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All You Need To Know About Preterm Labor And Birth

When a baby is born in between 20 and 34 weeks of pregnancy, she is called a preterm or premature baby. It's the leading cause of death among children below the age of 5 worldwide. This is because preterm babies are more vulnerable to illnesses compared to infants born at full-term. There are several risk factors for a preterm labor to occur. However, it can be prevented with lifestyle modifications.
Breastfeeding can be very beneficial for the baby

8 Things You Didn’t Know About Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a beautiful way to bond with your baby. But it also requires some research beforehand. For example, the first latch may take a few weeks. Breastfeeding can reduce your risk of cancer and save you money. If you breastfeed while sick, it can help your baby. It can help make introducing solid food easier as well. If you’re planning to have a baby, consider the benefits of breastfeeding.

Pregnancy Body Pillow – Should You Buy It Or Not?

Pregnant women struggling to sleep is a common challenge. If you have been hearing it out the millionth time from someone to enjoy sleeping...

7 Silly Things He Silently Worries About During Your Pregnancy

While you are holding that little life in your belly who gives you backaches, swollen feet, morning sickness and what not, your partner holds...

Truths About Your First Trimester That All Pregnant Women Should Prepare For

Congrats! You are all set to embrace motherhood. Even though you know the beautiful reward waiting for you at the end of the nine...

Real Reason Why Some Newborns Are Very Hairy

Every newborn is different. Some of them have glorious locks of hair on their heads that make them look absolutely adorable. Scientific studies have proven that expectant mothers who suffered from chronic heartburn during pregnancy are more likely to have newborns with hairy heads. In many cases, this is due to the hormonal influence of estrogen on the growing fetus.

7 Things Everyone Thinks That Happen During A C-Section, But Don’t

There is no dearth of misinformation about c-sections. Even though rates of c-sections are on the rise in the United States, many people still...

How Positive Affirmations Can Improve Your Pregnancy and Birth Experience

What if the words you speak could give you the strength and determination to make a difference in your life? Positive affirmations are associated psychological...
9 Things To Know About Irregular Periods After Miscarriage

Irregular Periods After A Miscarriage: 7 Things To Know

Miscarriages occur quite commonly and are generally not a major cause for concern. But a woman’s body undergoes many changes after a miscarriage. For instance, a woman’s periods may become irregular, or the flow may be very heavy, or the periods may be absent for over a month. All women must become aware of the changes in their menstrual periods after they experience a miscarriage.

What To Do If You Get Pneumonia While Pregnant

Pregnant women are at a high risk of pneumonia, especially if they already have any other underlying illnesses. The symptoms mostly are the same as that of ordinary pneumonia- cold, cough, fever, chest pain, etc. The key to staying safe is not ignoring any symptoms, especially if the woman is already affected by asthma or anemia. If you notice any flu-like symptoms, immediately consult a doctor and discuss the safest course of treatment.
natural remedies for depression during pregnancy

7 Natural Remedies To Fight Depression During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is both an exciting and a scary time in any woman's life – but this is more pronounced for someone with prenatal depression. A number of natural home remedies and steps can help ease depression during pregnancy. Talk therapy and bright light therapy can help relieve symptoms of prenatal depression. It's important to avoid inflammatory foods and consume foods rich in iron and zinc to fight depression. You also need to stay physically active and get adequate sleep.

Why Do I Have to Urinate So Often Now I’m Pregnant?

An increase in the number of trips to the restroom is one of the most common early symptoms of pregnancy. And this early symptom...

Bed Rest Or Activity Restriction During Pregnancy

If you have been ordered off feet and bed rest, catch up on your sleep and delegate the chores to your partner. Although bed...

Everything You Want To Know About A C-Section Scar

Whenever anyone talks about a c-section, many concerns come to an expectant mom’s mind. Among many other things, every pregnant woman worries about the incision...
Ways to treat swollen legs during pregnancy.

7 Ways To Treat Swollen Legs During Pregnancy

Swollen legs happen to be one of the many changes brought on by pregnancy. And, they're caused by fluid retention. A few steps can help you manage this problem. Reduce your sodium intake and stay hydrated. Incorporate foods rich in Vitamins A, B, C, E, and iron in your diet. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Rest often with your feet elevated. Ditch processed food and eat whole grains. Lastly, try massages, hydrotherapy, and acupuncture.