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Tag: Digestive Health

8 Signs That Show You’re Becoming Depressed

Depression is not merely a mental condition- it is a serious illness that can break even the strongest of human beings. It is an...

8 Odd Changes That Happen During Pregnancy

Apart from the obvious changes such as a bulging abdomen, a woman’s body undergoes a series of changes during the trimesters. While the mother...

Gut Health: 6 Ways To Promote Proper Elimination

Kickstart your mornings with a tall glass of warm water while be sure to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water during the rest of the day. Use healthy oils like coconut oil, olive oil, ghee in foods to create lubrication. Slash dairy and red meat from your diet; instead fill up on cooked roughage and fiber-filled foods including whole grains, beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds.
benefits of honey lemon water

11 Health Benefits Of Honey Lemon Water

Lemon is a powerhouse of vital nutrients and antioxidants that are essential for restoring health and rejuvenating your body. The benefits of lemon multiply...
natural probiotic foods

5 Natural Probiotic Foods For A Healthy Gut And Stronger Immunity

Considered a superfood, probiotics are food products fermented by lactic acid bacteria. They play a major role in modulating the gut flora, thereby managing many gut disorders. Yogurt, buttermilk, tempeh, miso, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and cheese are some probiotics that provide various health benefits. It's easy to make them at home.

10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Figs

The fig is originally from the Middle East and western Asia, where it is considered a delicacy. The tenderness of its flesh and the...

11 Reasons Why You Should Drink Water In Copper Vessels

Ayurveda talks about how water stored in a copper vessel can regulate the doshas or energies in our body, namely Vata, Pitta, and Kapha....

5 Tips To A Healthy Gut And Weight Loss

Consume a diet that is high in fiber (soluble+insoluble) and which incorporates a daily dose of high quality multi-strain probiotics i.e cultured and fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, green olives, raw cheese. Make sure to take the probiotics on an empty stomach, without chlorinated water. Slash added sugar, processed, refined foods from your diet.

10 Diseases Caused By Not Washing Your Hands Before Meals

If you think you are doing a good job in the personal hygiene department, here is news for you. You could collect dirt and...

10 Diseases You Can Prevent By Washing Your Hands Before Eating

Washing your hands before eating may seem like a waste to time and energy to many, especially if your are just going to use...
Natural ways to get rid of bloating

7 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Bloating

Maintain a food diary to figure out your personal food triggers and avoid them in future. Slash gas-producing foods like cruciferous veggies, beans, fruits like apples, pears, and carbonated drinks; instead cook with digestive spices like cumin, turmeric, peppercorn. Apply a mix of asafoetida powder and castor oil to the navel area to ease gas and relieve sluggish digestion.

7 Signs That Show Your Detox Routine Is Actually Working

Here are 7 common physical conditions that you may experience in the first few days of detoxing and ways to prevent/address these conditions as they arise.
herbs to remove intestinal parasites

8 Herbs That Kill Intestinal Parasites Naturally

Internal parasites can cause various digestive and intestinal problems. Here are 8 magic herbs that will help you get rid of these parasites naturally.

How Can Ayurveda Spark Spontaneous Weight Loss

The effectiveness of any diet is directly related to a healthy digestive system and your dosha. Strengthening your digestion and making certain lifestyle changes according to you dosha will contribute majorly to losing weight. These few simple Ayurvedic steps will strengthen your body and spontaneously help lose weight.

How The Microbiome Helps Lose Weight

Our body comprises a large community of microorganisms, collectively called a microbiome. These bacteria control almost all of our impulses. We can boost the strength of good or bad bacteria with the type of our food intake. Understand the concept and reduce weight faster by influencing the right type of bacteria.