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Treating Attention-Deficit Disorders: The Importance Of Nutrition

Attention-deficit disorders, namely ADHD and ADD, affect one's ability to focus and be attentive. Ongoing research is looking into the link between nutrition and attention disorders. Deficiencies in zinc, iron, magnesium, and vitamin B6 are common in ADHD patients. Artifical colorings and additives might account for 10% of hyperactivity in children. Excessive consumption of simple sugar might worsen hyperactivity. Certain symptoms of omega 3 deficiency and ADHD are similar.

All There Is To Know About Biotin Deficiency

Biotin is required for several body functions including energy metabolism, cell signaling, and glycogen synthesis. Hence, deficiency in this vitamin causes hair, skin, eye, and neurological disorders. Although it is rare, smokers, pregnant women, alcohol addicts, and people with Biotinidase deficiency are at risk of biotin deficiency. But, this deficiency can be treated easily with biotin-rich foods or supplements. Few studies state that biotin improves hair, nails, and certain health conditions.
ways to overcome vitamin d deficiency

How To Overcome Vitamin D Deficiency: A 3-Step Plan

Vitamin D is extremely important for your bone health and a deficiency can result in weak and brittle bones. Your body can produce vitamin D when skin is directly exposed to sunlight. You can also get vitamin D through foods such as beef liver, eggs, mushrooms, cod liver oil, and fatty fish like swordfish, salmon, or tuna. Your doctor may also advise supplements if you are found to be deficient.

5 Physical Health Conditions That Can Cause Anxiety

Anxiety doesn’t always start out as a mental disorder. Hyperthyroidism, or an overactive thyroid gland, can increase metabolic rate and induce anxiety. With anemia, heart rate may increase as the body tries to circulate blood faster. Anxiety, plus fatigue and shortness of breath, may show up before a heart attack. Are your periods irregular? You might have polycystic ovary syndrome, which can cause anxiety from high testosterone. Deficiency of zinc, iron, and some B vitamins may also cause nervousness.

Why Do Pregnant Women Have Food Cravings?

Ask any woman to describe her experience with pregnancy, and food cravings will definitely figure in the conversation. Food cravings, and crazy ones at...

Magnesium Deficiency: Symptoms And How To Fix It

About 48% Americans' diet does not meet the daily requirement of magnesium. If you have a magnesium deficiency, you could lose your appetite, experience nausea, diarrhea, headaches, and fatigue. To up your intake of magnesium, eat spinach, avocado, and pumpkin seeds. You could also drink sparkling water that contains magnesium. Supplements are another option. However, don't self-diagnose and always consult a doctor before taking supplements, especially if you're pregnant or are on other medication.

6 Dangerously Silent Signs Of A Vitamin B12 Deficiency

A tingly sensation may be a sign that you have a vitamin B12 deficiency. Constantly feeling exhausted or depressed could also be a sign that your body doesn't have enough vitamin B12 to produce healthy red blood cells or to manufacture serotonin. Studies have linked diabetes to a risk of vitamin B12 deficiency while researchers claim that heartburn medication inhibits nutrient absorption and may, therefore, lead to vitamin B12 deficiency.
How to identify iron deficiency in women

This Deficiency Explains Why Some Women Feel So Tired

Unless you’re guzzling caffeine all day, there’s going to come a point when you yawn and wish you were curled up in bed. Feeling...
AIDS can be managed by getting sufficient nutrient intake

AIDS Is A Collection Of Nutrient Deficiencies

HIV/AIDS is one of the most misunderstood diseases in the industrialized world. The conventional view is that it is a dangerous disease that has killed...

9 Reasons Your Hair Is Falling Out

Have you been noticing more stray hair than normal on your pillowcase? And on your combs? Some hair fall is natural and healthy. But...
Everything You Need To Know About Vitamin A

Everything You Need To Know About Vitamin A

As children, very few of us got away with not clearing our plate of the veggies, including carrots. And while we reluctantly obeyed, we’d...
symptoms of hypocalcemia

What Are The Symptoms Of Hypocalcemia?

Hypocalcemia which is the acute deficiency of serum calcium in the body manifest as various symptoms that vary from neuromuscular and neurological to dermatological and cardiac. Your vision could get affected and you could even develop a cataract from hypocalcemia.

3 Ways Your Body Can Get Enough Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is common today and most people are unaware of it. It can cause fatigue and even depression. A few minutes in the sun helps your body produce enough vitamin D. When sunlight exposure is not enough, the doctor may prescribe vitamin D supplements. Including vitamin-D rich foods like fatty fish, beef liver, cheese, eggs, etc. in your diet may help fight the deficiency.
The B vitamin group consists of 8 vitamins and vitamin B5, which is also referred to as pantothenic acid, is one of them)

Here’s Everything You Need To Know About Vitamin B5

The B vitamin group consists of 8 vitamins and vitamin B5, which is also referred to as pantothenic acid, is one of them. It...

Everything You Need To Know About Vitamin B7

Vitamin B7 can be your best bet for healthier living! This nutrient improves metabolism, maintains blood sugar, aids weight loss, and ensures healthy skin. A lack of vitamin B7 in your regular diet can cause fatigue and other disorders. Include foods like egg yolks, fish, milk, spinach, and bananas to reach the daily recommended intake, which is 30 mcg for adults.