for all your hormones. With them rushing in and out to carry out their functions appropriately, the glands in your breasts get stimulated. This results in your breasts and nipples feeling sore and tender.


Since ovulation is a time when a woman is at her horniest best, it is also possible that the sudden surge in sexual energy and activity may leave her breasts feeling more sensitive.

4. You Are At Your Flirtatious Best

With ovulation being a phase when a woman's body gets ready for baby-making, women are most likely to flirt more.


With ovulation being a phase where a woman’s body gets ready for baby-making, this is a time when women start advertising their sexuality. They do this by being more chatty and flirtatious, but only with those men that are more their “type” – who’d make good mating options.

This also happens to work in favor of us women because we also appear more attractive to the opposite sex during ovulation! That subtle rosy glow that the process lends to your overall complexion is likely to draw more men to you. Once again, this is one of Nature’s designs to facilitate the process of mating.
