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Apple is a wonder-fruit that offers a lot of benefits to your body.

Top 10 Benefits You Get From Eating Apples

Remember that good old saying about an apple and a doctor? The humble apple is a wonder-fruit that offers a lot of benefits to your...
Not all carbs are bad for you

Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Be Scared Of Carbs In Your Diet

If you've been looking to lose weight quickly, chances are you've been asked to cut out the carbs from your meals. Low-carb diets are the latest trend in weight loss, but they miss out on the fact that not all carbs are the same. To lose weight effectively, you should know the difference between good and bad carbs so you can maintain a healthy diet that contains all vital nutrients in the right form and quantity.

How Much Vitamin E Your Body Needs For Optimal Health

Vitamin E is good for your skin, eyes, heart, and overall immunity. Being an antioxidant, vitamin E can fight free radicals and protect the body from diseases. Adults require 15 mg every day and much lesser for children. Natural sources like almonds, sunflower oil, broccoli, avocado, etc in the diet can meet your body's needs.

Have Magnesium Deficiency? Use These 5 Herbs

Many Americans don’t get enough magnesium. To avoid deficiency, eat magnesium-rich foods like nuts and leafy greens. You can also add herbs like thyme, basil, cilantro, dill, and sage for a boost. These plants won’t cure the deficiency, but they’ll increase intake in small doses. Not sure if your magnesium levels are low? Visit the doctor and get a blood test. Early magnesium signs include nausea, muscle cramps, and abnormal heart rhythm but can easily be mistaken for other conditions.

Everything You Need To Know About Hepatitis C

As crucial as it is to acknowledge hepatitis C Virus (HCV) as an epidemic is also the need to understand the side effects caused by its treatment. Being asymptomatic, Hepatitis C is tough to detect. About 150 million people suffer from this disease worldwide. Side effects range from fatigue to muscle aches to jaundice. Anemia is one of the most commonly noticed side effects of HCV treatment and it needs to be understood, monitored and countered so that the patients can have a better quality of life.
(If you are a woman who is on birth control pills, then your pills could also be a major contributing factor to your thyroid problem

Is ‘The Pill’ The Root Cause Of Your Thyroid Problem?

If you suffer from hypothyroidism, then you may be familiar with its symptoms, such as unexplained weight gain, fatigue, muscle soreness and pain, mental...

Salt Deficiency: A Possible Cause Of Unwanted Weight Gain

The body requires enough salt for maintaining water balance, contracting muscles, and improving digestion. The recommended intake of salt for adults is 6 grams. Low-salt foods may cause unwanted weight gain by triggering cravings for sugary foods and causing you to eat more than you would to compensate for the body's salt deficiency.
symptoms of thalassemia

Signs And Symptoms Of Thalassemia To Watch Out For

Thalassemia can take on myriad forms, and depending on what you're dealing with – alpha thalassemia or beta thalassemia, thalassemia trait, or thalassemia major – your symptoms may vary. Watch for signs like stunted growth, delayed puberty, pale or jaundiced appearance, fatigue, bone development issues, and dark colored urine. Complications may include severe/mild anemia, heart problems, liver cirrhosis, and diabetes, each bringing its own symptoms.

Try These 7 Top Food Sources Of Iodine

To avoid iodine deficiency, enjoy foods from the sea. Cod and shrimp are protein-rich sources. Seaweed is high in iodine, but it has so much that overdose can develop. Eat it with caution. For something more convenient, reach for canned tuna. Cow’s milk and cooked navy beans offer decent amounts, too. If you don’t like seafood or dairy, eat a boiled egg for a small dose of iodine.
Anemia rashes can be due to multiple health conditions related to red blood cell count

Anemia Rashes: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment Options

Anemia rashes often cause petechiae, or red and purple tiny dots, caused by blood vessels breaking apart. Aplastic anemia is a common cause, but other conditions may also lead to anemia. Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura uses up platelets, causing constant clotting. Red blood cells breaking down too fast can cause paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria. If a gastrointestinal infection releases toxins, hemolytic-uremic syndrome develops, leading to hemolytic anemia. Treatments range from blood transfusions to iron supplements.

A Nutrient Deficiency Coffee Lovers Are Likely To Have

Coffee contains caffeine, a diuretic that promotes sodium excretion. For most people, this is good news. Americans already eat way too much salt! But if you are on diuretic drugs or sweat a lot, caffeine may lead to sodium deficiency. Just 90 milligrams of caffeine can make you lose 437 milligrams of sodium through urine. To avoid deficiency, add a dash of salt to coffee or non-dairy creamer.

7 Health Issues That Can Affect Your Body Hair Growth

Both excessive hair growth and hair fall are often viewed from a cosmetic viewpoint. However, they can be indicators of underlying disease. Autoimmune disorders, thyroid disease, and PCOS all cause hair fall, as does chronic iron deficiency. Adrenal cancers, PCOS, protein deficiency, and vitamin A overdose can cause hair growth issues on the body. Since most hair anomalies are due to hormonal reasons, correcting the underlying problem corrects the hair pattern.
The Health Benefits Of Chaya Leaves

The Incredible Healing Powers Of Chaya (Tree Spinach)

If you’ve never heard of chaya before, you’re not alone. For centuries, this plant grew deep within the forests of Mexico, while the rest...

Serious Health Issues That Might Be Causing Your Dark Circles

Most of you believe that those unsightly and annoying dark circles on your face are caused by a lack of sleep, exhaustion, or due to staring at a computer screen for hours. While this can be true, there are other factors that could possibly cause dark circles. Dark circles under your eyes can also be the underlying sign of more serious health issues, including anemia, liver disease, and dehydration.

The Chinese Tongue Test And Astonishing Revelations About Your Health

Our tongues play a multifaceted role in the functioning of our bodies. It helps us relish a delectable plate of food. It helps in...